D’vorah Lansky, M.Ed. – Transform Your Coach Glue Products into Income and Business Building Tools

$20.00 $97.00 Sale


D’vorah Lansky, M.Ed. – Transform Your Coach Glue Products into Income and Business Building Tools

Harness the Power of Done-for-You Content to Grow Your Business

Share Quality Content with Your Audience to Grow Your Business and Your Brand

Growing a business is an ongoing work-in-progress. There are a few keys to success that when focused on, will allow you to grow your following and increase your sales.

  • One key is to know who your target audience is and understand what it is they struggle with.
  • Another key is to have ways to interact with your audience.
  • And a third key is to provide valuable, pertinent content to your audience to help them achieve their goals.

Create Content Your Audience will Love

When creating content for your audience, you want it to be relevant, current, and actionable. This will engage people and allow them to get the most out of what you offer.

You Can Develop Content in a Variety of Ways

When developing content you can:

  • Start from scratch and continue to create new content.
  • Draw from existing content you’ve created and refresh and repurpose it.
  • Use Done-for-You content, that has been well-researched, and well-written.

I use all three methods, as I enjoy writing and creating content. That said, I’ve found many applications for high-quality done-for-you content. The key here though, is to only use high-quality done-for-you content from a reputable company, one that checks their facts, and edits their work.

High Quality Done-for-Your Content Which Includes Action Steps is Worth Its Weight in Gold.

Enter Coach Glue, an incredible company that creates the highest quality done-for-you content in the world. Not only do they create the content, resource materials, and action steps… they include a “resell license” giving customers the private label rights (PLR) to the material they offer.

What Does this Mean for You? What this means for you is… you get access to incredible content, for your personal benefit and for the benefit of your audience, which you can rebrand, rework (or use as is) and put your name on it!

This content can then be used in a wide variety of ways including:

  • Course content
  • Webinar content
  • Free opt-in gift content
  • Blog content
  • Newsletter content
  • Content for a monthly membership club
  • and much more!

Transform Your Coach Glue Products into Income and Business Building Tools

In this Mini Course you’ll learn how to rebrand your Coach Glue purchases, organize your files, create an action plan and develop a wide-variety of products that you can sell or give away!

There are two ways you can access this training material.

1. You can purchase this course at the special price listed on this page.

2. You can purchase Coach Glue products (via D’vorah’s referral link) and receive this Mini Course as a Free Bonus.

Note: If you are a subscriber on D’vorah’s list who has invested in Coach Glue products, you have likely already received your access pass and/or special coupon. If not – simply reply to any email you’ve received from D’vorah, letting her know which product you’ve purchased, and we’ll get you your access pass.

To Gain Instant Access to this Training – Click on the Button Below to Register

Your Instructor

D’vorah Lansky, M.Ed.
D’vorah Lansky is the bestselling author of over 20 books, workbooks, journals and planners and the creator of over 40, successful, online training programs. She has taught and coached thousands of authors and entrepreneurs across the globe in the areas of: online book marketing, content creation, e-commerce and course creation. D’vorah is dedicated to helping her students and clients to share their brilliance with the world!

Shipping method

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– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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