Tony Mikla – Knee Secrets: Progressions and Assessments from the Table to the Field
Tony Mikla – Knee Secrets: Progressions and Assessments from the Table to the Field
- Faculty:
- Tony Mikla
- Duration:
- 1 Hour 58 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Dec 10, 2020
Patient care requires the ability to assess individuals with the big picture in mind while also finding limiting factors that prevent optimal performance of your patient’s goals. Clinicians are tasked with progressing individuals, often times from a painful state to the goal of high performance. Join Dr. Tony Mikla for a recording that will highlight approaches for individuals with knee limitations. He will present:
- The full spectrum of knee assessment and intervention for every patient type and ability level
- How to organize the evaluation and assessment process to achieve consistent diagnosis.
- Functional exercise progressions that work!
You’ll learn how to assess an individual, determine what needs to be a key focus, and implement a sound plan to effectively reach your patients’ goals. Packed with mobility interventions, strategies to develop stability and control and advanced strength, power & return to sport strategies – this recording will give you tactics to employ immediately.
Manual – Knee Secrets: Progressions and Assessments from the Table to the Field (3.4 MB) | 30 Pages | Available after Purchase |
- Knee and Lower Extremity Evaluation and Assessment. Determining the nature and stage to develop a functional path.
- Mobility intervention strategies
- Developing Stability and Control
- Advanced Strength, Power, and return to sport strategies that are practical and specific

Tony Mikla, DPT, CSCS, XPS Related seminars and products: 2
Tony Mikla, DPT, CSCS, XPS, is a sports physical therapist and performance coach. Dr. Mikla speaks and teaches nationally on sports physical therapy and is active in research having published multiple papers in international journals. He is the founder and CEO of KIME Human Performance Institute focusing improving people’s lives through movement and physical therapy. He previously served as the physical therapy manager at the world renowned EXOS in Phoenix, AZ, working with best athletes in the world.
He is the medical director for Sacramento Sports Commission and adjunct faculty in PT at Sacramento State University and Northern AZ University. In 2015, Tony was named a finalist for the NSCA Sports Medicine Specialist of the year. Tony speaks nationally on movement principles. He is both published in peer reviewed articles (Journal of Sport Physical Therapy, Journal of Sports Medicine) as well as nationally recognized magazine publications (Sports Illustrated and Shape Magazine).
He has worked tirelessly in implementing movement retraining principles at the highest level of competition, including the Olympics in Beijing, London, and Rio. He blends the worlds of performance and physical therapy to help unite the greater purpose of Sports Medicine at the youth, collegiate, active adult, and pro level.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Tony Mikla is CEO of Kime Human Performance Institute. He receives a speaking honorarium from RockTape. Dr. Mikla receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Tony Mikla is a member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association; and the NSCA Southwest Region Advisory Board.
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