Tyler Bramlett – 0-6 Pack Abs Phase 1 & 2

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Tyler Bramlett - 0-6 Pack Abs Phase 1 & 2

Tyler Bramlett – 0-6 Pack Abs Phase 1 & 2

For Tyler Bramlett – 0-6 Pack Abs Phase 1 & 2

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Hey there Coach Tyler here from WarriorMade.com. And today we’re gonna share with you…

The 3 WORST Core Exercises! And…

I’ll give you a unique core exercise called “the oyster” to help you get the best results! Even better…

You’ll never have to set foot in a gym as this exercise require ZERO equipment, take as little as 7-seconds to do and is so simple, a baby can do it!

I know this may sound a bit ridiculous, but it’s true! In fact…

Just a few minutes from now, I’ll share with you a personal story about how I discovered these unique exercises. And…

I’ll even show you a picture of my baby girl doing these exact exercises that can heal your aches and pains and make your belly look leaner without strenuous workouts or complex diets. Also…

You’ll learn about the “micro progression system” that you can use to see amazing results. This way…

You’ll have a step by step roadmap to strengthen your core, fix your aches and pains, improve your posture and flatten your belly. But first…

The first thing you need to do is make sure you AVOID these 3 exercises at all costs….

Exercise #1 – The Plank

The first exercise is probably the second most popular core exercises in the world. And while it is a great exercise for already fit people, it can be one of the worst exercises for people who don’t already have a strong core and perfect posture!

99% of the time when I see people doing the plank, they’re doing it wrong! The main thing I see is that they’re arching their lower back which removes the pressure from your core muscles and places it on your spine and hip flexors. When this happens…

You are NOT exercising your core muscles at all! Instead…

You’re risking getting an injury in your lower back, hips or knees. So…

I recommend that you avoid doing any sort of plank until you properly reactivate your core using the exercises you’ll learn about today.

Exercise #2 – The Pushup

The reason you should avoid doing pushups is because any time you put your body in a horizontal position you put strain on your core. And, if you have good posture and good control of your core muscles, you can get great results and build amazing core strength while doing pushups. However…

As you now know, when your core isn’t strong enough, you will likely arch your lower back while doing pushups which again can cause an injury in your lower back, shoulders, hips or knees. Which is why…

I recommend avoiding push ups until you are able to retrain your core muscles to function the way nature intended.

Which brings me to perhaps the most popular core exercise in the world…

Exercise #3 – The Crunch

Whenever I see someone doing the crunch, I cringe! You see…

Most people have the tendency to stick your chin out, and excessively round your upper back while doing crunches which can dramatically worsen your posture. When this happens…

There’s a very good chance that you’ll strain the muscles around your neck and shoulder blades which means you risk getting an injury in your upper back, neck or shoulders. And…

At very least, you’re tightening the muscles around your neck which are already extremely tight for most people. So…

Please, please, please avoid crunches at all costs, ok.

By now, you’re probably wondering why
we’re telling you to AVOID 3 of the most popular
exercises if you really want a flat belly, right?

Well… the real reason is because after years of work ing with clients 1 on 1 we’ve realized that the vast majority of clients that we’ve trained have core muscles aren’t functioning properly! Literally…

The muscles of your core don’t operate the way nature intended them to. So, whenever you exercise or even when you diet, you probably won’t see any noticeable results in how your belly looks. And…

You may even notice any aches and pains you have getting worse! This can happen for several reasons…

First, if you sit more than 3 hours a day, you can unknowingly shorten the muscles of your core causing bad posture. Even worse…

If you find yourself leaning to one side while sitting, you can shorten one side of your core muscles making them “overactive” while you lengthen your core muscles on the other side making them underactive.

This causes what Dr’s. refer to as upper cross syndrome and over time can lead to severe scoliosis, bulging disks and even nerve problems!

Another common reason your core muscles could be broken is due to an injury or surgery. You see…

When you get injured or you go through any type of surgery, your body changes the way you we’re naturally meant to move. For example…

If you hurt your right knee, your body will turn off it’s connection to the muscles of your right leg and send more “juice” to your left leg.

This made perfect sense 10,000 years ago when hurting your knee could mean the difference between you escaping from the Lion or getting eaten alive! However…with the medical advances of today, Injured joints can be fixed. So…

Why is it that injuries continue to cause pain?

It’s because the injury caused your body to move differently to compensate for that injury. When this happens, your core, which is the center of your body adjusts and causes a permanent and potentially damaging change in how those muscles are used!

This type of core dysfunction is extremely common and makes it impossible for you to strengthen your core, improve your posture, get rid of nagging aches, pains and injures or get the results you really want. The good news is…

This is not your fault…Very Few People Know About This and even fewer know how to fix it!

Which is why I’m happy you’re learning this now. You see…

The “trick” to getting the results you want,
is knowing The RIGHT Exercises to do
in The CORRECT Order!

For most people this means starting you out with therapeutic exercises that can help you reactivate your core first so you have a strong foundation to build on and can avoid getting injured. And…

As we promised, before this article is over, I’ll show you an example of one of the best therapeutic core exercises called “the oyster” that I learned from one of the top Dr’s. Of Physical Therapy in California! But first…

I’d like to share with you a short story, about how I discovered the therapeutic core exercise that you are about to learn. It’s a pretty intense and personal story that I like to share with you. That’s because as strange as it may sound…

I wanna share with you how this little baby girl…

Led me down a path to discover a series of Dr. Created exercises that can help people like you flatten your belly and fix your aches and pains in just 23-seconds!

It all started the day my daughter was supposed to be born…

I’ll never forget the look in the midwife’s eyes as she said to me…

“There’s nothing more I can do…We need to get her to the hospital!”

It took me a moment to realize the gravity of the situation I was in…

…after my heart finished skipping a beat, I rushed to my wife’s bedside, scooped her up and carried her to the car where I drove her directly to the hospital for emergency treatment!

As I drove in a frantic daze, I could only think about the safety of my wife and our poor innocent unborn child. Then out of nowhere…

My wife began to emit a scream of pain so bone chilling, my mind wondered if either of them would survive the day!

As soon as we got to the hospital my wife was rushed into a hospital bed.

I waited by her side, admiring how strong she was throughout this whole process. However…

As the minutes turned into hours…

The baby inside my wife Refused To Come Out!

I began to recognize a similar look on the faces of the doctors and nurses that I saw in the face of our midwife…

The same look that started this story when she said, “there’s nothing more I can do.”

The doctor told us that we were running out of options and they would be rushing her back for emergency surgery!

I had never seen my wife so deflated, so filled with pain and sorrow. And yet…

I too was helpless, completely unable to do anything for her situation. All I can remember about that moment was…

The intense emotional pain that’s now scarred in my mind ?

She was wheeled into the Operating Room where I was able to join and support her through the birth of our child. Or…so I thought…

While I stared deeply into my wife’s eyes, I felt a tug on my arm from the nurse…

She pulled me aside to tell me that the severity of my wife’s condition had worsened! That…

For some reason…

The local pain meds they gave her were not working!

They would have to put my wife under general anesthesia for the full operation! And…

I was not allowed to join her or see the birth of my first child!

I broke…

As I paced the hospital hallway, alone at 1am in the morning, I was not comforted by my google search of C-sections. All the websites I found talked about…

How it takes weeks to recover from! And…

All of the MAJOR issues that can happens after you undergo major abdominal surgery! Things like…

Back pain, abdominal separation and even digestive health! Even worse…

I discovered that C-sections caused more than half of the total pregnancy-related deaths!

My heart pounded in my chest, palms sweaty, trembling with anxiety, I lost my grip of my cell phone that I was using to frantically search for answers…

…to this day I’ll never forget that sound…

The sound ringing in my ears from the glass on my phone shattering on the ground. And…

I couldn’t help but feel, that this, was a metaphor for my life shattering around me!

Standing there, my cracked phone staring back at me, my thoughts turned darker than they’ve ever been! Then…

All of the sudden…

The doors slammed open, and the cry of a newborn rang through the halls!

The nurse turned to me and said, “It’s a baby girl! And your wife is recovering just fine!”

Every time I think of that moment, I thank God for keeping my family safe and delivering my beautiful baby girl to me! And…

While the birth of my little girl is always difficult for me to share, you’ll learn in a sec why it’s so important for you to hear this story. Also…

For good measure, and to show you that everything turned out alright, here is a photo of my family with my beautiful baby girl, happy health and most importantly…alive!

Now…You’re probably wondering…

How does this story have anything to do with you slimming your waistline and flattening your belly, right? Well…

This seemingly tragic event, ended up leading me to Dr. James Vegher!

You see…

After my wife went through her unexpected C-Section, she had a hard time recovering. She constantly got injured and was never able to lose the baby belly. All because…

Her abdominal muscles stopped working correctly! Which…

Caused her belly to look different, in a way that made her feel very self‐conscious. Even worse…

No exercise she did helped her recover her previously flat belly!

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