Ryan August – Manual Therapy, Exercise & Taping Techniques for the Hands-On Management of Complex Knee Injuries

Manual Therapy, Exercise & Taping Techniques for the Hands-On Management of Complex Knee Injuries

Ryan August – Manual Therapy, Exercise & Taping Techniques for the Hands-On Management of Complex Knee Injuries

Ryan August
Full Day
Audio and Video
Dec 12, 2016


It’s no secret – people are harder on their knees than they have ever been. From young athletes to weekend warriors to active seniors, knee injuries are a common occurrence. Knee injury patients across the nation are turning to physical therapists, athletic trainers and strength and conditioning professionals to improve their function and help them rehab from surgical procedures. Ryan August, PT, DPT, MTC, CMP, CSCS, focuses on knee injury and management, and will provide you with renewed confidence in applying current research in science and exercise to active patients with knee pathologies.

Ryan will teach you strategies to select the appropriate exercise at the appropriate stage of healing for the patient following an ACL reconstruction. Evidence regarding stress placed on the ACL with specific exercises, healing times and graft selection implication will all be covered in depth. Learn the most recent biomechanical and pathophysiological theories and treatment approaches for sufferers of patella femoral pain and patellar tendinopathies.

Advances in meniscal and cartilage care will be covered, as well as the long-term potential progressions to OA and post-operative care for the Total Knee Replacement patient. Ryan will teach you strategies to help guide return to activity or sport, limit injury and re-injury and measuring and proving successful outcomes. The highlight of the course will be breaks intermixed into the lecture to stop and practice manual techniques, exercises and taping selections for the patients with knee pathologies.


Webcast Manual (8.28 MB) 75 Pages Available after Purchase


ACL Tear and Reconstruction

  • Non-operative, pre-operative and postoperative care
  • Identify risk factors
  • Graft selection and implication of rehab
  • Exercise selection and graft stresses
  • Post-operative complications
  • Return to play testing and guidelines
  • Knee injury prevention programs
  • Practice exercise and return to play testing

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

  • Current philosophy on causation
  • Classification system
  • Assessment strategies
  • Evidence-based rehab programs including
    • Proprioceptive training, proximal strengthening, orthotics
  • Taping techniques, practice

Patellar Tendinopathy

  • It’s not just an -itis
  • Pathological causation
  • Evidence-based treatment
  • Eccentric Loading program

Articular Cartilage and Meniscal Rehabilitation

  • ACI, OATS, Micro fx procedures and postoperative care
  • Biomechanical considerations for optimized outcomes
  • Latest meniscal repair options and rehab considerations

Osteoarthritis and Total Knee Replacement

  • Biomechanical influences
  • Evidence-based non-operative care
  • Post-operative considerations
  • Exercise selection and manual techniques
  • Functional Mobility Assessment

Proximal and distal contributing factors

  • How to Identify
  • How to Address

Hamstring Strains

  • Acute vs. Chronic
  • Lumbo Pelvic Contributions
  • Eccentric Training
  • Prevention
  • Exercise Selection
  • Exercise practice and manual techniques


Ryan August, PT, DPT, MTC, CMP, CSCS Related seminars and products: 2

Ryan August, PT, DPT, MTC, CMP, CSCS, is currently a Physical Therapist and Therapy Coordinator with the Center of Health and Rehabilitation in Augusta, Maine. His many years of experience include working in an outpatient orthopedic setting with preferred treatment approaches of hands-on care supported by exercise prescription. In his current and prior roles, Ryan has been responsible for managing many challenging knee injuries and conditions. Ryan has treated patients of all skill levels, including: professional, Division 1, high school, weekend warrior athletes and your neighbor who wakes up to go to work each day, so he understands the challenges associated with a wide spectrum of involvement and personalities.

While completing his doctorate work, he achieved certification in manual therapy and as a Certified Mulligan Practitioner. He has also complete Certification in Kinesio Taping from the Kinesio Taping Association. He is a member of the New England Shoulder and Elbow Society, has provided national-level continuing education seminars on a variety of orthopedic-related topics and has educated at the college level as well.

Ryan’s ongoing clinical experience and commitment to quality patient care will be evident through his practical presentation of clinical orthopedics. His goal is to have each participant leave his seminars with immediately-applicable skills. He is pleased to have this opportunity to share his expertise with you.

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Ryan August receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

Nonfinancial: Ryan August has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.

Salepage: https://catalog.pesi.com//item/manual-therapy-exercise-taping-techniques-handson-management-complex-knee-injuries-16324
Archive: https://archive.ph/9fXl9

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