Stone River Elearning – Google Cloud Platform Developer Bootcamp (Part 1 of 2)
Stone River Elearning – Google Cloud Platform Developer Bootcamp (Part 1 of 2)
Why Google Cloud Platform?
According to Global Knowledge’s Survey for 2018 a GCP Cloud Professionals had the highest salary at $139,529. Getting Google Cloud Certified or even just learning more can add value to your career earnings.
A Professional Cloud Developer builds scalable and highly available applications using Google recommended practices and tools that leverage fully managed services. This individual has experience with next generation databases, runtime environments and developer tools. They also have proficiency with at least one general purpose programming language and are skilled with using Stackdriver to produce meaningful metrics and logs to debug and trace code.
This course is meant to be a course developed to be targeted for taking the Google Cloud Professional Cloud Developer Exam. Content is fresh and has been customized for the exam materials.
It would be expected or at a minimum to have experience with Google Cloud and be a developer. Course has compressed the study objectives listed by Google Cloud and we have taken the Cloud Developer exam. The exam is very challenging and will challenge the “average” developer in many respects but mainly around how well you understand GCP best practices and services.
What you’ll learn
- Preparing for Cloud Developer Certification exam.
- Student wants to learn Google Cloud platform to develop and deploy applications on Google Cloud.
- Understand Google Compute Services to deploy applications
- Use of different databases in programming
- Google Network, Security , APIs , Deployment Manager, Cloud Build CI and CD
- Cloud Repository, Container Registry , Developer Tools
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
- You should be software developer, Programmer
- Basic Concepts of Cloud will be good to understand but not necessary.
Who this course is for:
- Developers want to enhance career on Cloud.
- Developer preparing Cloud Developer Professional certification from Google
GCP Beginners. Some minor experience would be helpful since this course does not spend much time on GCP 100 materials
- Existing Cloud Developers
- Existing Data Engineers and Administrators
- Programmers Interested in Deploying Applications on GCP
- People interested in hosting highly scaleable, fault tolerant applications (such as SQL and Joomla) on the GCP platform IaaS or PaaS.
- Taking the GCP exam and need to get certified Quickly…
Course Curriculum
- Welcome and Course Introduction (4:28)
- Course Overview (2:22)
- Course Prereqs (0:51)
- What is a Google Cloud Developer? (3:10)
- Cloud Developer Exam Objectives (5:07)
- Download Course Materials(Book,Commands and References) (0:45)
- What are Test Tips? (2:19)
- Demos and Whiteboards (0:19)
- Sign up for Free Tier (1:33)
- GCP Pricing Calculator (3:22)
- Download SDK (10:27)
- Google Cloud Introduction (7:54)
- Hierarchy (9:20)
- Demo – Console (7:16)
- Whiteboard- Projects and Orgs (5:58)
- Compute Options (4:17)
- Compute Engine (14:24)
- Demo – Compute Engine (7:49)
- Instance Groups (2:17)
- Demo – Instance Groups (9:35)
- App Engine (16:45)
- Demo – App Engine (9:46)
- Kubenetes Engine (9:00)
- Demo Kubernetes (6:27)
- Cloud Functions (6:33)
- Demo- Cloud Functions (4:07)
- Compute Roundup (2:21)
- Networking Overview (10:06)
- VPC (10:58)
- IP Addressing (3:20)
- Demo – Networking Services (4:06)
- Whiteboard- Networking Services- VPC (4:49)
- Whiteboard- Networking Services- Interopt (5:53)
- Load Balancing Discussion (4:30)
- Data Storage’ (11:34)
- Cloud Storage (9:33)
- Demo Cloud Marketplace (4:38)
- Gcloud Commands (3:22)
- Demo Data Services (2:45)
- Done with Basis, lets cover the Objectives. (0:31)
- 1. Designing highly scalable, available, and reliable cloud-native applications (2:01)
- 1.1 Designing performant applications and APIs. Considerations include: (0:41)
- Selecting the correct Cloud Service Model (2:35)
- Portability and Design (4:23)
- Evaluating System Considerations (6:34)
- Operating System Versions (2:30)
- Service Locality (3:03)
- Whiteboard- Service Locality (5:36)
- Test Tips – Service Locality (2:54)
- Evaluating Microservices Architecture (3:23)
- Whiteboard – Microservices (4:31)
- TestTips Microservices (0:53)
- Defining Key Structures (7:14)
- Key Stuctures Test Tips (0:41)
- Session Management (5:03)
- Test Tips – Session Management (2:21)
- Loosely Coupled Apps – Cloud Pub/Sub (3:04)
- Demo- Cloud Pub/Sub (3:08)
- Whiteboard (4:59)
- Testips Cloud Pub/Sub (1:28)
- Deploying and securing an API with cloud endpoints (10:49)
- Demo (4:13)
- Test Tips (2:27)
- Health Checks (3:35)
- Test Tips Health Checks (0:47)
- Google Best Practices (5:07)
- 1.2 Designing secure applications. Considerations include: (0:29)
- Regulatory Requirements (4:28)
- Test Tips Regulatory Requirements (1:15)
- Security Mechanisms (11:01)
- Test Tips Security Mechanisms (1:17)
- Storing and Rotating Secrets (11:43)
- Whiteboard (5:35)
- Test Tips Security Keys (3:11)
- IAM Roles (9:16)
- IAM Whiteboard (9:02)
- IAM Demo (4:26)
- IAM Test Tips (2:49)
- Https Certs (1:24)
- Test Tips (1:08)
- Http Certificates Demo (1:52)
- Best Practices (1:44)
- 1.3 Managing application data. Tasks include: (0:26)
- Defining Database Schemas (5:02)
- TestTips (0:43)
- Choosing Data Storage Options (6:04)
- TestTips (1:05)
- Data Ingestion (9:10)
- Test Tips (0:31)
- 1.4 Re-architecting applications from local services to Google Cloud Platform. Tasks include: (0:27)
- Using Managing Services (4:24)
- TestTips’ (1:56)
- Using the Strangler Pattern for Migration (2:54)
- Whiteboard Strangler (5:09)
- Google-recommended practices and documentation (2:07)
- Suggested Practce – Codelabs – Cloud Functions (1:38)
- Suggested Practce – Codelabs – Cloud Pub/Sub (1:17)
- Review Questions (7:40)
- 2. Building and Testing Applications (1:07)
- 2.1 Setting up your development environment. Considerations include: (0:41)
- Local App Development Environment (1:21)
- Developer Tools and SDK (4:16)
- Demo SDK (13:28)
- Demo SDK Emulators (6:15)
- Testtips (0:37)
- Create Project (0:44)
- Demo (8:59)
- TestTips (0:16)
- 2.2 Building a continuous integration pipeline (1:00)
- Demo – Creating a Cloud Source Repository and committing code to it (7:47)
- DevOps and Pipelines (10:10)
- Developing unit tests for all code written (6:41)
- Developing an integration pipeline using services (4:02)
- Reviewing test results of continuous integration pipeline (0:56)
- TestTips (2:16)
- Whiteboard DevOps pipeline (4:55)
- 2.3 Testing Considerations (0:15)
- Performance Testing, Integration and Load testing (8:34)
- Whiteboard Testing (9:02)
- Test Tips (3:26)
- 2.4 Writing Code Considerations (0:31)
- Algorithm design (1:04)
- Modern application patterns (2:03)
- Efficiency and Agile (4:02)
- Test Tips (1:35)
- Review Questions (8:58)
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