RSD Derek – The Brotherhood Mastermind Monthly Call December 2018

$52.00 $497.00 Sale

RSD Derek - The Brotherhood Mastermind Monthly Call December 2018

RSD Derek – The Brotherhood Mastermind Monthly Call December 2018


Derek here,

Years ago, when I started coaching Bootcamps consistently with RSD, I quickly recognized that I attracted a different type of client than the other instructors.

Most had already mastered (or were on their way to mastering) some area of their life, their education, their career, a sport, a musical instrument, their military training, etc…

I found that they had their shit together and wanted to learn more from me than just how to pickup a girl…

As weekends ticked by, I realized that my network was growing exponentially. I had spent my life searching for elite mentors and a hyper-engaged peer group, and suddenly, every weekend, they were coming to get coached by me.

I knew that one day I needed to tie this group together… and that day is today.

I remember how frustrating it was to find a capable wingman when I started in the game and I know how crucial it is to have advanced mentors and coaches in every area of your life.

So, THE BROTHERHOOD is our new Tribe, full of serious and accomplished men from diverse fields with varied skill sets.

This enclave of talented men will be able to help you, not only with women, but also with business, health, and many areas of your life.
I Have Worked In-Person With Many Of You And I Am Seriously Amped Up To See The Sparks Fly When We Get Together!

The cost of taking a Bootcamp or joining THE BROTHERHOOD is a useful screening tool to ensure that only the most dedicated guys are in this group. This is simply a cover charge, much like at a nightclub to ensure only the right people get access while the rest are left outside to stand in the rain.

Gold level or higher membership to THE BROTHERHOOD is only available to Derek Bootcamp Alumni. You know that men in this group are team players, serious and dedicated to your mutual success.

I know that this platform will change lives. Connections will be made, lifelong friendships will be formed, and of course… hot women will get banged.

This exclusive and private digital members area will allow me to train everyone for an EXTENDED period of time, in a discrete way that is only available to the men we want in our group. This allows me to get graphic and x-rated in my coaching and for you to ask any question you want.

The Brotherhood will also be a hub for members to connect, ask questions, share ideas, plan meetups and strategize on how to get more sex and success in our lives.

There will be an interactive forum and direct messaging feature to facilitate these collisions.

… and ultimately that is just the beginning… I will be constantly asking for feedback and suggestions on how we can make The Brotherhood network even more valuable to all of us.

Once you are on the inside, go to the “Suggestion Box” section of the members area and submit your suggestion!
Here’s A Quick Look At What Is Waiting For You When
Monthly Group Coaching & Accountability Calls:

Every month, our BROTHERHOOD members also receive complete access to our group coaching sessions where I’ll work with you online in a group coaching session to answer the most important questions THE BROTHERHOOD voted on throughout the month.

These sessions will help you clarify your goals, ensure you are engaging in best practices, so you can consistently make tremendous leaps in progress in your game and in life.

These will also allow my team and I to share lessons learned on EVERY Derek Bootcamp.

And don’t worry if you can’t attend all of the calls, we will record them and add the recordings to the members area so you can watch at your convenience and rewatch to more deeply internalize the lessons.
In-Group Discussions, Collaboration, & Connection Opportunities:

THE BROTHERHOOD was specifically designed to foster connections and community engagement. You know my standards are set high, so rest assured this group will consistently deliver value. Here are the connection tools you will have access to:

Forum Access to ask questions, get answers and engage with others. (Gold Tier Only)
RSD World, Winter & Euro Summit Meetups (Gold Tier Only)
Access to Direct Message Derek 1 Message Per Month (Gold Tier Only)
Access to Direct Message A Derek Coach 1 Message Per Month (Gold Tier Only)

A Family of Team Players:

THE BROTHERHOOD is only for dedicated and committed members. When you join, you are making a firm 12-month commitment to be engaged with your fellow BROTHERS, be respectful of your fellow BROTHERS, and you understand that THE BROTHERHOOD membership fee is not refundable for any reason.

Furthermore, to ensure that engagement and respect, any member who doesn’t participate with us for 60 days or longer, will have their account suspended, until they explain to us via written post, why they have failed us.

Anyone who isn’t serious about their commitment to build high-quality and long-term value with us, shouldn’t join to begin with. They should stay out there and stand in the rain. They will not be allowed to feel the warmth of THE BROTHERHOOD.

To Get To The Advanced Levels In Any Field,

I have BARELY touched on the ways that this elite support group is going to propel every critical area of your life forward, and continuously foster fruitful connections with allies on your journey to success.

Now, after the initial launch period, membership cost to THE BROTHERHOOD will shoot up, we are offering steep discounts on Silver tier and monthly payment options for a limited time only. The introductory pricing on this is a steal considering the plans we have for this exclusive crew…

During this brief pre-launch offer period you can grab your yearly Silver Tier membership for only $497 and Gold Tier membership for $3,000. I want this group to hit the ground running, and I know that the larger the network, the more valuable it will be for everyone inside.

As an additional gift for those that join during the Pre-Launch offer, you will get two additional BONUSES that will jumpstart your progress on our journey…

An additional December session that won’t count against your 12 month yearly membership, and
A 30 Minute Game Accelerator Coaching Call with one of my top assistants.

This Is The Mastermind That I Would Have KILLED To Be A Part Of When I Was Starting Out In The Game! And Now, It’s Available To YOU!!

To join, simply click the link below, confirm your payment details, and one of my coaches will contact you promptly to welcome you to THE BROTHERHOOD, and to set up your login credentials.

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!