Teresa Garland – Self-Regulation Strategies & Techniques: In-Session Demonstrations for Calming Children with Autism, ADHD & Sensory Processing Disorder

Teresa Garland – Self-Regulation Strategies & Techniques: In-Session Demonstrations for Calming Children with Autism, ADHD & Sensory Processing Disorder

Teresa Garland
1 Hour 8 Minutes
Audio and Video
Aug 21, 2014


Learn self-regulation strategies through live demonstrations taught by occupational therapist, international speaker and author, Teresa Garland. With the help of children with and without autism, Garland has created a collection of interventions that can be used to help any child get calm and stay calm. Included are self-regulating techniques for children of any age with autism, ADHD and sensory processing disorder to be used in the clinic, school and home. Watch and learn how these techniques are used successfully with children and how they react before and after calming scenarios.

Discover over 35 effective interventions including:

  • Breathing techniques
  • Physical activities
  • Sensory strategies
  • Environment changes
  • Structure for school or home setting
  • Weighted blankets and balls
  • Effective timeouts
  • Meditative activities
  • Child massage
  • Sleep improvement strategies
  • Ways to recover from excitement


  • Over 35 video clips showing children age 2 – 13, with and without autism engaged in calming activities
  • Clips include:
    • Practical methods for calming any child on-the spot
    • Techniques to keep a child with autism calm as he or she transitions from one place or activity to another
    • Exercise and other activities to increase a child’s ability to stay calm for long periods of time


Teresa Garland, MOT, OTR/LRelated seminars and products: 13

Teresa Garland, MOT, OTR/L, is an occupational therapist and author specializing in self-regulation and sensory and modulation issues. She has worked in schools, sensory clinics, and medical settings with children, adolescents, and adults with Sensory Processing Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and ADHD. Ms. Garland works closely with other mental health and allied rehab professionals, teachers, and doctors to understand and treat underlying sensory, timing, and coordination/motor planning issues as well as overlying socio/emotional behaviors and the symptoms of autism. She is trained/certified in the SIPT, Interactive Metronome®, Integrated Listening Systems (iLs), Therapeutic Listening, Wilbarger’s Sensory Defensiveness, the Natural Heart Approach, Mindfulness Training, and Food Chaining.

Ms. Garland is the author of the award-winning book Self-Regulation Interventions and Strategies: Keeping the Body, Mind and Emotions on Task in Children with Autism, ADHD or Sensory Disorders (PESI, 2014). Her workbook, Hands-on Activities for Children with Autism & Sensory Disorders was published in April of 2016 (PESI).

As an author and international presenter, Ms. Garland has trained over 10,000 therapists and teachers in the art of using self-regulation interventions with the children they work with in clinics and classrooms. She also trains on working with children and adults with ADHD and children with autism. Ms. Garland has a master’s in occupational therapy from the University of New Mexico. She writes a blog at https://otselfregulation.blogspot.com.

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Teresa Garland is an author for PESI Publishing & Media and receives royalties. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

Non-Financial: Teresa Garland has written case studies for Interactive Metronome®. She writes a blog on Self-Regulation (otselfregulation.blogspot.com).

Salepage: https://catalog.pesi.com//item/selfregulation-strategies-techniques-insession-demonstrations-calming-children-autism-adhd-sensory-processing-disorder-8495
Archive: https://archive.ph/iHgXE

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