$299.00 $2,999.00 Sale



(100% is the first try success rate among the particpants in the last nine SACP’s who did at least most of the assigned work.)

“I promise I can show you how to get the things you’ve always wanted – no matter how many times you’ve tried and failed – even and especially if you don’t believe that’s really possible for you right now.

My “Objective” for each and every Participant in the SUPER ACHIEVER Coaching Program +C is simple and powerful:

You SET a Perfect 10 Objective and…


And I have consistently successfully achieved that Objective. (Over 95% of SACP participants ever who did at least most of the assigned work were successful in achieving their Perfect 10 Objective first try and 100% of those who did at least most of the assigned work were successful second try. What’s more, 100% in the last fourteen SACP’s achieved their Perfect 10 Objective on their very first try.)

And you can achieve your seemingly impossible objectives again and again, easily and for the greatest good of yourself and all concerned for The Rest of Your Life!”

Your Program Begins

My Cybernetic Transposition Multimedia Learning Program (MLP) component of my Dream Achiever Program (DAP) is the most effective way of learning the goal achievement aspects of Cybernetic Transposition so I have made it an integral part of the SACP+C.

As soon as you are enrolled in the SACP+C, you will immediately receive access to the DAP so that you can get a head start.

Important Note: During the SACP+C, you will receive the entire Cybernetic Transposition Multimedia Learning Program (MLP) including all of the associated MLP Forms.

Important Note: As part of the SACP+C, you will receive a copy of Stuart’s e-book: How To Get Lots of Money for Anything FAST! — Second Edition and all the Second Edition Cybernetic Transposition Forms and access to the Audio Seminars that come with it.

Again, the best way to “hit the ground running” in the SACP+C is to participate in the self-paced MLP component of the Dream Achiever Program.

You will receive the first recorded bi-weekly Instructional Session immediately upon enrolling in the SACP+C.

Your Program Includes

•Instructional Sessions: 19 Recorded Bi-weekly Instructional Sessions that will lead you through each step of the material covered that week.

•Group-Wise Coaching Sessions: 38 weekly, up to (95 hours total), Interactive LIVE! Coaching Calls with Stuart. (The Calls will be recorded with private access for Participants’ later-listening and reference.)

1. 19 Bi-Weekly Recorded Instructional Sessions.

2. 38 Weekly LIVE Group-Wise Coaching-Only maximum 150 Minute Sessions.

3. Daily SUPER ACHIEVER Progress Evaluations.

4. About 1350 In-Depth Cybernetic Transposition Questions and Answers.

5. About 425 recorded Audio Q&A Clips.

6. The Optimum Learning Process, The HouseCleaning Process, The Creating and Improving Relationships Process, The Rapidly Finding and Becoming Employed in Your Perfect Job Process, The Root Normal Base Reframing Process, The Healing Cell-Level Memories Process, The Healing Root Cell-Level Memories Process, The Mastery Process, The Great Day Process, seven very new e-books presenting major additions to the CT Process – The brand new Ensuring That You’re Repeatedly Successful Process.

7. New Stepwise Summary Instructions for each frequently used CT Process.

8. Group-Wise and Personal Coaching from Stuart Lichtman and more….

• SUPER ACHIEVER Progress Evaluation Process: A Monday through Friday process of asking yourself, answering (while recording) a series of targeted questions and reviewing your recorded answers.

• SUPER ACHIEVER E-Mail List: A digital “hot line” for Alerts, Program announcements, Coaching tips and group messages from Stuart.

• SUPER ACHIEVER Bonus E-Books: 14 Special Bonuses just for SACP+C Participants. These recap and expand on what has been covered in the related Instructional Sessions:

· Building Your Success Team: A unique and pivital aspect of the SACP+C program. This describes how to create an unconscious team that extremely powerfully drives the successful achievement of your objectives – and other day-to-day successes.

· The Optimum Learning Process: An entirely new SACP+C Process that builds a life-long accelerated learning process into your unconscious. This bonus shows how to develop a powerful unconscious resource that makes your learning of new things much easier and faster.

· Easily Creating Highly Effective Imaginary Experiences: Many people encounter problems in creating effective imaginary experiences. This bonus shows why and teaches you how to rapidly transcend and resolve the special types of blockers that create this restriction. The results are quite eye opening for many.

· Formatting SACP+C Objectives and Choosing Key Elements: This includes the tips that Stuart has generated in coaching participants in both his SACP seminars and the SACP+C to properly format their SA Objectives and to choose their Key Elements and Associated Memories.

· Raising Your Unconscious Performance Limit: One type of major blocker that almost everyone encounters is what I call the Unconscious Performance Limit. It’s like a glass ceiling on your accomplishments. This bonus presents a process for easily, rapidly and substantially raising your Unconscious Performance Limit.

· Raising Your Unconscious Performance Floor: Your Unconscious Performance Floor limits how low you go emotionally and how poorly your unconscious allows you to do. By raising your Unconscious Performance Floor, you not only sharply improve your minimum performance but, more importantly, you sharply increase the quality of your entire life. This eBook shows you how.

· Creating and Effectively Using Special Purpose Subpersonality Teams: Quite a few of the previous SACP participants said this was the most empowering process they have ever experienced. In this Bonus, I describe how to expand the various CT blocker resolution processes to create powerful subpersonality teams that remarkably effectively implement and expand the perfect alternatives you create.

· Free-Form Writing: This process empowers you to gain the cooperation of resistant and angry subpersonalities, as required to both understand their valuable communications and to do the Subpersonality Negotiation and derivative Processes.

· Clearing Implants: Many people experience blockers that have been implanted in them by others – parents, relationship partners, friends, adversaries, etc. These are not typically accessible via the other CT blocker resolution processes and usually have a very great impact. This bonus presents a series of techniques for rapidly resolving many types of implants and suggestions for dealing with the other types.

· The HouseCleaning Process: Once your unconscious has learned the process of clearing your blockers, you can set it to identify and nearly automatically clear many of the existing ones. Through the HouseCleaning Process, you develop a “background” resource for continually seeking out blockers, clearing them and clearly signaling when your conscious input is required. This Bonus explains how.

· Doing Even Better: Describes a detailed process for determining how to do even better in achieving your CT objectives.

· Multiple and Rolling Objectives: Describes how to set and achieve multiple objectives simultaneously and how to set and achieve repetitive objectives. Extremely powerful!

· Positive Temporal Recycling: This process creates an ongoing positive reinforcement loop whereby earlier, painful versions of yourself are rehabilitated through integration of the CT resources that you have developed during the SACP+C. This Bonus explains how.

· Creating and Improving Relationships: Describes unique techniques of building, strengthening and revitalizing personal relationships that create strong and enduring bonds between partners.

· The Rapidly Finding and Becoming Employed in Your Perfect Job Process: Many people have great difficulty getting any job, much less the job they really want with the Boss they want who really appreciates what they have to give. This Process empowers you to get that perfect job with that perfect boss by implementing a series of very powerful SACP+CProcesses.

• IMMEDIATE ACCESS TO THE DREAM ACHIEVER PROGRAM (Which Includes The Cybernetic Transposition Multimedia Learning Program, the most effective way I’ve ever developed for learning the basic CT processes.)

• CYBERNETIC TRANSPOSITION MULTIMEDIA LEARNING PROGRAM Bonus E-Books: 5 new Special Bonuses as well as printable copies of each of the sets of Slides used in the CT MLP:

· The MLP Dialoguing Process: This Process teaches you to establish clear and understandable two-way communication with your Unconscious, the part of you that was previously not accessible by your conscious mind.

· The MLP Debugging Process: Through this Process, you will not only gain mastery of the CT MLP Processes that empower you to consistently achieve your seemingly impossible objectives but you will learn to go beyond that to achieving your very, very, very big dreams.

· The MLP CT Flow Charts: This is the first-ever depiction of the CT Process in visual format. It will give you great insight into the entire process.

· The Dream Achiever Program Summary of Content: This lists the entire content of the Dream Achiever Program, by week of the Program.

· The Summary of CT MLP Process Steps: Once you have initially learned the CT MLP Processes, the use of this Bonus will greatly accelerate your performance of these Processes.

• Cybernetic Transposition Questions and Answers: A comprehensive on-line database of over 1350 Frequently Asked Questions and In-Depth Answers about the Cybernetic Transposition and Super Achiever technologies prepared by Stuart.

• Cybernetic Transposition Audio Questions and Answers: A series of about 425 recorded excerpts from the SACP TeleCoaching sessions in which SACP participants ask questions and Stuart answers them in ways that easily guide them and you to new understanding.

• Coaching Demonstration Audios: A series of 38 recorded live SACP Coaching Sessions specifically dealing with the content of each of the first 10 weeks Instructional Sessions.

• Group-Wise and Personal Coaching from Stuart Lichtman: During the weekly Group-Wise Coaching Sessions, Stuart works directly with a single participant while all the others observe and, if they have the same issue, follow along. In contrast, during the On-Demand Coaching Sessions, Stuart works privately with you. (You will receive up to two hours of Personal Private On-Demand Coaching Sessions essentially whenever you choose.)

SUPER ACHIEVER Instructional Session Topics:

Prior to every Instructional Session, each participant will receive a set of weekly presentation documents in both on-line video and Adobe Acrobat PDF (printable) format that they’ll be using to follow along with Stuart’s presentation.

Prior to each Instructional session, the participants will receive a suggested program of Practices and Activities for the up-coming week.

· Instructional Session Week 1: Effectively Creating Imaginary Experiences. Creating a Wish List of your Important Aspects of Your Life. Identifying your associated Key Blockers. MLP Dialoguing Segment.

· Instructional Session Week 3: Homing in on the Wish List Area of your Life that is Pivotal and Identifying your Associated Key Blockers. Preliminarily

Identifying your SA Objective. MLP Locating Your Inner Anchor Point Segment.

· Instructional Session Week 5: Creating and Most Effectively using your Inner Anchor Point. Refinement of Your Preliminary Objective into a Final One. The Raising your Unconscious Performance Limit Process and Identifying Your Financial Unconscious Performance Limit. The First Steps in Building Your Success Team. Team. MLP Base Reframing Segment and MLP Objectives Process Segment.

· Instructional Session Week 7: What Are Subpersonalities? Identifying Relevant Subpersonalities. The Building Your Success Team Process. How to more efficiently and effectively perform the Base Reframing process. MLP Locating Your True Self Segment.

· Instructional Session Week 9: Building Your Success Team. The Subpersonality Negotiation Process. Effectively Using Your Success Team. Finalizing Your Objective. MLP Target Process Segment.

· Instructional Session Week 11: The Rapidly Finding and Becoming Employed in Your Perfect Job Process. MLP Practice Process Segment.

· Instructional Session Week 13: Using the Target Process to transform your Written Objective into an effective Unconscious Target. Using the Time-Tripping Process to Straighten the Path to achievement of your Objective. MLP Subpersonality Negotiation Segment.

· Instructional Session Week 15: Practicing Effectively. Introduction to Psychic Attacks. Introduction to Implants. Introduction to Cell-Level Memories. MLP SA Clearing Process On-Demand Invention Segment.

· Instructional Session Week 17: Building Skill Special Purpose Subpersonality Teams and Merged Reframe Special Purpose Subpersonality Teams. Effectively Using All Types of Special Purpose Subpersonality Teams. The Clearing Implants Process.

· Instructional Session Week 19: Ensuring that You Avoid Any of the Four Mistakes that could Cause You to Fail to Achieve Your Objective. Review of Clearing Implants. The Healing Cell-Level Memories Process. (Cell-Level Memories underlie life-long self-judgements and inabilities).

· Instructional Session Week 21: Review of the Healing Cell-Level Memories Process. Introduction to the Raising Your Unconscious Performance Floor Process. The Super Achievement Clearing Process (On-Demand Invention). Effectively Using Unconscious Feedback to Refine Your Target and Your Practice Process. MLP Debugging Process Segment Part 1.

· Instructional Session Week 23: The Raising Your Unconscious Performance Floor Process. Ensuring that You Get the Benefits of the Cell-Level Memory Healing Process. Ensuring that You Avoid the Four Mistakes that Could Cause Your to Fail to Achieve Your Objective. MLP Debugging Process Segment Part 2, Step 1 and Step 2.

· Instructional Session Week 25: Review of the Raising Your Unconscious Performance Floor Process. The Multiple Objectives Process. The Rolling Objectives Process. MLP Debugging Process Segment Part 2 Step 3.

· Instructional Session Week 27: Evaluating Progress and Effectively Handling Lack of Progress. Positive Temporal Recycling. The HouseCleaning Process. The CT Mastery Process as Applied to Mastering the MLP CT Processes. What’s Next?

· Instructional Session Week 29: Introduction to Great Day Process. The Healing Root Cell-level Memories Process. The generalized CT Mastery Process.

· Instructional Session Week 31: Review of the Healing Root Cell-Level Memories Process. Completion of The Great Day Process.

· Instructional Session Week 33: Evaluating Your Success in Achieving Your CT Objective. Debugging Your CT Process So You Do Even Better Next Time. Step 3 of the Great Day Process. What’s Next?

· Instructional Session Week 35: The Situational CT Processes: The Couples Shared-Vision Leadership Process. The Simplifying/Personalizing the CT Processes Process. The Optimum Learning Process.

· Instructional and Group-Wise Coaching Session Week 37: The brand new Ensuring That You’re Repeatedly Successful Process: Discussion of why people quit using what made them successful after they have achieved the seemingly impossible once. Setting up a process to ensure that you easily and successfully use these skills to accomplish the seemingly impossible repeatedly.

Cybernetic Transposition Multimedia Learning Program Topics:

· Segment 1: MLP Dialoguing Process. Part 1 – Discussion. Part 2 – Demonstration.

· Segment 2: MLP Locating Your Inner Anchor Point Process. Part 1 – Demonstration. Part 2 – Discussion. Part 3 – Guided Process.

· Segment 3: MLP Base Reframing Process. Part 1 – Demonstration. Part 2 – Discussion. Part 3 – Guided Process.

· Segment 4: MLP Objectives Process. Part 1 – Discussion. Part 2 – Demonstration. Part 3 – Guided Process.

· Segment 5: MLP Locating Your True–Self Process. Part 1 – Discussion. Part 2 – Demonstration. Part 3 – Guided Process.

· Segment 6: MLP Target Process. Part 1 – Discussion. Part 2 – Demonstration. Part 3 – Guided Process.

· Segment 7: MLP Practice Process. Part 1 – Discussion. Part 2 – Demonstration. Part 3 – Guided Process.

· Segment 8: MLP Subpersonality Negotiation Process. Part 1 – Discussion. Part 2 – Demonstration. Part 3 – Guided Process.

· Segment 9: MLP SA Clearing Process. Part 1 – Discussion. Part 2 – Demonstration. Part 3 – Guided Process.

· Segment 10: MLP Debugging Process. Part 1 – Description. Part 2 – Demonstration, Step 1. Part 2 – Demonstration, Step 2. Part 2 Demonstration, Step 3.



For a very short time, you can participate in the 100% SUCCESS RATE SACP+C at a 56% discount from the normal price of $6,950.

When you sign up, you will pay the remarkably low price of only $2,999.50 or 11 monthly installments of $298.50.

The SACP+C gives you 19 Instructional Sessions plus 38 sessions of Stuart Lichtman’s Live Coaching…

Participants Will Receive:

9. 19 Weekly RECORDED LIVE TeleCoaching Seminars.

10. The Entire CYBERNETIC TRANSPOSITION MULTIMEDIA LEARNING PROGRAM (CT MLP) incorporating 17 hours of description, demonstration and guided learning of all of the CT Processes included in Stuart Lichtman’s book.

11. Powerful SELF COACHING RESOURCES: ** The brand new SACP COACHING DEMONSTRATION AUDIOS during which Stuart Lichtman will guide you through each of the CT Blocker Resolution Processes. **About 425 recorded SACP AUDIO Q&A CLIPS. ** About 1350 IN-DEPTH CYBERNETIC TRANSPOSITION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS.

12. STEPWISE SUMMARY INSTRUCTIONS for each frequently used CT Process.

13. 21 SACP+C e-Books describing key aspects of CT Processes not available elsewhere.

14. And MORE…



Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!