World Kirtan – iAwake Technologies


World Kirtan - iAwake TechnologiesWorld Kirtan – iAwake Technologies

Explore the ancient spiritual technology of chant — infused with iAwake’s resonant entrainment technology. Join our local Torrey World Kirtan group, as we explore chants from around the world (old and new). Combining the power of chant with the power of entrainment is well, a NEW experiment. We think its brilliant

Sound or vibration is the most powerful force in the universe. Music is a divine art, to be used not only for pleasure but as a path to God-realization. Vibrations resulting from devotional singing lead to attunement with the Cosmic Vibration or the Word. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1).

— Yogananda Paramahansa

Why chant?

Evokes ecstasy & bliss (drug-free)
Opens the heart
Focuses the mind
Awakens … quickens yet deepens the slience
Releases stress & stuckness
Connects you to the Great Mystery, God, Allah, Great Spirit

Chant as a spiritual technology and practice.

Chanting is at the heart of all sacred traditions worldwide, and for very good reasons. What meditation accomplishes in silence, chanting accomplishes in sound: it wakes up the emotional center and sets it vibrating to the frequency of love and adoration while feeding the body with that mysterious higher “being food” of divine life. Sacred chanting is an extremely powerful way of awakening and purifying the heart because it allows us to experience, beyond the distortions of our own personal passions, the power and profundity of the divine passion itself.

— Cynthia Bourgeault, author of Chanting the Psalms, is an Episcopal priest, author, hermit, teacher and wisdom school founder.
Why tech the chant?

Why not?! Chanting is best done live, in community, as the field it generates is powerful — and being buoyed by the voices around you is, well, incredibly beautiful and moving. Adding our resonant entrainment technology to the chants provides some of that deeper, more compelling quality in a different, yet sometimes startlingly powerful way. Try it out and see what you experience.

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