Signe Simon, Simone Humphrey – The Millennial Lovelink

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Signe Simon, Simone Humphrey – The Millennial Lovelink

Signe Simon | Simone Humphrey
1 Hour 59 Minutes
Audio and Video
Mar 24, 2018


Many millennials are choosing to ditch gender identifiers like male and female, and shed labels like single, taken, gay, or straight. They’re shucking them in favor of fluidity—the belief that one’s deeply personal sense of gender, sexuality, or in-relationship identity can be more elusive and shifting than previous generations acknowledged. We’ll explore how working with fluid millennial clients can be both enlightening and challenging for older therapists, especially when helping them navigate issues of intimacy, love, and sex.


Millennials approach love and sexuality differently compared to other age groups.

  • Understand the challenge of committing to relationships
  • Understand the challenge millenials face in the context of a desire for independence and commitment

Understand the how to build a therapeutic alliance with millennials

  • Explore the qualities that millennials value in a therapist such as self-disclosure and directness
  • Explore how to develop these qualities as a therapist

Learn the language of millennials

  • Understand the distinctive language millennials speak
  • Gain knowledge about the way millennials communicate in relationships


Signe Simon, MSE Related seminars and products: 1

Signe Simon, MSE, is a psychology doctoral student and intern at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York. She’s the cofounder of LOVELINK, an online resource and podcast on modern love.

Simone Humphrey, MA Related seminars and products: 1

Simone Humphrey, MA, is a psychology doctoral student and intern at the Manhattan VA. She’s the cofounder of LOVELINK.


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