Sandra Ingerman, MA – Shamanic Journeying for Healing 2024
Sandra Ingerman, MA – Shamanic Journeying for Healing 2024
What You’ll Discover in These 4 Weeks
In this 4-week transformational intensive, Sandra will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to journey to the Lower, Upper, and Middle Worlds to receive healing, encouragement, and higher guidance from helping spirits.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with Sandra and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Sandra’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Course Sessions Tuesdays at 5:00pm Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Sandra. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need for shamanic journeying to other worlds where you’ll connect with helping spirits and receive healing, encouragement, and higher guidance.
Module 1: Journey to the Lower World to Connect With Helping Spirits to Guide & Protect You (January 2)

This week, delve deep into the foundations of shamanism and shamanic journeying and learn why it is so relevant and healing to modern day living.
Sandra will share some of the methods used to enter non-ordinary realms and meet up with multiple helping spirits.
For many, the Lower World feels earthy and tangible — you can really feel yourself sticking your fingers in the earth. There are forests, deserts, beaches, and other things you would experience here on Earth.
There are also power animals who volunteer to guide us. Or, our helping spirit might take the form of a tree or a plant, in which case we would call it a guardian spirit.
You’ll be guided on your first shamanic journey to open to these experiences… and learn about the helping spirits who are guiding you and protecting you right now.
- Discover the sacred practice of shamanism that includes a ceremony called the shamanic journey
- Learn about the worlds that shamans travel to — and why they’re important
- Learn the tools shamans use to enter the unseen realms — and how to prepare for and interpret shamanic journeys
- Journey to the Lower World to meet with a power animal or guardian spirit
Module 2: Connect With a Teacher in the Upper World for Healing Requests (January 9)

Explore the unseen realms of the Upper World, where there are a variety of helping spirits, including teachers in human form.
These teachers are like our power animals and nature being helping spirits.
This week, you’ll explore the benefit of asking questions of both your guardian spirits and teachers to learn how they have different perspectives — on life and on Earth.
The Upper World feels a bit more celestial to many. The colors are more pastel in nature. And it doesn’t feel as tangible as the Lower World. Oftentimes you feel yourself standing on clouds versus standing on solid ground.
There are layers of pure light, and then you can come to a place known as the void, which is pure darkness — the rich and fertile territory that is the place right before creation.
Sandra will share the best kinds of questions and intentions to hold as you journey… and then guide you in a journey to receive healing from a teacher in the Upper World.
- Discover the different styles of journeying that can deepen the work
- Learn the best and most appropriate questions to ask helping spirits and nature beings in a journey
- Explore what journeying to the Upper World is like — and how it’s different than journeying to the Lower World
- Journey to a teacher in human form to ask a question or ask for healing
- Gain a deeper understanding on when to journey to the Lower World versus the Upper World
Module 3: Be Immersed in the Non-Ordinary Reality of the Middle World to Connect More Deeply With the Natural World (January 16)

The Middle World is the non–ordinary reality of the world we live in here on Earth. This is a place where shamans do long distance work and also have the opportunity to speak to nature beings.
Sandra will share why performing long-distance work, talking to nature spirits and the elements, and meeting with the spirit of the land and Earth is deep and meaningful work for all of us to do.
You’ll also gain an enriched perspective on why we thrive when we deepen our connections with nature and find deep joy in being able to communicate to nature beings as if they’re our most trusted friends.
You’ll also be guided on how to connect with nature beings and begin to establish a loving relationship of mutual respect…
… and explore how the land you live on can support you in ways you haven’t imagined once you learn how to connect with the land as your home.
- Learn what the Middle World is like — and how shamans used the Middle World to do remote work.
- Explore how to connect with nature beings who share this Earth with you
- Journey to the Middle World to meet up with some of your favorite nature beings and elements
- Reverently approach nature by asking permission to connect — and gain new insights on how to deepen your relationship and connection with nature
- Gain a deeper perspective on why it’s important to connect with the spirit of the land you live on
Module 4: Heal Yourself and Others With Spiritual Light Through Transfiguration (January 23)

One of the most ancient practices in shamanism and other spiritual traditions is healing with spiritual light. Sandra was told in a dream that this process is called “transfiguration.”
Transfiguration brings you to a different evolution of your work. Working with helping spirits, you can feel your egoic self reaching to the Divine for answers, guidance, and healing.
The process of transfiguration opens the reality that you have the same spiritual power as the helping spirits…
… and that your true spiritual identity is the same light of the Creator and the Divine — as you radiate this light, you effortlessly create healing for others, all of life, and the planet.
Sandra will share how to bring transfiguration into your everyday life to be in true service to the planet.
You’ll discover:
- How shamans heal with light
- The difference between working with the spirits as a human with an ego and how shamans drop their humanness to let go of their body and mind — and experience their true spiritual identity, which is light
- How you can push out darkness and fill yourself with your own light, which brings you to a much higher state of consciousness than reacting to life with ego and feelings of separateness
- Why permission is needed to journey for someone else
- How in with healing with light you don’t need permission from others to see them in their divine light and perfection
The Shamanic Journeying for Healing Bonus Offering
In addition to Sandra’s transformative 4-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
When you register by Midnight Pacific on Tuesday, December 12, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:
Experiential Ceremony on Transfiguration
Video Teaching From Sandra Ingerman

In this 80-minute lecture, held at MingTong Gu’s Chi Center in Santa Fe, Sandra speaks about shamanism and transfiguration. She also shares a beautiful experiential transfiguration ceremony. MingTong Gu closes the gathering with an extraordinary meditation helping ground your light into your body and Mother Earth.
Register by December 12 to claim this bonus before it expires.
Shamanism & the Natural Elements
Video Teaching and Meditations From Sandra Ingerman

In this 38-minute video teaching from the 2023 Earthkeeper’s Summit, presented by The Four Winds Society, Sandra discusses shamanism, our connection with nature, and our inner world as a reflection of our outer world. She offers deeper insights on the importance of connecting with the elements. Last, Sandra speaks to the consciousness that exists in all beings — and why this means we’re never alone.
Register by December 21 to claim this bonus before it expires.
Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!
How Soul Stealing Impacts Your Ancestral Line
Video Dialogue With Sandra Ingerman From the Ancestral Healing Summit

In this 54-minute conversation with Sandra, she shares the shamanic importance of restoring balance in your ancestral line. She’ll talk about the shamanic understanding of soul stealing, and how it impacts your health and relationships. You’ll learn how soul stealing is a behavior passed down in families — and how it impacts your health and relationships as well as your ancestors and descendants.
Shamanic Journeying Toolkit
Audio Tools and PDF Guide From Sandra Ingerman

In this shamanic toolkit from Sandra, you’ll receive full instructions on shamanic journeying as Sandra helps you find your own doorway into the invisible realms… gives you suggestions to deepen your work… and guides you on some of the finer points of journeying to help you fine-tune your own practice. Included tools are: Introduction to Shamanic Journeying (audio & PDF guide); Whistle, Rattle, Drum track(12-minute audio); Bell & Bowl track (10-minute audio excerpt of Transmission of Healing Information From an Enlightened Spirit from the audio program Soul Journeys: Music for Shamanic Practice produced by Sounds True); and Ultimate Om (15-minute audio). You’ll also receive the Drumming Track for Journeying to assist you with your practice.
NOTE: Please listen to the Introduction to Shamanic Journeying audio before attending the first course session so you can dive right into the journeying work and make the best use of your time in class with Sandra.
Resources for Ceremonial Work
Audio and PDF Guides From Sandra Ingerman

The magic of ceremony is leaving your ordinary life behind and stepping into a sacred space. You can truly participate with others who are opening their hearts along with you to create positive change. With these guides and circle songs, Sandra will equip you for healing ceremonies. She’ll also show you how to create intentions for your ceremonies that carry the energy of love, light, support, honor, and respect.
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– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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