What Matters Most – Building a Fulfilling Life on the Foundation of Your Values

$39.00 $335.00 Sale

What Matters Most – Building a Fulfilling Life on the Foundation of Your Values

Our core values determine our life priorities. the The fundamental beliefs that drive the Choices we make and the We take the actions that we choose. If we act in accordance with these values, it is easy to feel like our decisions are made instinctively. In consequence, our lives feel fulfilling.

However, if our core values are not being upheld by our actions and behavior, we might feel like we’re losing our way of Sync, unhappy, or discontent.

Knowing your core values will help you to be more peaceful, fulfilled, and joyful in your everyday life.

This one-on-One coaching program will help your client increase their awareness of What are their core values? Which ones are most important and fundamental to them? This understanding will help you to build a relationship with your client. the Tools to help them make better decisions and ensure their lives are on the right track the most desirable direction.

Learning Outcomes

Your clients will learn:

Clarity in their core values and what they are most passionate about
They have limited perceptions and beliefs that keep them from being in alignment with their core values.
A personal value system to drive and guide their behavior, so they can make smarter choices around what’s most meaningful for them
Tools for helping them to align with their core values, and their personal value system in order to shape their lives a Your future life is what you desire
There’s so much more!

Download immediately What Matters Most – Building a Fulfilling Life on the Foundation of Your Values

Program Contents

Insights: What What do you value? Most In Your Life?

Activity: “What What do I value? Most?” – Through a Fun exercise that helps clients identify and clarify what is most important in their lives.
Homework: “When I was Happiest”

Vision: Determining Your Core Values

Pre-work: “Determining Your Core Values”
Debrief: Client debriefs the These are the results of the Activity on “Determining Your Core Values” Answering questions will increase understanding.
Homework: “Reflecting on My Core Values”

There are many options for creating Your Personal Value System

Pre-work: “Standing Up for Myself”
Activity: Client develops a ‘personal value system’ Based on the They identified their core values the Previous session
Debrief: Client debriefs the These are the results of the Answering questions will help them understand the activity better
Homework: “Embracing My Personal Value System”

Download immediately What Matters Most – Building a Fulfilling Life on the Foundation of Your Values

Take Action Your Core Values

Pre-work: “Core Values Roadmap”
Activity: Client explores ways to work with core values and their beliefs ‘personal values system’ To shape a Your future life is what you desire
Homework: “Filling in the Gaps”

Here’s What You’ll Get in What Matters Most – Building a Fulfilling Life on the Foundation of Your Values

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Readmore: http://archive.is/mhgbQ

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