Robert Moss – Dreaming the Soul Back Home
Robert Moss – Dreaming the Soul Back Home
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Sessions
In this 7-session transformational program, Robert will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies that you’ll need to successfully learn core techniques from the shamanic way of dreaming – tracking, time folding, shapeshifting, dream enactment, etc. – which will, in turn, enable you to become most masterful in your Dreamtime.
Each contemplation and training session will build upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to become a shaman of your own soul through dreaming.
Module 1: Opening to Active Dreaming Becoming Lucid 24/7
Dreaming isn’t just what happens during sleep; Dreaming is waking up to sources of guidance, healing and creativity beyond the reach of the everyday mind. Our lives become richer and juicier when we learn to become active dreamers. In this session, you’ll improve your understanding of dreams by learning to re-enter them and recover the full experience. You’ll also discover how you can take action to bring guidance and energy from the dreamworld into everyday life – and to use personal dreams as portals for exploring the larger reality.
In this module, you’ll learn how to:
- Break a dream “drought,” and improve dream recall
- Read and work with dream messages about the future
- Play a fun, high-energy game of everyday dream-sharing
- Harvest personal imagery for healing and creative projects
- Take action to bring dream energy and guidance into regular life
- Seek guidance, healing and adventure through dream incubation
- Navigate by synchronicity, the dreamer’s way of operating 24/7
Module 2: Entering Shamanic Dreamtime
In many indigenous languages, the word for shaman means “one who dreams” – and the word for “dream” implies a journey of the soul. Shamans are called by dreams, and the heart of their practice is to be able to embark on lucid dream journeys at will. In this session, we’ll introduce the art of conscious dream travel, including ways to stay lucid throughout your dream. You’ll also discover powerful ways to work with your spirit animals.
In this module, you’ll learn how to:
- Practice shamanic techniques for lucid dreaming and shifting consciousness
- Connect with power animals to discover the natural path of your energies and receive guidance and protection
- Use dreams as doorways to other dimensions
- Embark on intentional journeys to scout out the possible future
- Open a place of vision from which you can travel safely between the worlds
Module 3: Recovering Soul and Mending the Divided Self
The most important contribution of the ancient shamans to our modern healing is the understanding that through pain, grief or wrenching life choices, we suffer “soul loss.” Part of us leaves because the world seems too cruel. In this class, you’ll learn how dreams can show you where to look for missing parts of your energy, and help you bring them home where they belong. You’ll discover how to journey through a dream or an early life memory to connect with your lost younger self, and bring their vital energies into your body and your life.
In this module, you’ll learn how to:
- Recognize symptoms of “soul loss,” and what you can do to restore it
- Use dreams to connect with many aspects of your larger identity
- Work with your “shadow” side as a portal your higher Self
- Travel to places of soul recovery in non-ordinary reality
- Bring vital energy and imagination from your younger selves into your present life
Module 4: Partnering with Spiritual Guides
Your authentic spiritual allies and teachers come looking for you in dreams. They put on masks or costumes adapted to your level of understanding. There is an old Greek saying that “the gods love to travel in disguise.” The sacred guide may appear in a form that has been shaped by your religious upbringing – or in a form that is wildly shocking to conventional beliefs. Genuine teachers often love to shock you awake. In this session, you’ll learn how to work with guides and your higher Self to move decisively beyond the fear and clinging of the little everyday mind, in order to claim your connection with deeper sources of wisdom and true power.
In this module, you’ll learn how to:
- Recognize the many forms of the dream guide
- Discover the important spiritual teacher within your higher Self
- Dialogue and improve communication with spiritual guides who introduce themselves in dreams
- Use spiritual dreams as doorways to realms of initiation and healing
- Communicate with inner and transpersonal guides in the liminal place between sleep and awake
- Practice discernment in dealing with the spirits
Module 5: Trans-Temporal Healing
Visiting Your Younger and Parallel Selves
While dreaming, you are a time traveler. You regularly make excursions into the past, the future and parallel times. When you learn to be a conscious time traveler, you have access to remarkable sources of trans-temporal guidance and healing. In this session, you’ll learn how to make a journey across time to lend support and encouragement to a younger Self during a time of challenge, loneliness or despair. And you’ll discover how you can serve as the mentor and older “soul-friend” that younger Self may have so desperately needed.
In this module, you’ll learn how to:
- Travel to a younger Self, and play mentor in his/her own “Now” time
- Engage practices to avoid being sucked into the raw emotions of others
- Travel to parallel selves, and draw gifts and lessons from them
- Travel to possible older and wiser selves for healing and guidance
Module 6: Soul Remembering
The Iroquois say that dreams reveal the “secret wishes of the soul” – as opposed to the narrow agendas of the ego. In this session, you’ll discover ways to honor the soul’s purpose, as revealed in dreams, to move toward health and balance. In the traditional Iroquois practice, it is the duty of the community to listen to dreams in order to help the dreamer to identify and honor the wishes of the soul. “Tohsa sasa nikon’hren,” say the Mohawk Iroquois. “Do not forget.” It means literally, “do not let your mind fall” from the memory of the Sky World where life has its origin and its purpose. We’ll be exploring the reclamation of the knowledge of soul and Spirit that belonged to you in the “Sky World,” before you came into your present body.
In this module, you’ll learn how to:
- Recognize the secret wishes of your soul as they are revealed in dreams
- Journey to reclaim knowledge that belonged to you – on the level of Spirit – before you came into your present life experience
- Remember your soul family in many places and times
- Take action to honor the secret wishes of the soul, and fulfill your sacred contract
- Look to dreams to find personal answers to the eternal questions: “Who am I?” “Where do I come from?” “What is my life’s purpose?”
Module 7: Transforming Ancestral Karma
You may not want to think about ancestors, but your ancestors are thinking about you. You are connected to the ancestors of your biological family, and their template may control your habits and behaviors – unless you recognize and break the mold. You are also connected to the ancestors of the land where you live. You want to open and cherish soul connections to wise ancestors and departed loved ones, but for these relations to prosper, you must start by clearing unhealthy legacies and energy attachments.
In this session, we’ll explore the entirely natural communication with the deceased in our dreams, and why for many dreamers, this is direct and life-changing evidence of the reality of the soul and its survival of physical death. You’ll also discover how dreams may lead you into ways of seeing and knowing that were shared by all your ancestors. In this way, your dreams may open the way for cultural soul recovery and the healing of the relations between your kind and the natural world.
In this module, you’ll learn how to:
- Open helpful and timely communication with a departed loved one or ancestor
- Discover the reasons the dead may be appearing in your dreams
- Recognize dreams of the deceased as opportunities for healing, closure, forgiveness and guidance
- Develop simple rituals of separation and farewell
- Reclaim authentic knowledge of ancestral traditions
“Dreaming the Soul Back Home” Bonus Collection
In addition to Robert’s transformative 7-session virtual course, you’ll also receive these powerful training sessions with the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions are being offered to further complement what you’ll learn in the course – and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Dreamers, Shamans and Soul Recovery
Audio Dialogue with Sandra Ingerman and Robert Moss
The greatest contribution of the ancient shamans to our medicine and healing today is the understanding that in the course of any life we are liable to suffer soul loss – the loss of parts of our vital energy and identity – and that in order to be whole and well, we must find the means of soul recovery. Shamans journey to find lost soul parts and bring them back where they belong. Dreams can show you where your soul has gone, and offer paths by which it can be reached and encouraged to come home.
In this important dialogue between shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman, author of Soul Retrieval and Medicine for the Earth, and Robert Moss, we’ll learn why “anyone who dreams is a little bit shaman” – and how we can help each other to become the shamans of our own souls and the healers of our own lives.
Sandra Ingerman, MA, is the author of eight books, including Soul Retrieval, Medicine for the Earth, Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner’s Guide, How to Heal Toxic Thoughts, The Shaman’s Toolkit, and Awakening to the Spirit World: The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation. Sandra has been teaching for over 30 years. She teaches workshops internationally on shamanic journeying, healing and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods. She has trained and founded an international alliance of Medicine for the Earth Teachers and shamanic teachers. Sandra is recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods into our modern culture addressing the needs of our times.
Way of the Dreamer
Lightning Dreamwork Video
This exciting video offers a powerful introduction to “Active Dreaming,” an original and dynamic dreamwork approach created by Robert. The Lightning Dreamwork is a distillation of Robert’s many years of practice into a deceptively simple process that can be used by anyone who dreams. In short, you grow better relationships and a richer life by sharing your dreams.
The Lightning Dreamwork is a quick, fun and respectful way to share dreams, receive non-intrusive feedback, and move towards creative action to honor your dreams – bringing their magic into the world. With the help of dreamers from his Northeast Dream School, Robert shows you how to use Lightning Dreamwork for fun and profit in everyday situations.
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