Twyla Jones – Finding Your Voice
Twyla Jones – Finding Your Voice
Learn to listen to yourself, get inspired, and find the inner confidence that will transform your images
You’re producing work others enjoy, but does something feel like it’s missing?
You have the skills to create a technically perfect shot… but you’ve lost touch with your voice – that inner knowing and intuition that helps you create inspired art that makes you passionate about photography.
You feel like you’re using the same poses over and over…
Your work is ing to look a lot like the rest of the work in your feed…
You don’t feel confident in the content you’re creating…
You feel like you’re just adding to the noise of social media…
This course will help you claim your story, live your truth, and find your voice
This course is not currently open for enrollment. To join the Waiting List and get updates on the next opening, please visit: Emotional Storytelling: Finding Your Voice
Part 1: and so we begin
What do you want to say? And how do you want to say it?
It’s not that you necessarily ever LOST your voice – but maybe you’ve changed, evolved, grown, and just aren’t even sure who you are anymore. Maybe you never were certain that you knew your why, but you know you definitely don’t now.
We’re going to dig deep, through words, videos, photos, conversations, to discover how to set flame to the barely burning sparks inside of you. We’ll ask you to sit with the uncomfortable questions, so we can find the authentic answers.
Part 2: let your voice speak
When you find something that inspires you, that’s really your inner voice speaking up saying ‘Yes! This is the direction where you’ll find your potential! This is the direction that you should go to uncover the depths of your creativity!”
What inspires you is not an accident. What inspires you is a pull towards where you can create from the wild within to create work unique to you.
We’re going to expand our horizons, curate our visions, to spur on our creativity and move along in our journey.
Part 3: shoot like it’s your last
Sometimes we only find clarity when we know we’re out of chances, or out of choices. We get locked into the expected, into the routine, and play it safe.
What if you had to shake things up? What if you were moving across the country tomorrow and this was your last chance to photograph in that amazing place you drive past every day and just haven’t made time for? What if you’re too afraid that all of your clients only want one thing, and if you change things, they’ll leave?
What does your heart truly want? Let’s find it, and change your approach.
Part 4: find your confidence
When you go out for a session, are you just following a recipe to get your standard results, or are you feeling inspired and excited?
Do you worry more about what you’ll be able to deliver to clients than about creating authentic connections?
So often, this comes down to confidence, and we’re going to make sure you find it, and realize how very capable you are of conjuring and capturing beautiful moments anytime.
Part 5: the everyday alchemy
How often do you slow down and make time for the little moments of love and beauty? When was the last time you really breathed in the scent of your own child’s hair when you kissed them on the forehead, or appreciated the way your partner’s hand fits just so in the small of your back?
If you’re not engaging in those fleeting moments of interaction that breed connection then you’re missing the point of life itself. Find intentional connections in your own life, notice the impact, and then see how every one of those tiny touches affects your work.
Part 6: the big screen
What you mostly notice and are drawn to is your voice gaining volume.
It’s time to listen to it. Tune in.
What emotions do you want to evoke in your images? What are some ways you might be able to direct and prompt authentic actions that give you the results you’re dreaming of?
There’s immense power in recreating scenes and feelings that move you, to help empower you to create similar feelings on your own. We’ll explore.
Part 7: creativity takes courage
Fear is the biggest voice killer.
All of the “What Ifs…” beat you down, and make you unsure of yourself, and whisper that maybe no one will like your vision, and there’s no way you’ll be successful if you try to stay true to your voice.
We told you we’d dig deep, and here, we will. We’ll identify, confront, and face fears, reimagining it all to get to a point of embracing growth and courage.
Your Instructor
Creative expression is what fuels the artist.
What are you communicating through the work you create?
I’ve had the honor of teaching and working with thousands of photographers all over the world. The one thing they all have in common is a yearning to connect to an authentic creative voice and create more impactful work. This aching feels like a hollow inside and all the ideas and inspiration in the world will never fill it up.
You must take action to find creative fulfillment and it is my very real pleasure to be your guide on that journey.
My name is Twyla Jones and I empower photographers to reveal their voice, gain confidence in their work and discover a truly unique photography style all their own through knowledge, mindset shifts and mental frameworks.
You already have the tools you need to create breathtaking work. I will guide you the rest of the way to make sure you connect your heart to your eye and produce the work you feel inside.
Course Curriculum
- Hello & Welcome
- Course Calendar
- Introduction & downloads (8:20)
- Why are you here? (11:42)
- Exercise: Listen to your Desires (1:50)
- Facebook Live (12/16) (60:41)
- To Be Inspired (10:53)
- Group Zoom Call: What Inspires you? (12/18) (63:18)
- Challenge: Create a Voice Board (1:27)
- Facebook Live (12/20) (34:33)
- The Everyday Alchemy (9:14)
- Exercise: Keep Track of Your Interactions (1:13)
- Facebook Live (12/22) (29:50)
- Challenge: Magic Morning (2:03)
- Group Zoom Call (12/23) (50:32)
- Find Your Confidence (3:25)
- Exercise: Look for the Beauty (1:06)
- Group Zoom Call (12/29) (68:12)
- Challenge: Photograph Connections (1:21)
- Image Review (1/1) (33:51)
- The Big Screen (5:15)
- Challenge: Recreate the Magic (4:37)
- Facebook Live (1/4) (38:55)
- Creativity Takes Courage (1:49)
- Exercise: Face Your Fears (2:27)
- The Last Shoot Ever (3:05)
- Exercise: The Last Shoot Ever (0:23)
- Challenge: The Last Shoot Ever (1:52)
- Make a Plan to Succeed (4:48)
- Facebook Live (1/12) (56:26)
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– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!