Sabrina, Daniel & Carla – 2021 Intermediate French Sunday Mornings, Sabrina, Daniel and Carla Session 2

$27.00 $149.00 Sale


Sabrina, Daniel & Carla – 2021 Intermediate French Sunday Mornings, Sabrina, Daniel and Carla Session 2

Your Instructor

French Tandem Teachers Sabrina Daniel & Carla

Sabrina Sebban (Paris and Denver), Daniel Kline Dubois (Lorient, France) and Carla Tarini (Chicago) Tandem teach French classes on Zoom.

French teacher at Thomas Jefferson High School. She also has been teaching faculty and adults at large at the University of Colorado in Boulder for the last 5 years. She is a teacher trainer, coach, editor, writer and translator. Before, Thomas Jefferson, she taught in Illinois and before that she worked in corporate Sales for an international airline. She loves languages, traveling, music, theater and spending time with my family and her dog Cupcake.

Daniel Kline-Dubois is a French, English and Breton teacher living in Brittany, France. Together with Sabrina he began Tandem Teaching French in 2019. He has taught Breton at the Agen Workshop since the first year. He has been a Comprehension-Based teacher since 2014 and in his spare time learns dozens of new languages.

Carla Tarini is the author of the Qui Parle Francais series in French, 10 books of 1 page biographies in simple French of 100 Francophones from diverse countries and backgrounds. She teaches French in Winnetka, Illinois.

Course Curriculum

Session 2: Class 1 of 7, April 18, 2021
  • April 18, video, audio and chat box (58:46)
Zoom Login Info
  • Zoom Login
Session 2: Class 2 of 7 4-25-21
  • Video and chat box (63:57)
Session 2: Class 3 of 7 5-2-21
  • Video and chat box (118:54)
Session 2: Class 4 of 7 5-9-21
  • Video, audio and chat box (120:56)
Session 2: Class 5 of 7 (recording was done incorrectly — mostly class view accidentally.) 5-16
  • Video, audio, chat (54:51)
Class 6 of 7
  • Video, audio, chat 5-23 (114:34)
Class Readings
  • Marciano Readings

Shipping method

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– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!