Dan Kennedy – $252,000 Platinum Meeting Vol 2

$42.00 $197.00 Sale

Dan Kennedy – $252,000 Platinum Meeting Vol 2

If you’re brave, you can sneak through the locked bolted doors to enter a one-day brainstorming session. Dan Kennedy’s PLATINUM Insider’s Circle (2005 Group), and eavesdrop on “lightning rounds” of their best, most prized, most secretive strategies, experiences, ideas…their disagreements and differences of opinion…their answers to Big Moneymaking Questions… and more…
– Maximize Profit From Your Business
– Learn Secrets That Lead to Dramatic, Rapid and Huge Increases in Income
– Gain Extreme Competitive Advantage
Platinum Members BEST, Most prized ideas, sales tools, and methods
You will enjoy a competitive edge that is truly unmatched Platinum All topics discussed by members, including the current trend.-To achieve the greatest impact every marketer should make, it is essential to use EVERY sales tool. Platinum Members use & recommend, to what they would do if they got to keep their know-They lost all of their financial resources, and more.
A True Insider’s Secret Strategy
Find out more Platinum Members have discovered that few others know—a strategy brilliantly explained by John Alanis and Dan Kennedy This shows how to increase repeat business from customers in any business.
Platinum Member Super-Methods to Increase Productivity
Get more done & make more money as every platinum member describes their time management & productivity methods for how they get more done in a day than most executives get done in a month.
The “Carole King Marketing Strategy”
The best way to make the most of your sales is with the “Carole King Strategy” Yanik Silver revealed that he made a million dollars in just one day!
More Money-Ideas
T.J. Rohleder’s discovery brought him over the $5M mark. Learn online marketing secrets that instantly improve online sales. Qualify, and more.-Screen and pre-Selling is the key to creating wealth “continuity income” And much, much more.

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