Sunita Osborn – Perinatal Loss: An Attachment-Informed Treatment Framework for Helping Clients Process and Heal from Pregnancy Loss

Sunita Osborn – Perinatal Loss: An Attachment-Informed Treatment Framework for Helping Clients Process and Heal from Pregnancy Loss

Sunita Osborn
Approx. 3 Hours
Mar 05, 2021


It’s not a topic that people will bring up at work, over coffee, or even at get togethers with close friends. Instead, 1 in 4 women suffer in silence, because it’s not something that they are supposed to talk about – it is a topic that stays firmly behind closed doors and if you dare breach that social boundary, you may hear well-intentioned, but hurtful statements such as:

“At least you were only a few weeks along.” “Everything happens for a reason.” “Why don’t you just adopt?” “Just think positive.” “You just need to relax and it’ll happen in time.”

There really should be a book titled What Not to Say when it comes to pregnancy and infant loss.

I know because I’ve been there. After my experiences of loss, I heard the invalidating statements and I experienced the paradoxical sense of isolation – paradoxical because the reality is so many of us have experienced this kind of loss. The reality then becomes that many individuals only feel comfortable discussing their experience of pregnancy loss within the confines of a confidential therapeutic space.

Yet, while we may serve as one of the few if not the only safe harbor for individuals to share and process their experience of loss, in our clinical training, pregnancy and infant loss was quickly brushed over – most often as an aside in larger, generalized discussion of grief. Clients seeking psychotherapy for pregnancy or infant loss may have kept it hidden, feel unsure where to turn for help and may already be hesitant about the validity of their pain and the usefulness of therapy in supporting them. You need to feel confident in your ability to help them navigate one of the toughest struggles they will ever face – their story of not only loss, but of love.

In this specialized, intensive training, I will walk you through the challenging realities of a pregnancy or infant loss – the accompanying emotional roller coaster, and specific steps to take to help your clients move forward. You’ll learn the best interventions for treating grief after a loss and uncover the mistakes you may be making – without even realizing it!

Whether you’re a specialist already or just getting started in this area, this training is for you! Watch me in this powerful training and learn proven strategies that will help your clients heal.


Perinatal Loss: Common Misconceptions

  • Misattunement to the loss
  • Far reaching implications of reproductive trauma
  • Ongoing and chronic nature of the trauma

Assessment: Exploring Clients’ Reproductive Story

  • How to listen for red flags: grief, guilt, shame, self-blame, and hopelessness
  • Identifying unique and numerous losses experienced
  • When things take a turn: anxiety, depression, OCD
  • How to fully validate clients’ experience
  • Sharing the Story
  • Utilizing relevant assessment measures

Treatment Planning for Pregnancy and Infant Loss

  • Chronic trauma related to pregnancy loss
  • Adapting PTSD strategies for reproductive trauma
  • Addressing grief by utilizing loss and restoration orientation framework
  • Highlighting implicit emotions that may impact treatment progress including shame, self blame, and hopelessness
  • Balancing complicated grief while still trying to conceive

Treatment Interventions: Helping Clients Move Forward, Not On

  • Utilizing attachment-focused approach
  • Trauma-informed/PTSD adaptations
  • Build resiliency with interventions based on empathy, forgiveness and compassion
  • Maintaining relationships with partner and family
  • Adapting clinical techniques for couples and group work
  • Supporting clients in subsequent pregnancies

Clinical Considerations

  • Culturally informed case conceptualizations
  • Relationship to body after a loss
  • Countertransference
  • How to hold personal experience with pregnancy loss while helping clients
  • Limitations and risks


Sunita Osborn, PsyD, MA Related seminars and products: 1

Sunita Osborn, PsyD, MA, is a licensed clinical psychologist who practices in Houston, Texas and works with adults and couples. Known as an expert on the treatment of pregnancy loss, Dr. Osborn specializes in reproductive psychology and helps individuals and couples in all phases of the reproductive journey.

Dr. Osborn has been featured and interviewed on several different media outlets including NPR, With Whit, Psychology Today, and several miscarriage-focused platforms such as, “The Miscarriage Map: What to Expect When You are no Longer Expecting” and, “The Miscarriage Map Workbook: An Honest Guide to Navigating Pregnancy Loss, Working Through the Pain, and Moving Forward.”

Speaker Disclosure:
Financial: Sunita Osborn is the director of operations at Modern Therapy. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Sunita Osborn is a member of the American Psychological Association.
After finding herself lost and without a map after her own experiences of pregnancy loss, she is committed to helping individuals cope with the pain of this loss, supporting clinicians in treating pregnancy loss, and promoting open dialogue on the realities of this prevalent and devasting concern.


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