Summer Huntington – Pure Mobility with RAD Roller (Flow Shala Online Studio 2020)
Summer Huntington – Pure Mobility with RAD Roller (Flow Shala Online Studio 2020)
Welcome to Pure Mobility featuring RAD Roller:
36 tutorial videos to help you release your bound fascia
Please note: RAD Roller Equipment is NOT included in the purchase of this course, you must purchase all equipment separately.
Who this course is geared to:
- people who spend time on devices with “text” neck
- humans with discomfort in upper back
- people feeling tight in hip flexors
- people experiencing tight hamstrings
- people wanting to improve shoulder health
- people experiencing stress in their lives
- fitness trainers
- athletes
- strength & conditioning coaches
- people wanting to learn more about how to perform self myofascial release
- chiropractors
- physical therapists
- yoga instructors
- people who need bodywork regularly, but want to be proactive in their self care
- yoga practitioners
- desk workers
- drivers (Uber / Lift, or even truck drivers)
- people who travel for work often
- aging adults
At RAD Roller we want everyone to have the ability to move pain-free. We believe that by educating people on pain assessment, Self Myofascial Release techniques backed by the research and teaching people how to use the tools properly will empower people to take charge of their mobility. RAD Roller was designed by a biomechanist and former triathlete, and the training curriculum developed by an Osteopath Kevin Hendry. This is truly a cutting-edge performance tool made for any Body, to relieve and prevent pain, restore mobility, and bring more balance to the musculoskeletal system as a whole. Anyone can do this, anywhere.
- First, establish breath, and get into parasympathetic nervous system tone. Do so by doing a long inhale through the nose, a suspended moment between, and then exhale through the nose.
- Kneading – circular motions while breathing
- Sheering – moving side to side perpendicular to the direction of the muscle fibers
- Flushing – rolling up and down in the same direction of the muscle fibers
What you get with the Pure Mobility Course Purchase:
- 38 Downloadable high definition videos, shot from different angles
- Access to Summer’s private Facebook group for people enrolled in this course
- 15% off of all RAD Roller Equipment, using code SH at checkout
- Expert level coaching with Summer Huntington
How to Use Pure Mobility:
- Pure Mobility videos are considered low and now intensity, joint mobility focused session.
- Training on a four day wave? Go through the course in order, using one entire section as your recovery based training session for a no/low intensity day.
- Want more mobility? Go through each section, one per day for 7 days.
- Finding areas that are more bound than others? Repeat the sessions that focus on those areas.
- Want relief after a moderate or high intensity training day? Choose the section that is geared toward releasing the areas you just worked.
Example: Just finished a heavy lifting day with squats and lunges? Choose the section for Hip Flexors to do at home several hours after your workout. If you don’t have time, then make sure to do it on your next no intensity or low intensity day.
4 Day Wave: no intensity // low intensity // moderate intensity // high intensity
If you have no idea what a four day wave is, not to worry. Just aim for 3-4 recovery training days per week to gain mobility. These should be following your training days, either later that night, or the next day.
Remember, mobility training is allowing your fascia and tissues to return to their natural resting length. All athletes and humans have varied bodies, and online courses to not substitute working with a professional.
We offer online coaching via and group classes at All seminars taught by Summer can be found at and
Thank you for your commitment to training Flow!
1.6 Serratus Anterior Mobility with Helix or RAD Roller (11:04)
Get Download Summer Huntington – Pure Mobility with RAD Roller (Flow Shala Online Studio 2020)
Shipping method
– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!