Susan Heitler – Anxiety: New Intervention Strategies for Rapid and Effective Outcomes
Susan Heitler – Anxiety: New Intervention Strategies for Rapid and Effective Outcomes
- Faculty:
- Susan Heitler
- Duration:
- 6 Hours 12 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- May 11, 2017
- Expand and enhance your anxiety treatment options
- Apply new techniques regardless of your primary treatment orientation
- Identify and respond to the underlying issues that cause anxiety
When anxious clients come to you for help, they want to feel better now.
Early in my career, I tried the typical behavioral and psychodynamic treatment methods for anxiety and found them to be slow-acting. It was frustrating, too, when seemingly positive results did not last. I needed something else, something different.
In my search to increase therapeutic efficiency and effectiveness, I examined how emotionally-resilient people handled the conflicts in their lives. I realized that, at its core, therapy is a process of facilitating conflict resolution and problem-solving. I discovered that identifying and responding to the underlying factors that create conflict and generate anxiety leads to rapid and effective outcomes.
Four decades later, the concept of therapy as conflict resolution has led me on a gratifying journey to the discovery of ever-more-effective treatment methods. In my practice, visualization techniques and energy therapy innovations have turned out to be especially potent enhancers of anxiety interventions.
Whether your primary orientation utilizes CBT, psychodynamic, family systems, narrative, integrative or other strategies – I will teach you methods to expand and enhance your anxiety treatment options with individuals, couples, and families.
Through live role plays, video demonstrations, case examples, and practice sessions, you will discover new routes to success with anxious clients. And that is not all! You will receive scripts, worksheets, and other materials that you can use to help your clients.
Join me and I will show you new ways to help your anxious clients while taking your practice to the next level.
Susan Heitler, Ph.D.
Manual ZNM051965 (6.53 MB) | 65 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Instructions for ASHA Credit – SELF STUDY ONLY – 05/11/17 (0.03 MB) | Available after Purchase | |
ASHA Participant Form – SELF STUDY ONLY – 05/11/17 (1.54 MB) | Available after Purchase |
- Why Prescriptions Without Pills™?
- Common anxiety medications
- Downsides of medication treatments
- Research Review
- Conflict Resolution Theory: An Integrative Therapy Approach
- 5 responses to conflict and the emotional states that they lead to
- The role of anxiety in emotional health, psychopathology and psychotherapy
- Practice session: Problem-solving with the 3 steps of the Win-Win Waltz
- Situational Anxiety
- Visualization – locate anxiety in the body, assess intensity and access subconscious concerns
- Keys to success with visualization techniques
- The 3-Steps basic anxiety treatment formula
- Practice Session: The 3-Steps formula
- PTSD, Phobias, Social Anxiety and Panic Attacks
- Mindfulness, distraction and problem solving: When to use each
- Role play: 5 visualization techniques
- Acupoint tapping (EFT) for repeated episodic anxiety
- Case study: The Butterfly Thought technique for managing panic attacks
- Practice session: Acupoint tapping and treating panic attacks
- Anticipatory Anxieties: Worry and Performance Anxiety
- The CBT No-Fly List
- How is worrying learned?
- CBT for performance anxiety
- Practice session: Thought replacement visualization for worry
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Visualization Techniques:
- Do or Become
- Best Possible Light
- That was Then, This is Now
- 6 Steps
- Video study: The Spinning Technique
- Practice session: Role play visualization techniques
- Video study: Reducing amygdala hyper-reactivity
- Tension = Interpersonal Anxiety
- The circle of skills for relieving relationship anxiety
- Mind-reading and cross-overs versus how and what questions
- Six sentence starters for calm and collaborative dialogue
- Chronic anxiety as an indicator of domestic abuse
- Practice session: The 6 Sentence Starters
- Treatment-Resistant Anxiety
- Medication/drug side effects
- Medical issues to get evaluated
Susan Heitler, Ph.D. Related seminars and products: 1
Susan Heitler, Ph.D., is a graduate of Harvard and NYU. She practices as a Denver clinical psychologist and is the author of Prescriptions Without Pills®: For Relief from Depression, Anger, Anxiety and More. Dr. Heitler specializes in rapid alleviation of anxiety, depression, and marriage difficulties, plus anger and general emotional distress. Her treatment methods focus on helping to resolve the underlying problems that trigger distress. Dr. Heitler’s blogposts have received over 9 million views.
Dr. Heitler’s other books: From Conflict to Resolution, The Power of Two, and The Power of Two Workbook set forth an integrative perspective on the causes and cures of emotional distress and clarify the collaborative communication skills that sustain good feelings. Her books have been translated into six foreign languages.
Dr. Heitler has taught workshops on her treatment techniques for organizations across the US, as well as in Europe, Turkey, the Middle East (UAE, Israel, and Lebanon), Australia and China.
Speaker Disclosure
Financial: Susan Heitler is in private practice. She is an author for Morgan James Publishing, New Harbinger Publications, and W.W. Norton & Company and receives royalties. Dr. Heitler receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Susan Heitler has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.
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