Veit Mehler – Pure Vision Method – How To Improve Eyesight Naturally
Veit Mehler – Pure Vision Method – How To Improve Eyesight Naturally
Discover How To Get Rid Of Glasses, Contacts, & Eye Drops Naturally, Fast, & Effectively…
Last year, our team of experts helped over 4,146 people with eye problems to improve their vision naturally. Next year our goal is to guide over 10,000 achieve “the impossible”.
The breakthrough in eye health you are about to discover on this page is the only holistic way to improve your eyesight. It’s the most comprehensive vision improvement method that can help with any eye condition. That will reduce any eye care prescription while restoring your energy, health, and peace of mind.
This information has been used successfully by tens of thousands of people in over 43 countries. It helped myopes, astigmatists, farsighted people, patients suffering with glaucoma or cataract, and clients with any other eye condition to get rid of their glasses, contacts, eye drops, or any eye care need they had. While helping them to increase their energy, confidence, focus, and self-esteem.
The Truth About Eye Problems
Since the early 1990’s, studies from eye specialists and doctors from all around the world have proven that eye problems are not in the eye. Vision problems happen in the mind and in the emotions. Eyesight problems are due to malnutrition and toxicity. Structural problems of the physical body affect your eyes. And so do stress, anxiety, and other environmental factors.
Eye problems are NOT in the eye. That’s why you can reverse any eye condition easily!
Dramatic Vision Improvement
(without glasses, surgery, contacts, or side-effects)
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The cold hard truth:
By using eye care products like glasses, contacts, surgery, or eye drops, your eyesight is getting worse. Glasses are proven to make eye problems worse. Eye drops are shown to become ineffective. And NO eye surgery lasts long-term.
In fact, over 50% of patients return to the same eye condition within 2 – 5 years of the operation. That’s what the FDA and the eye industry ADMIT.
Can you imagine the real statistics?
There are over 103,794 scientific, peer-reviewed studies that prove eye care products make eye conditions worse. That’s why your glasses get stronger. That’s why you need more eye drops over time. That’s why glaucoma patients have to change eye drops so often.
But the worst part is what this does to your health. The root causes for your eye problems (other health problems) will continue to get worse.
If you think it will ever get better, it won’t.
It’s not a question of IF, but WHEN. Your health is getting worse right now. If you don’t wake up, your body will degenerate. If you don’t change course, it may lead to diabetes, heart disease, or god-forbid cancer.
The statistics are not in your favor.
If you have eye problems, you simply cannot continue this way. Your glasses will get stronger. Your energy will disappear. Your ability to focus and concentrate will fade even more. The side-effects from glasses and other so-called eye care products will make your vision and health get worse and worse. It’s just a matter of time.
Getting diagnose with a degenerative disease. Losing your driver’s license because your vision is too bad. At the brink of losing your eyesight, you will wish you did something sooner.
If you are OK with slowly losing your vision. If you are OK with slowly sliding towards blindness. If you are perfectly fine with risking your life when driving because your glasses or contacts could drop. If you are OK with possibly losing your driver’s license because your vision is too bad. And if you are OK with not being able to concentrate and focus. If you are fine with not being able to spend close, intimate, quality time with your loved ones, close this page and go back to what you were doing.
If on the other hand you’re tired of glasses, contacts, or eye drops. If you are tired of constantly worrying about your eyesight. If you are tired of being lied to and lacking energy, focus, confidence, and joy.
If you are ready to finally learn the truth about eye problems. If you are ready to find out how other people have normalized, stabilized, and reversed their eye conditions. Then it’s time to read on.
The Root Causes of Eye Problems
It may be hard to believe… but when you sit in an eye test and the “specialist” prescribes glasses or drops, it’s NOT an eye problem. The problem is NOT in your eyes.
Some people can walk around with elongated eyeballs without having myopia. Some people can walk around with elevated eye pressure without having glaucoma.
How is it possible? It all comes down to a single word: HOLISTIC health.
Ever wondered why people with eye problems have such high rates of diabetes, heart disease, heart attacks, and cancer… and at the same time such low levels of energy, confidence, focus, and self-esteem? HOLISTIC health!
What Is Holistic Eye Health?
Your vision is made up of three parts in your body-mind system. We call this the “Triangle of Sight”.
The 3 areas that make up healthy vision are:
- Your Mental & Emotional Life:You see in your mind. You perceive light information in your eyes, but your mind makes sense of it. And your emotional brain filters everything your eyes perceive.
- Your Chemical Life:The way you nourish your body and eyes has a huge impact on your eyesight. Most people are overfed, but undernourished.Meaning they eat too much food. But there aren’t enough nutrients for healthy eyesight in there. Plus, the toxicity of the 21st century plays havoc with vision too.Because profit-sucking multi-nationals hijacked our food system.
- Your Physical Life:This is about the physical structure of your body. It’s about your organ energy and health. And it’s about your spine, your neck, and your shoulders.
You see, your eyes are a part of your body. They relate to other bodily systems. They are NOT separate things stuck into your head. And the eye industry knows this.
The reason why they are treating eye problems with glasses, contacts, eye drops, and surgery is that they will never heal your eye problems. They are not in the business of treating the root causes.
They just patch up the symptoms. Because it pays so well.
Eye Care Treats Symptoms, Not Eye Conditions
Let’s compare your eye problems to a cold or the flu. When you catch the flu, what are your symptoms? Fever and congestion. What causes the flu, though? A bacteria or virus.
When you treat your flu, what do you fight? To get rid of it, you treat the virus or the bacteria. That’s why it’s common to get an antibiotic. An antibiotic doesn’t just bring the fever down. It doesn’t just decongest you. It kills the root cause. Because if you only treat the symptoms of the flu, you’ll be sick for a long, long time! You may feel a little better, but you stay sick.
Let’s look at another example. Let’s say you broke your leg. What symptoms are you going to experience? You’ll have a lot of pain, and see lots of blood. So, if you just took some pain killers and stopped the bleeding, will your leg heal well? Of course not! That’s treating the symptoms. You have to deal with the root cause. They broken leg, so you need a cast!
So how does this compare to eye problems? It’s exactly the same.
What are the symptoms of eye conditions?
- blurry vision
- eyestrain
- eye pain, or
- eye pressure
What does the “doctor” prescribe?
- Glasses
- Contact Lenses
- Eye Surgery, or
- Eye Drops
But does any of that treat the eye problem itself? No. They simply mask the SYMPTOM, so you don’t notice it as much.
But you are still “sick”. You still have the same problem. That’s why you need more and more “medication” (in this case stronger glasses, more drops, or more surgery).
They do this on purpose. It makes more money.
Imagine you were the CEO of a large corporation that makes diabetes medicine. Picture yourself sitting in a large boardroom with other leaders of the company. You have to make as much money for shareholders as possible.
There are 2 scientists with solutions for diabetes. One allows you to cover the symptoms with a medication that sells for $1.
The other scientist developed a medication that treats the root causes of diabetes. You can sell it once off for $50 per person.
Which solution would a CEO that is only concerned about shareholder profits choose? The one that covers the symptoms for $1. Because in the first year alone, it will make over 7x more profit for the shareholders than the one-off cure.
Because treating the symptoms only turns a profit for the rest of the life of the patient.
That’s why your optometrist is selling glasses, contacts, and eye drops. Because they know you will need more and more and more.
The moment you heal your eyesight and get rid of the root causes, you never have to come back. You will stop spending your hard-earned money on eye care. You can finally spend your money on yourself, your loved ones, and your fun.
It’s that simple!
Scientifically Proven
Warning Signs
Your eyesight shows symptoms. Something is not right. Something is out of order. Shouldn’t you treat the underlying root causes, not just cover up the symptoms?
Think about a car. There is an oil warning light on the dashboard. When that comes on, something wrong with the engine. That light is a symptom of a dangerous fault in the engine. When you see the light, what do you? Just cover it up, or treat the engine?
The eye industry is treating the red warning light.
Glasses, contact, surgery, and eye drops are not dealing with your eye problems. You are masking the warning light – blurry vision, eye pain, pressure, etc.
That’s exactly why your prescriptions keep getting stronger. That’s precisely why people don’t get rid of their glasses. That’s the reason why people get hooked on eye drops for the rest of their lives. And that’s exactly why eye surgeries don’t last.
But there is a way to improve your eyesight naturally. There is a way to prevent and reverse any eye condition. Yet “eye specialist” keep prescribing useless crutches that make your problems worse.
So the question is, ‘why do they prescribe something that doesn’t work, and makes your eye problem worse?’
Now, imagine you knew the truth.
Imagine you began using natural methods to improve your eyesight that have been proven to work. Imagine you had access to all the medical research, cutting-edge science, and the exact methods that helped thousands of people to improve their vision naturally. Any eye condition, at any age…
No more glasses.
No more contact lenses.
No more expensive and dangerous surgery.
No more frustration and hassle.
No more addictive eye drops.
No more foggy mind, low self-esteem, and lousy energy.
Would you use information like that to help yourself, your kids, your relatives, your family, and friends? Because you are about to get exactly that.
Eyesight Facts You Can’t Ignore
Glasses Will NOT Cure Your Eye Problems:
From the day you’ve been diagnosed, everyone has been saying the same old thing: “wear glasses, wear glasses, wear glasses.”
Guess what? Wearing glasses makes your eyesight worse. It’s called “Lens Induced Myopia”, “Lens Induced Presbyopia”, as well as “Lens Induced Glaucoma”. The eye industry KNOWS that lenses make your eyesight worse. There are over 104,000 entries in Google Scholar about peer-reviewed scientific studies discussing these topics. That’s the holy grail of scientific research.
Eye Problems Are NOT A Life Sentence:
Most optometrists and eye specialist only talk about managing your eye condition. Or they offer eye surgery. But their treatments don’t cure or fix your problem. Even though there is a powerful, effective, fast, and easy surgery-free solution available right now!
Ignoring The Root Causes Of Your Eye Problems Is Extremely Dangerous:
Not only are glasses, contacts, and eye drops ineffective at attacking the root causes of your eye problems. They are extremely dangerous in the sense that you ignore these root causes.
Since the 1980’s, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease have sky-rocketed. At the same time, the rate of eye diseases has increased dramatically as well. The connection is clear. Eye problems are the first sign you notice in your body-mind system that your body is degenerating.
Glasses, contacts, and eye drops artificially adjust your vision to mask the early signs. But they don’t do anything to address the root causes of your eye disease. They just cover it all up. So the same root causes keep degenerating your body until you get diabetes, cancer, or heart disease.
For example, in Singapore, the myopia rate of school children went up from 25% to 75% over the last 30 years. In the same time, the diabetes rate of under 40 year-olds rose to nearly 40%.
1 in 3 Singaporeans under the age of 40 is expected to get diabetes. Do you see the connection? Do you really want to continue down that path?
One Of Worst Things You Can Do…
… is not to take into account the huge amount of research that has been done into the root causes of eye problems. And to ignore how easily and fast people are reversing their eye conditions all around the world. From all walks of life, and with any eye condition.
It is quite obvious that glasses, contacts, eye drops, and eye surgery don’t help to eliminate eye diseases. How long are you already stuck with glasses, contacts, or eye drops? These treatments are around for centuries. And yet, the rates of eye diseases aren’t coming down. In fact, they are actually growing!
Isn’t it time to try a new approach? Something that’s been proven to work over and over again for any and every eye problem. A tried and tested method that eliminates the root causes of your eye disease.
We couldn’t just sit there and watch millions of people suffer for the rest of their lives. Losing out on life. Wasting their money on useless treatment. Still degenerating their health. Losing their energy, focus, self-esteem, and personal relationships.
We improved our eyesight ourselves. I did it twice. As a young child from a “genetic” eye disease. Then later from myopia.
Our co-founder Evgania got rid of her glasses from -3.75 and astigmatism. Plus, we helped thousands of people from around the world to improve their eyesight. We’ve put all of this into a proven method. A step-by-step system, so you get rid of your eye problems naturally, fast, and effectively.
We believe you deserve to know the truth about the eye industry. About how the food and drug system and their lobbied health policies are robbing you of your experience of life.
We believe you deserve to know how to protect your health. How to improve your vision safely, inexpensively, and fast. Without any risk or side-effect.
We believe you deserve to know exactly how to take your health into your own hands. Starting with your eyesight.
We believe you deserve to save your money that you waste on useless eye care products.
So, we’d like to give you the exact framework and step-by-step system that you can use to get back your energy, health, confidence, focus, and self-esteem starting today. The exact system to get rid of your eye problems once and for all.
YES! You Can Reverse
Your Eye Conditions
You can take your eyesight back into your own hands. You can free yourself from the shackles of glasses, contacts, and eye drops. You can even prevent the horrible health complications that happen when your health continues to degenerate.
We have compiled all the cutting-edge science and powerful medical research about holistic health and eye health into an easy to understand, easy to follow step-by-step video course called “Pure Vision Method™”. Thousands of people used this successfully for almost any eye conditions all over the world.
Learn the truth about the cutting-edge research and the holistic methods that allow you to get rid of your glasses, contacts, and eye drops for good.
Last year we helped 4,146 people to improve their vision.
They improved their vision, and with that their energy, health, focus, confidence, and self-esteem.
This year we are on track to help 10,000 people.
Will you be one of them?
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