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Steve G. Jones – Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis
Steve G. Jones – Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis
“Super-Educated, Hypnotist To The Stars Reveals The Mind-Blowing Secret Techniques That Enable You To Control Virtually Every Move and Decision That Others Make By Simply Talking To Them!”
“Now Even The Thoughts Of Other People Can Be Orchestrated To Meet Your Every Desire With Nothing More Than Mere Words!”
“This Intoxicating Potion Of Persuasion Can Be Used At Any Given Moment To Entrance the Likes Of Anyone Into Giving You Exactly What You Want!”
“Discover How And Why Some People Have Their Every Wish Granted By Doing Nothing But Speaking…While Others Work Themselves To The Bone Only To Wind Up Broke, Unhappy And Lonely.”
The time has come to unlock the natural ability
within you to
- Master the art of negotiation
- Have those you desire chasing after you
- Land your dream job
- Have a name synonymous with respect
- Banish the thought of rejection
- Get your well-deserved raise
- Never be taken advantage of again
- Get anyone to do just about anything you want them to do; when you want them to do it
And much more…
From: Paul Mascetta
Success Coach
New York City (The Big Apple)
Date: Tuesday, October 22
With great power comes great responsibility. Do you think you are ready to have such power bestowed upon you?
Dear Friend,
We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” But guess what? You could know the most important people in the world, but if you can’t put them under your spell and get them to do what you want, the point of knowing them is USELESS.
If you’ve ever wanted to learn how the most persuasive and influential people in the world can “magically” control others with nothing more than their words, listen up and listen good.
What you are about to discover is the only method known to man that enables one human to legally maneuver the mind of another in a way that is so camouflaged, that those being treated as puppets are often thankful for the experience afterwards!
My name is Paul Mascetta and I learned a long time ago that in the age of information, no information is more valuable than that which enables you to get what you want. Everything else is just plain useless.
For years, I got by in the sales industry with my God-given ability to strike up conversations with people. But in the end, that just wasn’t good enough.
Sales is a tough industry, unless, you are part of the super-elite salespeople who basically write their own paychecks. The only checks I was writing were to pay bills, and most of the time they bounced.
I was an average sales-person at best. And the only time my paychecks were somewhat decent was when I worked 75 to 80 hours a week (which is like having two jobs).
Long story short, my girlfriend and I were living up in a 2 room basement apartment with mice everywhere and a baby on the way.
The bathroom was so small that I had to step outside of it to dry myself after a shower.
My bank account was negative $102 from all the overdrafts and I was eating tuna out of the can on a daily basis.
At one point, we actually used cash advances from credit cards to pay the rent.
As you can imagine, at that rate not only was I broke, but I was also knee deep in debt.
I decided I needed to make a change very quickly or else I would just keep sinking.
I started searching for as many self-improvement resources as I could get my hands on as well as sales books so that I could further develop my craft. Day in and day out, I sacrificed as much sleep as I could and used that time to download information to my mind.
I learned a ton of information.
The problem is as enlightened and as motivated as I was after reading each book or listening to each tape, I found myself powerless in terms of what action to take.
In fact, the only course of action that I did take usually consisted of buying another enlightening product. It was an endless cycle of hope and spending.
That’s when I realized that execution was equal to or even more important than simply learning the information. And my ability to execute it rested exclusively on how well I could build relationships with others.
I was in sales and the only thing that separated me from the guys making the serious money every month, was my ability (or lack thereof) to build relationships with clients.
Effectively building and maintaining clients in sales enables you to:
- Close Sales Easier
- Close Sales More Often
- Generate More Referrals
When combined, these 3 factors multiply your earnings exponentially.
But This Same Truth Was Affecting
By Personal Life As Well…
On the dating seen, I wasn’t as successful as those around me.
I had only 2 girlfriends from ages 18-25 and both dumped me after four months like a 200 pound bag of sand off a 10 story building…hard.
As far as casual dates go, I was lucky to get one here and there but they never manifested into anything.
Then I came across Dr. Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. and what was then a very “rough draft” of what later developed into his Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis course.
Who is Dr. Steve G. Jones and What Qualifies Him To Be A Master Hypnotist?
Dr. Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. is a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who has been practicing hypnotherapy for over 20 years.
He is:
- The author of 22 books on Hypnotherapy
- A member of the National Guild of Hypnotists and American Board of Hypnotherapy
- President of the American Alliance of Hypnotists
- On the board of directors of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Lung Association
- Director of the Dr. Steve G. Jones School of Clinical Hypnotherapy
- A member of the International Registry of Professional Hypnotists
- A member of Pi Lambda Theta International Honor Society for maintaining a 4.0 Grade Point Average while working on his Doctorate
Among his many accomplishments, Dr. Steve has changed the world of hypnosis through groundbreaking inventions like:
- Omniliminal ™ Hypnosis Technology
- Paralinear ™ Hypnosis Technology
- Hypno-Hybrid Hypnosis Technology
- Hypno-Fusion Hypnosis Technology
- High-Speed Subliminal Hypnosis Technology
He is also the creator of over 3,600 hypnosis recordings (more than any one person in History and the largest library of hypnotherapy recordings in the World.)
Dr. Steve was also listed in “Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges” because of his ability to maintain a 4.0 Grade Point Average while working on his Master’s Degree.
He is a recipient of the President’s Award for exemplifying outstanding
contributions to the AAACE (American Association for Adult and Continuing
I had heard about Dr. Steve in the self-improvement circuit and knew he had worked with some famous people like Tom Mankiewicz, who wrote the movie Superman and Jeraldine Saunders, Creator of the Love Boat.
I also knew that Dr. Steve presented his research on the positive effects of hypnosis on helping college students learn at two annual meetings of the AAACE where only top scholars are invited to present. The AAACE has over 750,000 members.
The bottom line…I knew he wasn’t some self-proclaimed “know it all” who had nothing but his own ego backing his reputation. He was a highly educated master-hypnotist who changed people’s lives.
After all, Dr. Steve does hold a Bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Florida (1994), a Master’s degree in education from Armstrong Atlantic State University (2007), and is currently working on a doctorate in education, Ed.D., at Georgia Southern University.
I knew I needed help in building relationships and I knew I had tried just about everything with the exception of hypnotherapy.
Here’s Why Hypnotherapy Delivers Results Where Other Attempts Fail Miserably…
The success of every single attempt to better your life using methods other than hypnotherapy rides on one single factor, which seems pretty simple yet it’s the reason why a majority of people never actually make it in life.
And that factor is called taking action.
People love to plan, love to dream and love to imagine the future.
How many times have you thought about what you would feel like if you lost that extra weight or met that special person or made that million dollars?
How many times have you postponed actually doing something about it?
How many times have you planned to wait until January 1st to start exercising?
Or waited until you felt better about yourself to get into the dating scene more aggressively?
Or told yourself, you need to get all your bills paid before you can venture into other areas to make more money?
Does this day, when all action is supposed to take place, ever actually come? And if it does, does it last?
In most cases, it doesn’t. Most of us are creatures of habit. The human mind loves comfort and familiarity. Taking action to change your life can be both uncomfortable, unfamiliar and downright terrifying at times.
So left to your own devices, chances are you’ll never take the right course of action or continue it as long as you should.
And taking no action is a failure in itself…point blank.
It’s not your fault that things happen this way.
What I’m about to tell you is a vicious truth that many so called “self-improvement experts” want to keep buried away forever like a dreadful secret:
“Almost all self-improvement products on the market today are designed with the sole purpose of up-selling you into an endless cycle of buying.”
Now I’m not saying that there aren’t products out there jam-packed with powerful information that you can use to fuel your progressive enhancement.
But what I am saying is that in most cases, only half of the story is being told.
To get access to the other half, you have to purchase something else; and then something after that; and then something after that.
And the reason why is simple.
People would rather subscribe to a dream than to the convoluted world that is sometimes reality.
It’s always easier to take the path of least resistance.
And that path usually consists of procrastination defined by constant planning – or dreaming as I see it – through purchasing the “next big answer to all of your problems”.
Realizing this evil truth exists and unfortunately I was falling victim to it. I decided I needed to look for something else, something that wouldn’t be designed to keep me running around in circles while the “self improvement experts” got rich.
That’s when I decided to try hypnotherapy. Because with hypnotherapy, there’s no time to think about not taking action or procrastinating. Your mind is pre-programmed for success before you start talking yourself into failure.
While I wasn’t exactly talking myself into failure, I was suffering from something known as analysis paralysis.
Basically, I was spending an inordinate amount of time thinking about what I should do…and in the process I wasn’t actually doing anything.
I had tried it all…with the exception of hypnosis.
For months on end, I scrimped and saved until I finally had enough money to book a private session with Dr. Steve. Luckily for me, he wasn’t charging as much as he is today for his life-changing forms of therapy.
After I explained to Dr. Steve what problems I was having in my life, he decided that best course of action would be to use his hypnosis recordings as fuel for constant action.
These would prevent me from running in circles as I did in the past and help me keep moving in a positive direction.
Once things were going as planned, it was time to take my life to the next level.
That’s when I was introduced to perhaps the most powerful form of hypnosis on the planet…Conversational Hypnosis.
I say that because this form of hypnosis equips you with the highest power of all…the transcendent ability to hypnotize others!
You see, instead of spoon-feeding me his craft in small doses and having me run back to him like a starving hostage, Dr. Steve was actually transferring the power into my hands and putting me in the position of paramount control.
He was teaching me how to use the brains, abilities, talents, power, money, strengths, looks, desires, passions and all other positive attributes of others to my advantage all without deceptively manipulating them.
After just one session, my life started to change. I was closing sales easier than I did before.
After 2 sessions, I was not only closing better, I was closing more people.
By the time we reached 5 sessions, I had to pay an assistant out of pocket just to take care of my paperwork because I was too busy closing deals.
It came a point where all I did for 8 hours a day was take checks, credit cards and cash payments from people.
Within 1 year, I was able to purchase a house, a brand new SUV and even a $5,000 Breitling watch.
But there’s more to it than that…
You see, the empowerment that I gained from conversational hypnosis allowed me to:
- Purchase that house for almost $80,000 less than the asking price
- Get $1,200 taken off of the price of the watch
- Get a free DVD player in my new SUV as well as life-time oil changes and on top of that I got them to give me $5,000 for a ten year old beat up car with 100,000 miles on it that was only worth about $3,000
And on all three occasions, I called the shots and had the other party squirming in their chairs yet they kept eating out of my hand like a hungry kitten.
But that’s not all…
My life took a drastic turn for the better in all areas.
On the dating scene, I was a force to be reckoned with. I never found myself lonely and miserable.
In fact, the hardest part of my day became trying to fit a date into my busy schedule.
Then the day came where I met the woman of dreams. We’re still happily together with 2 beautiful children.
Dr. Steve was so elated with the impact that Conversational Hypnosis had on my life that he decided I should be the Editor of his world famous website and have the sole responsibility of researching and testing various self improvement products and resources to see just how effective they are.
I’m at a point in my life where I can do what I am passionate about and make a nice living doing so.
That nice living enables me to have a beautiful home, money in the bank, a nice portfolio of investments and best of all; I can enjoy a nice rib eye at a 5 star restaurant instead of tuna fish.
The impact that conversational hypnosis has had on my life has been so dynamic that I made a promise to never stop learning and mastering it.
As I always say, once you decide there’s no room for improvement, you begin making room for failure.
When I started learning these techniques, I had a hunch that something positive would happen, but I had no idea how drastically my life would change.
I also had no idea that I was learning from an expert who learned these techniques from the one and only Richard Bandler…creator of Neuro Linguistic Programming!
High-Profile Hypnotist Of Beverly Hills Is Trained By The Man Responsible For The Creation Of NLP
In the 1980’s, hypnotherapy was wildly popular in the 90210 area code.
Celebrities of all kinds were stopping at nothing for services involving hypnosis and paying ridiculous amounts of money in the process…
And a good amount of them were lined up in the waiting room of Dr. Steve’s office in the prestigious Roxbury Medical Building.
And it’s no surprise why.
What Dr. Steve was doing with these celebrities was nothing short of miraculous.
He was taking ultra-successful superstars who had traveled the world, dined in the fanciest restaurants, sipped the finest wines and enjoyed the best things life had to offer, and offering them something they considered even more valuable than all of those things combined.
You see, if you possess the power of wealth and world recognition, there aren’t too many things that you can’t get your hands on.
With the snap of a finger and the right amount of money, a person can even eat lunch in California and still make it to France in time for dinner.
But to Provide Someone With an Ability to Control Other’s with Their Words?
This very powerful formula that embodies Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is built on the platform of the teachings of pioneers like Dr. Milton Erickson and Ivan Pavlov who together changed the world forever. That is something you simply cannot put a price tag on.
What Exactly is Neuro-Linguistic Programming?
Founded by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP is a widely accepted skill-set system built on the relationship between one’s neurology, language and programming and the powerful impact that relationship have on one’s life.
These three components are what typically make up every experience we have as humans.
Our Neurological System is responsible for every single function of the body.
Our Language is the avenue which we use to communicate.
And our Programming sets forth a vision of the world as we see it.
The techniques encapsulated in NLP are based on the behavioral pattern discoveries of Dr. Milton Erikson, who founded the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. He is arguably the most clinically successful psychiatrist who ever lived.
But before him, there was another…
Nobel-Peace Prize Winner, Dr. Ivan Pavlov discovers techniques that will forever change the world
In the early 1900’s, Dr. Ivan Pavlov began paving the way for conversational hypnosis to change the way people influenced others. |
He realized through experiments with dogs, that you could get an animal to do something through a stimulus that had nothing to with the response.
Let me explain.
Pavlov would feed dogs food covered with chili powder. As he was feeding them, he would ring a bell.
Eventually, all he would have to do is ring the bell and the dogs would associate the sound of the bell with food and begin to salivate.
The bottom line…he could make a dog salivate by simply ringing a bell.
But Could These Same Principles be Applied to Humans?
That’s the question that Milton Erickson wanted to answer.
You see, where most scientists saw people as machines, Erickson knew that dealing with the human mind – with its emotion, thought capacity and belief system- would be more challenging than just training dogs.
There in lies the difference. Dogs don’t have a belief system. Therefore, to truly get the same result with a human, you would have to get into his or her belief system…and Erickson did that better than just about anyone.
Using hypnosis, he could entrance anyone into doing anything at anytime.
Richard Bandler would later redevelop these techniques to create NLP where one human could tap into the mental program of another through words.
After receiving training from Bandler, Dr. Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. combined all his previous knowledge about hypnosis and NLP and transformed it into what he called “Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis.”
With Conversational Hypnosis, anyone could be easily trained to do what Erickson and Pavlov did over 100 years ago but in today’s world.
You see, in those days there was no such thing as text messaging, e-mail or even telephones.
Back then, these techniques were only effective if you could get someone to sit in front of you and wait to be entranced.
But now the world is a completely different place and all the techniques of the past needed to be modified.
That’s what separated Dr. Steve’s course, Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis from everything else.
It enabled a person to implement these techniques through modern-day forms of communication.
That’s when all the chaos began…
Suddenly more and more people began hearing about the effects of Conversational Hypnosis and how it could allow a person to dominate the thoughts and actions of someone else that it quickly grew into a frenzy.
The demand for information on this wondrous form of hypnosis was beyond anything he could fathom.
Hundreds of e-mails were pouring in each day requesting private sessions, digital downloads, teleseminars and countless other resources that people could use to learn Conversational Hypnosis.
It got to a point where Dr. Steve was only getting about 3 hours of sleep on a good night.
That’s when it hit me…
Why not build something that could serve as a universally accepted resource on Conversational Hypnosis? Something that could allow the power of this astounding form of hypnosis to be placed in the hands of anyone…just as it was for me.
And why not make it so affordable that just about anyone could own it?
Introducing Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis by Dr. Steve G. Jones, M.Ed.
In a nutshell, Dr. Steve has put together an empowering course, which will cover the most popular (and more importantly, advantageous) areas of life in which conversational hypnosis can be applied. Dr. Steve has left no stone unturned in creating this powerful program.
This course will serve as your “personal potion of influence.” Learn to live a life and state of pure dominance at all times!
Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis includes 18+ hours of recorded sessions, which include:
-Persuasion Through Texting – With just the touch of a finger, you can now begin influencing people through one of the most popular methods of communication in today’s World.
-E-mail Persuasion – Use the Internet to put people under your spell.
-Mind Control through Phone Conversations – Your next subject of influence is now just a phone call away.
-Anchoring people to you – This powerful technique, which reminds us of Pavlov’s experiments, is sure to bring people to you like a dog to a bone.
-Anchoring yourself to success – Become one of those who just seems to a be success magnet.
-Building rapport – A priceless resource, rapport is the one element essential to influence.
-Advanced Rapport Building – In this stage, you will learn how to entrance perfect strangers and even your worst enemies, simply because they TRUST you.
-Mirroring – By doing what others do while you talk to them, you will establish mega-rapport!
-Leading – After establishing mega-rapport through mirroring, you can then lead them to do as you please!
-Pattern Interrupt Technique I – Want a quick way to change someone’s thinking? This technique will do that and more!
-Pattern Interrupt Technique II – Yet another way to change someone’s thinking in an instant.
-Pattern Interrupt Technique III – As if two techniques are not enough, here is a third that is even faster and easier than the first two!
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– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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