– Upper body ties made easy

$52.00 $150.00 Sale - Upper body ties made – Upper body ties made easy

We have recently subscribed to the SibariClasses course, Upper Body Ties Made Easy, and have begun practising the easiest of the ten tutorials. This is the M-shape Tie (reverse tension method).

Upper Body Ties Made Easy – First Impressions

Upper Body Ties Made Easy is the second paid course that we have signed up to on the ShibariClasses website, the first being Tying Techniques Part 1. In common with lots of couples, taking that initial plunge in deciding to buy a tutorial (instead of just searching on YouTube, etc) was a bit of a leap of faith, but after seeing only two courses I think I speak for both of us when I say that it’s been well worth it.

The teaching, by Nina on both the course so far, is wonderfully paced and she makes everything very clear. Aside from the actual subject matter being taught, by watching carefully we have been picking up all kinds of small, nuanced tips along the way. Questions that we think of while watching seem to be answered soon after, mind-reader style, and some additional text comment tips often appear on screen to clarify other detailed points.

Admittedly we need to work on this technique. The double-column tie is far from perfect, the reverse tension is sort of there, but probably needs more tension, and out of shot slightly, the final closure with a half-hitch became a little untidy. But, it’s early days and it really feels like we’ll be adding some fabulous techniques to our repertoire.

Later in the course there are variations on this M-shape tie, Rifle Bearer ties, and more. We’ve got so much to learn, but it looks like a really excellent course.

The first paid we studied was Tying Techniques Part 1 and we wrote up our thoughts in this article: Getting Wrapped Up In Shibari Practice. The teaching is really clear, simple to follow, and the techniques are great fun…

The wrapping style technique that we started learning in Tying Techniques Part 1 has been coming along really nicely and we’ve even managed to come up with a few slight variations. Bruce and Nina of ShibariClasses are big on the idea of teaching the “building blocks” and I can absolutely endorse that it’s helped us to mix and match techniques in other aspects of rope-play.

The thong in the photos is the Seven Till Midnight Strappy Thong, and I think it looks great with rope bondage. The straps echo the lines of the tie, and the thong itself feels pretty naughty in its own right. I thought they’d make lovely spanking knickers, which is true, but it’s good to be versatile! ?

We’ll certainly report back as we make progress through the course, but our first impressions are that it’s every bit as good as we hoped.


Do check out the sexy knickers on Lovehoney. This pair is the Seven Till Midnight Strappy Lace Thong.

We’re only just beginning to practice the techniques in Upper Body Ties Made Easy. We watched the whole course, which consists of 10 video tutorials running for about 55 minutes in total, but have only begun learning the first techniques: two methods for the M-Shaped Tie. Check it out via the link above and I think you’ll find it’s great value at only $10 per month of access.

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