Ted German – Manual Therapy for Low Back Pain: Hands-on Treatment for Lumbar, Sacroiliac, & Pelvic Dysfunctions
Ted German – Manual Therapy for Low Back Pain: Hands-on Treatment for Lumbar, Sacroiliac, & Pelvic Dysfunctions
- Faculty:
- Ted German
- Duration:
- 6 Hours 24 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Nov 30, 2018
An Integrated Approach to Manage the Lumbar Spine & Sacroiliac Joint
Low back pain is one of the most prevalent and costly ailments seen in a variety of healthcare settings. Diagnosing and treating low back pain can be challenging and frustrating. Due to the complex nature of the lumbosacral region, finding the root cause of lower back pain is often difficult.
This recording simplifies evaluation and treatment for the most common lumbar and sacroiliac joint dysfunctions from a manual therapy perspective. Discover a streamlined approach for care of the lower back that is applicable to both acute and chronic conditions. Manual techniques covered in this course include muscle energy, mobilization, articulation, and manipulations. A brief overview of Pilates-based stabilization exercises will also be covered to ensure long-term effectiveness of the manual corrections. You’ll be able to immediately utilize these techniques to improve their clinical efficiency.
Manual – Manual Therapy for Low Back Pain (10.23 MB) | 64 Pages | Available after Purchase |
- Goals of the first visit
- Empathy vs sympathy
- Establishing consistency
- Avoiding clinical blindness
- Who should be referred to therapy
- Red flags
- Keys to subjective and objective evaluations
- Predisposing factors
- Bony Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine
- Soft tissue anatomy of the Lumbar Spine
- Ligamentous support
- Muscular support
- Intervertebral disc
- Biomechanics of the Lumbar Spine
- Common Diagnoses
- Degenerative Joint Disease
- Spondylosis
- Spondylolysis
- Spondylolisthesis
- Disc protrusion
- Herniated Nucleus Pulposis
- The key to subjective history
- Posture assessment
- Sitting, Standing, dynamic, lordosis, lateral shift
- Movement loss
- How much
- Quality of the movement
- Willingness to move
- Lateral deviation
- Repeated Movements
- What happens during movement
- What happens because of the movement
- Static tests
- Neurological
- Motor/sensory deficit
- Reflexes
- Dural signs
- Other considerations
- Hip/SI joint clearing tests
- Spondylolisthesis
- Intermittent claudication tests
- Treatment of the acute patient
- Modalities
- Mid-range movement techniques
- Sub-acute/chronic patient
- Postural syndrome
- Dysfunction syndrome
- Adherent Nerve Root
- Derangement
- Treatment
- Reduction
- Maintain
- Recovery of function
- Prevention
- Manual Therapy techniques
- Prone extension with manual overpressure
- Prone Lumbar extension mobilization
- Flexion Rotation mobilization

Ted German, PT, DPT, CIMT, CPRS Related seminars and products: 2
Ted German, PT, DPT, CIMT, CPRS, has over 15 years of experience in outpatient orthopedic physical therapy. He currently works at Group Health Cooperative in Madison, WI as a spine specialist, and part-time in the Urgent Care Physical Therapy department treating acute injuries of all types. Dr. German’s education includes a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from St. Catherine University, Minneapolis, MN; a Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology from Concordia University, St. Paul, MN; and an Associate of Applied Science in Physical Therapy from Lourdes College, Sylvania, OH. He is a Certified Integrated Manual Therapist, a Certified Pilates Rehabilitation Specialist, and a member of the American Physical Therapy Association’s Orthopedic Section. Dr. German’s teaching experiences include guest lectures on “Pilates for Rehabilitation” for St. Catherine University’s Orthopedics Department and “Risk Factors for Patellofemoral Pain Among Females” at the APTA’s Combined Sections Meeting.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Ted German has an employment relationship with Group Health Cooperative. He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Ted German is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association.
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