Varleisha D. Gibbs – Self-Regulation in Children: Keeping the Body, Mind & Emotions on Task in Children with Autism, ADHD or Sensory Disorders
Varleisha D. Gibbs – Self-Regulation in Children: Keeping the Body, Mind & Emotions on Task in Children with Autism, ADHD or Sensory Disorders
- Faculty:
- Varleisha D. Gibbs
- Duration:
- 5 Hours 53 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Dec 16, 2016
- Discover what can cause self-regulation to fall apart
- Build and enhance self-regulation in any setting
- Come away with:
- sensory therapy techniques
- self-management and video modeling programs
- sensory diets
- first-person stories
- energy regulation techniques
- and much more!
Children with Sensory Processing Disorders, ADHD or autism have much in common. They are challenged with physical problems that affect their ability to focus and can also cause them to be emotionally reactive. Children who have trouble self-regulating throughout the day are missing out on typical childhood experiences in school, on the playground and with their families. They have difficulties in making and keeping friends. This recording looks at the underlying factors of poor self-regulation and how they affect the child. The course emphasizes practical interventions! You will walk away with details on how to create simple but effective programs in clinical, school and home settings:
- Sensory therapy techniques
- Simple self-management and video modeling programs
- Sensory diets
- First-person stories
- Energy regulation techniques
- Communication methods
- Transition strategies
- Behavioral Strategies
Clinical programs such as Interactive Metronome®, Sound Therapy, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT™) will be discussed, as will timely topics such as medication vs. non-medication for ADHD and new insights from research into biomedical aspects of autism.
Manual (15.70 MB) | 82 Pages | Available after Purchase |
How Self Regulation Affects a Child’s Physical, Mental and Emotional Wellbeing
- Overlay of systems
- Overlap with sensory processing disorder,
- ADHD, autism, giftedness, anxiety and related conditions
Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
- Vestibular, proprioceptive, and sensory modulation characteristics
- What can go wrong
- Making it right: case studies and videos
- Therapeutic Strategies: Interactive Metronome® (IM), Sound Therapy, brushing, sensory diets, and MeMoves™
Creating a Sensory Diet
- Designing and implementing sensory diets
- Parker’s guidelines for giving meds
- Greenspan’s strategies for avoiding meds
- Cognitive strategies, attention strategies and mindfulness meditation
- As a powerful behavior program for ADHD
- Case study on breaking “stimming” habits
Utilizing Video
- Role play & video modeling
- Teaching functional skills
- Catching child “being good”
- Layers of autism
- Working with emotions
- Communication strategies that provide control
- Match-and-repeat technique for social engagement
- Dealing with picky eating and poor sleep habits
- Behavioral strategies for eliminating difficult behavior
First-Person Stories
- What, why and how
Making Transitions Uneventful
- Strategies for smooth transitions
Other Approaches
- Music therapy
- Alternative therapy
Calming Strategies
- Music, Me-Moves™
- Deep pressure
- Ease™

Varleisha D. Gibbs, PhD, OTD, OTR/L Related seminars and products: 12
Varleisha D. Gibbs, PhD, OTD, OTR/L, is an occupational therapist and author with 18 years of experience working with children and adolescents diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sensory Processing disorders and Neurological disorders. In 2003, Dr. Gibbs founded Universal Progressive Therapy, Inc., a company that provides interdisciplinary and quality therapeutic services to families. As founding president, she provided treatment interventions and education in the areas of sensory integration, autism as well as family-centered care. This venture ignited her passion for providing family-centered care. Dr. Gibbs received her PhD at Seton Hall University with a dissertation focusing on racial health disparities of the Autism Spectrum diagnostic process. Dr. Gibbs also earned her doctorate in occupational therapy at Thomas Jefferson University and her master’s training in occupational therapy from Columbia University. Dr. Gibbs is currently the Vice President of Practice Engagement and Capacity Building at the American Occupational Therapy Association. She is the former Scientific Programs officer at the American Occupational Therapy Foundation. Dr. also served as the inaugural chair and director of the master’s programs in occupational therapy at Wesley College in Dover, DE where she was a tenured associate professor. Prior to joining Wesley, she worked at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, PA, where she served as the director of the doctoral programs in occupational therapy.
Dr. Gibbs is steadfast and an expert in the field of neurology, cognition, and pediatric therapeutic intervention. She continues to lecture, and provide training, on sensory processing strategies and self-regulation to practitioners, parents, and teachers throughout the country and internationally. Dr. Gibbs is the developer of the Self-Regulation and Mindfulness program, and her book, Self-Regulation and Mindfulness: Exercises and Worksheets for Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Disorder, was published in 2017 (PESI Publishing & Media). As co-author of Raising Kids with Sensory Processing Disorders, she has provided families with strategies to understand and care for their children.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Dr. Varleisha Gibbs is the founder/ president of Universal Progressive Therapy, Inc. She is a faculty member at the University of the Sciences Philadelphia and receives compensation. She is a speaker who receives an honorarium for PESI, Inc.
Nonfinancial: Dr. Varleisha Gibbs has been published in a peer-reviewed journal Occupational Therapy and Healthcare.
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