Trauma Therapy A Cutting-Edge Approach for Resolving Trauma & Healing PTSD

$35.00 $199.00 Sale

Trauma Therapy A Cutting-Edge Approach for Resolving Trauma & Healing PTSDTrauma Therapy A Cutting-Edge Approach for Resolving Trauma & Healing PTSD

  • Take home a new, comprehensive body-based trauma treatment method that will transform your practice – and improve clients’ lives!
  • Learn the 4 key phases of trauma treatment to have more success when working with these difficult clients
  • Hands-on, experiential exercises to put these strategies to practice

Watch this workshop and take away new treatment techniques that bring together research and interventions from the fields of memory research, Peter Levine’s modeling of the autonomic nervous system, and Bessel Van der Kolk’s research on the biology of trauma. Valuable elements from other approaches such as DBT, attachment theory and psychodynamic transference work will also be discussed.

Saj Razvi, trauma expert and founder of the Love and Trauma Center in Colorado, will teach skills that shift your client’s nervous system state from activated to calm, and be able to track your clients using their body responses and symptoms. Through hands-on experience learn how clients can move beyond the avoidance and management of symptoms into actually resolving trauma through a body process innate to the nervous system.

Learn through experimental labs:

  • The process of resourcing so that you will know how to support clients in coping with and managing traumatic symptoms, before trauma resolution begins
  • Containment: the process of releasing traumatic charge through the body

Join Saj Razvi for this dynamic workshop, and learn practical, cutting-edge skill sets. Leave the seminar with a much more coherent understanding of the trauma process, as well as specific skill sets to work with a client’s traumatic reactivity.

  1. Analyze the various memory systems and know which interventions are appropriate to each memory system.
  2. Describe how the nervous system can be used in trauma resolution.
  3. Recognize and track clients for the 5 major autonomic nervous system stress and trauma states.
  4. List the 4 key phases of working with traumatized clients and how to clinically work within each phase.
  5. Summarize the dangers, value and need of working traumatic transference that is part of complex, relational PTSD.
  6. Identify the initial conditions required for trauma resolution to occur.
  7. Explain the functional difference between sympathetic activation and parasympathetic responses to threats.

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