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Robert Moss – Dream With the Soul of the World
Robert Moss – Dream With the Soul of the World
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational intensive, Robert will guide you through the fundamental kairomancy skills you’ll need to tap into the power of divination and synchronicity — to dream with the Soul of the World for a vital, meaningful, and joyous life.
This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Robert. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, as you go on a game-filled adventure through the magical world of synchronicities and gain all the tools you need to become an artful kairomancer — to create a joyful life filled with wisdom, juice, and meaning.
Module 1: Visit Ancient Oracles

People once went to ancient oracles for all the reasons you might turn to a medium or a card reader today — for guidance about love, money, health, a travel plan, and more.
In this opening session, Robert will share an important question to ask yourself: Who supports me or opposes me among the greater powers? And what must I do to sustain the favor or appease the wrath of the gods or spirits?
Robert will lead you on an imaginal tour of ancient Greek oracles guided by research, animated by magic words — and fueled by shamanic drumming and sounds of bubbling water.
You’ll explore situations where oracles delivered wisdom, and bring back insight you can apply to your life.
These guided journeys and visualizations will include:
- Journey to the Speaking Tree. You go to Dodona to dream with the Earth, to borrow the wings and keen vision of the birds, and to commune with the Tree of Wisdom, an ancient oak sacred to both god and goddess, to Zeus and Dione. Priests of the tree oracle were required to go barefoot and sleep on the ground, so they would never lose contact with the Earth and the Soul of the World. The priestesses of Dodona were called Doves, and you can see them perched in the oak or fluttering from branch to branch, forever listening, for this place is alive with sound.
- A Glimpse of the Pythia. You look in on the Pythia, perched on her tripod with laurel in her hand at Delphi, as she speaks for the oracle. You discover what it means when it’s said that “the god neither reveals nor conceals. He gives signs.” You confirm that truth comes with goosebumps.
- Visit to the Marketplace Oracle. You’ll be invited to whisper your intention for guidance in the ear of Hermes in the ancient market of Pharai, then receive a response from sound or speech that will come to you in your everyday world.
- Journey to the Dream Oracle. Pilgrims traveled from all over the Greco-Roman world to sacred sites dedicated to Asklepios and to ancestral heroes and daimons, to seek a direct encounter with a sacred guide and healing during the night. You’ll follow the trail of the dream pilgrims and hear some of their stories. You’ll also be encouraged and inspired to consult the dream oracle at home, anytime you’d like.
Module 2: Make Everyday Oracles

If you want to hear oracles speak, you don’t need to go all the way to Dodona or Delphi.
Robert will explain how the world around you speaks to you in signs and symbols — and special moments of synchronicity, if you’re open and available to this phenomenon.
This can open life doors for you, even when all doors seem to be closed. It can thrill you with the sense that the universe just got personal — like you received a secret handshake from a hidden hand.
You can put a question out into the world, as the Greeks put questions to oracles. Or, you can simply be open to what the world gives you in the form of symbolic pop-ups — for instance, the vanity plate on a car, an overheard snatch of conversation from a stranger, or a chance encounter.
You’ll become fully awake and alive to the fact that the world is dealing you tarot cards every day.
In this class, you’ll learn how to:
- Put your question to the world and receive guidance on a life theme
- Let the world put its questions to you, by scheduling unscheduled time to pay attention, with all of your senses, to the play of signs and symbols around you
- Examine your attitude, with an awareness that your attitude may generate everything you encounter
- Listen for your daily kledon , the kind of message the Greeks asked Hermes to deliver at the oracle of Pharai
- Master and apply the 10 rules of the kairomancer
- Recognize and work with personal omens
- Practice bibliomancy, finding a message in a book
Module 3: Walk the Secret Wishes of Your Soul

Dreams show us the secret wishes of the soul, according to the ancient teachings of the Huron-Wendat people.
Robert will explain how to honor those wishes. He’ll guide you to turn away from what he calls the grocery lists of the little everyday mind.
As you’ll discover, this can help you live with more vital energy and avoid the languishing condition that shamans call soul loss.
You’ll learn to take action to embody the creative and healing energy of dreams, get a second opinion on a dream through divination and kairomancy, and much more.
In this class, you’ll learn how to:
- Recognize and honor the secret wishes of the soul, as revealed in dreams
- Play games to decode dream symbols
- Find the gifts in “bad” dreams and nightmares — and learn that “the fiercest dragons guard the richest treasures,” as Rilke said
- Meet your animal allies in dreams and visions and walk with them in daily life,borrowing their sensory perception and social instinct
Module 4: Dream With the Soul of the World

This world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence… a single visible living entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all related.
— Plato
Nature doesn’t exist in straight lines. However, it does have order, symmetry, and harmony beyond what the rational mind can perceive — and beyond what simple causality can explain.
In this session, Robert will explain how we glimpse the contours of this greater order through synchronistic phenomena — in which forces from beyond time intrude into the world of clocks and calendars.
When you follow these forces, you’ll find clues leading you to the reality that the ancients called the Soul of the World, the anima mundi.
The many are part of the One. Inner and outer, mind and matter, are not separate and are constantly dancing with each other. “As above, so below. As within, so without,” says the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus.
In this class, you’ll:
- Explore the dance of mind and matter
- Learn from the creative partnership of depth psychologist Carl Jung and quantum physicist Wolfgang Pauli in exploring the weave of mind and matter
- Cultivate the practice of listening to the Speaking Land
- Listen to ancestral voices — from your bloodlines, the spirits of the land, and your spiritual family across time and space
- Track the play of the archetypes in your inner and outer life
Module 5: Create Your Book of Signatures

As a kairomancer who recognizes when synchronicity is at work, your journal is your most important tool. It’s likely to be the most important book you’ll ever write and one of the most important you’ll ever read.
As Robert will explain in this session, when you record dreams and synchronicities, you’ll find you’re compiling a personal dictionary of symbols — what the alchemists called a Book of Signatures.
Your journal, kept over time, will become your log of supernormal experiences like precognition, telepathy, and clairsentience. It’s a place where you’ll track your possible glimpses of parallel lives and parallel worlds.
In this fun class, you’ll learn games to play with your journal, including:
- Developing your journal as a magical diary
- Growing your personal dictionary of symbols
- Practicing bibliomancy with your journal (and other books)
- Expanding your Dream Oracle deck
- Writing a dream report from a day in your life
- Practicing word magic, including the power of naming
- Crafting snappy one-liners that mobilize creative action and seize the attention of others
Module 6: Turn Obstacles Into Assets

The Stoic emperor Marcus Aurelius found that on the road of life, the obstacle may be the way.
When you find yourself blocked or challenged, that may be a prompt for you to look for a better way, or develop needed skill sets or the courage and perseverance to see something through.
As Robert will explain, you may discover that a block has been placed in your way to induce you to find a better way. The philosopher Schopenhauer suggested that when we’re on the wrong path, a “conspiracy of fate” may prevent our progress.
In this class, you’ll be encouraged to:
- Play with your blocks and find the gift in your wounds
- Seek opportunity in every setback
- Study how you can either break down or break through at moments of transformation
- Ask the spiral questions: When you come to a familiar crossroads in life, do you recall what happened last time? Can you use that knowledge to make a better choice or to go forward in greater self-awareness, so you leave the wheel of repetition and climb the spiral path of personal growth?
Module 7: Call in Fox Magic in Edgy Times

When Fox appears in your dreams, the message is: Pay attention.
In this final module you’ll meet the Fox, a liminal animal who appears in your dreams to signal that you’re probably entering a tumultuous time in your life.
Fox is at home in confusion and knows when to hunt, when to hide, and how to wait in hiding for the right opportunity. Fox is also a master of distraction — and can succeed in distracting you when you get too sober-sided and serious about life.
Fox has a gift of story, and Robert will share Fox tales from many world traditions.
You’ll learn that the first identified shaman in history is a woman buried with the remains of a fox in her hand in what is now the Czech Republic — and how a fox may be the key to a Celtic mystery.
You’ll follow the pawprints of Fox in divination from Japan to Mali. You’ll discover, along with Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s beloved Little Prince, that to win the secret of the Fox, you must soften the wild one, while growing closer to the wild yourself.
You’ll be guided to enter a Fox’s Earth to discover how to handle challenges and opportunities that may lie ahead with greater craft, and acquire Fox’s Edge — the ability to relish ambiguity and live on the borders of the tame and the wild where the most interesting things happen.
As this course draws to a close, you’ll be ready to:
- Be open and available to those special moments when the universe gets personal
- Play games that invite you to come to your senses, to come fully awake and alive in both your bodily senses and your inner feelings and intuitions
- Grow the poetic consciousness that allows you to taste and touch what rhymes and resonates in the world you inhabit, and how the world-behind-the-world reveals itself by fluttering the veils of consensual reality
- Listen to the Speaking Land
- Follow a path of natural magic, moving beyond self-limiting beliefs into a world filled with juice and possibility
The Dream With the Soul of the World Bonus Collection
In addition to Robert’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Asking for Guidance From Dreams & the World
Video Teaching From Robert Moss

Dream incubation has always been a popular, effective way to talk to the God/Goddess. You set an intention, develop a simple personal ritual, and go to bed ready to receive a dream as a personal oracle. Follow along as Robert vividly describes how to make dream incubation your practice any night of the week. You’ll open marvelous realms of discovery and adventure — as you carry your life questions to the world around you with eyes wide open — and receive signs and symbols from everyday oracles.
It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again: Precognition & Parallel Lives
Video Teaching From Robert Moss

Have you experienced déjà vu — when (for example) you encounter new people, places, or situations and yet you’re certain you know them from another time? Sometimes this means your waking life is catching up with a dream of the future you may have forgotten until now. Sometimes the experience may suggest that you’re catching up with a parallel self who got here ahead of you on an alternate timeline. With a wealth of vivid stories and fun everyday games, Robert will invite you to follow a path of personal exploration that will help you grow your supernormal abilities to see and sense across space and time, and to live more consciously in the multiverse.
The Secret Laboratory of Dr. Pauli
Video Teaching From Robert Moss

Pioneer quantum physicist Wolfgang Pauli shared hundreds of dream reports with Carl Jung and helped him develop his theory of synchronicity. Their creative collaboration expands our understanding of how mind and matter interweave at every level of reality. Pauli’s personal story, as Jung observed, takes us into “the darkest hunting grounds” of the mind. You’ll hear amazing stories about the Pauli Effect, an extreme example of the influence of mind over matter you can now find in your dictionary. And you will find yourself captivated by the shared quest of a physicist and a depth psychologist — both world-class dreamers — to marry their disciplines to help us understand and inhabit more fully what the ancients called the Soul of the World.
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