Robert Moss – Dream Journeys Beyond the Veil
Robert Moss – Dream Journeys Beyond the Veil
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part course, Robert will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to connect with loved ones, heal your relationship with death, and gain clarity for this life.
This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Robert. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to access powerful wisdom through shamanic dreaming.
Module 1: Wake Up & Dream

This opening session will be a high-octane introduction to the core techniques of Active Dreaming, Robert’s original meld of dreamwork and shamanic journeying.
Robert will guide you and your fellow participants to play the Lightning Dreamwork Game — a fun, fast process for sharing dreams and moving towards action to embody your creative and healing energy.
You’ll also experiment with one of the royal roads to lucid dreaming, the Dream Reentry Technique. The easiest way to become a lucid dreamer is to start out lucid, and stay that way.
As Robert will show you, you can use any meaningful dream as the portal for a shamanic journey for healing and adventure…
You’ll explore a sovereign remedy for nightmares that can be your key to communication with departed loved ones and spiritual guides.
You’ll also establish what Robert calls a base camp — a place of sanctuary and vision for bringing your deepening journeys into the larger reality.
Robert will also share how to call in guidance, blessing, and protection for your encounters with the ancestors and your journeys to the Other Side.
In this first module, you’ll learn how to:
- Improve your dream recall and break a dream drought
- Keep a dream journal
- Use a dream or personal image as the portal for a shamanic journey
- Reenter a dream to confront and resolve a nightmare terror, solve a mystery, and claim a power
- Grow a place of sanctuary and vision where you can call on spiritual allies
- Protect your psychic space
- Create a safe space with your classmates where you can share dreams of the night and dreams of life with others, receive helpful feedback, and encourage each other to move towards creative and healing action
Module 2: Dream With the Departed

The dimension that separates the living from the dead is exactly as wide as the edge of a maple leaf.
— Handsome Lake, Seneca prophet
On a cellular level, we carry the collective memory of all our ancestors. To understand this powerful truth, you only need to remember something meaningful.
On a psychic level, we’re constantly connected to the energies of both the departed and the living. In this class, Robert will share how to shift your perception so you can tap into both of them.
You’ll also explore how you can have entirely natural communication with the departed in your dreams. For many dreamers, this is direct and life-changing evidence of the reality of the soul — and its survival of physical death.
As you’ll discover, the departed appear in your dreams either because they haven’t really left, they’re visiting — or because you’re entering their realms while you dream. These encounters offer you important opportunities for healing, closure, and giving or receiving forgiveness and guidance.
In this class, you’ll:
- Discern whether the appearance of a deceased person in a dream is a transpersonal encounter — or a projection of a trait you already have
- Clarify the reasons for a visitation (there are 13 main reasons!)
- Use a dream of the departed as a portal for further communication
- Welcome the departed when they’re ready to play counselors and family angels
- Construct simple rituals to honor the departed and facilitate helpful contact when you’re ready
Module 3: Visit the Departed on the Other Side

We do not know where death will meet us, so we must be ready to meet death everywhere.
— Michel de Montaigne
During this session, we’ll call in spiritual guidance and protection and embark on a journey to the Other Side for helpful and timely communication with a departed friend or loved one — perhaps someone who’s appeared to you in a dream, or an ancestor from further back.
You’ll discover how to choose to use a personal dream or memory as the portal for a journey…
And you’ll be invited to use group portals that have opened the way for previous dream travelers.
In this module, you’ll:
- Experiment with portals to help you journey to the Other Side, using methods from several world traditions
- Open helpful and timely communication with a departed loved one or ancestor
- Learn about conditions in the afterlife as your departed loved ones and ancestors have experienced them
- Explore powerful tools for ancestral healing
Module 4: Dream With Wise Ancestors & Master Teachers

The gods love to travel in disguise.
— Greek folk tradition
Your ancestors are calling…
They might be the ancestors of your bloodline, of the lands where you live and travel — or of your spiritual lineages across time and place.
In this class, you’ll learn to open and cherish soul connections to these wise ancestors— and explore how they can help you clear unhealthy legacies and practice spiritual discernment.
Robert will share how your authentic spiritual allies and teachers come looking for you in dreams — and in the threshold space between sleep and awake.
They even put on masks or costumes adapted to your level of understanding. A sacred guide may appear in a form that’s shaped by your religious upbringing — or in a form that’s wildly shocking to conventional beliefs. As Robert says, genuine teachers often love to shock us awake!
Your encounter with the guide may challenge you to become brave, to move decisively beyond the fear and clinging of the little everyday mind — and to claim your connection with deeper sources of wisdom and true power.
You may find that the most important spiritual teacher you can know is not a stranger at all, but your higher self.
Come prepared to journey deep in this class, to the Cave of the Ancestors and to a place of encounter with the Master Teacher for your life right now.
In this module, you’ll discover how to:
- Cleanse and release ancestral karma
- Call on the wisdom of the great ones in your ancestral lineage who’ve stayed close to the Earth to guide and protect you
- Recognize the many forms of the dream guide
- Communicate with inner and transpersonal guides in “the place between sleep and awake”
- Journey to a place of direct encounter with your Master Teacher — and learn about choices you made before you entered this life, and the ones you’ll make when you leave it
Module 5: Build a Home on the Other Side

The path of the soul after death is the same as the path of the soul in dreams.
— Lakota saying
There are as many afterlife locales as there are human imaginations, according to the people of the South Pacific…
This may be entirely correct, yet because many people are lacking imagination, they may settle in collective belief territories… or confine themselves to very limited environments.
During this session, you’ll explore the ways imagination, memory, and desire are the architects and building contractors in the transition zones that one of Robert’s guides calls “Memorydream.”
Robert will also walk you through the power of a life review.
In this module, you’ll discover features and location found on the Other Side, including:
- Places of welcome, rest, regeneration, and love
- Schools of higher learning
- Real estate options
- Communications centers where the departed seek to contact the living
- Job opportunities, including becoming an apprentice guide
- The Plane of Recollection, where you’ll see and remember your larger soul history and connection with dramas being played out — in many times, and many worlds
Module 6: Flying to the Moon

All who depart from the world of the body go to the moon. In the bright half, the moon delights in their spirits. In the dark half, the moon sends them on to be born again.
— Kaushitaki Upanishad I.2
Are you ready for even wilder adventures? Are you willing to follow the path of moonlight on water, into the realm of Luna?
Robert will share how, for the ancients, the astral realm of the moon is where spirits take on subtle bodies — before entering their mothers’ bodies in the physical world.
It’s also the space to which spirits ascend, after cleansing and preparation. These spirits may continue to reside in the astral realm of the moon for a long time — watching over the Earth, entertaining Earth travelers, and producing dreams they will send to those on the lower plane.
In this realm, the astral body is left behind when a soul ascends to higher levels. Come prepared for a thrilling ride…
In this module, you’ll journey with Robert and your classmates through:
- The encounter with the “Scrubbers” who cleanse and prepare you for entry life after life in the many worlds
- An encounter with a moon spirit
- Visits to destinations of your choice — perhaps a school, pleasure palace, art studio, or café — in the realm of Luna
- A place of rendezvous you’ll create for return visits with residents and other travelers
- An inspection of what happens to astral bodies in this realm, before birth and after death
- An observation of astral traffic between Earth and the moon
Module 7: Relish the Divine Comedy in Life & Death

The living have the ability to assist the imaginations of the dead.
— W.B. Yeats
As you reach the closing module of this course, you may feel ready to help midwife death for others and assist in their transitions.
By encouraging others to remember dreams and open to the dream adventure, you can help prepare them for the big journey beyond this life — since dreams take us beyond the ordinary world and prepare us for life in other dimensions.
As you’ll discover, you can even grow a dream — which may be a road map to the Other Side — for someone who doesn’t have a dream of their own.
By this point on your journey, you’ll deeply understand how healing your relations with death and the departed gives you courage and clarity — and sometimes, superabundant energy for the choices you make in LIFE, in any reality.
You may also find you can now bring a sense of divine comedy that will carry you through whatever life throws at you on any day.
You had a full life before you were conceived, and you’ll have one after death, too…
You’ll emerge from this course, with firsthand knowledge of:
- Why healing and forgiveness are always available across the apparent barrier of death
- The ways departed loved ones and ancestors can become family guides and counselors
- How to help the deceased when they’re stuck or confused
- The many levels on which consciousness operates — including several energy vehicles it uses during life and after death
- Assisting the dying as they prepare for death — by helping them open to their dreams, or by using the Dream Transfer technique to bring them a dream of yours
- The “building contractors” in the afterlife — desire and imagination
- Calling in spiritual guidance and protection as you embark on a journey to the Other Side
The Dream Journeys Beyond the Veil Bonus Collection
In addition to Robert’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Cures for Bad Dreams & Nightmares
Video Teaching From Robert Moss

Every culture that values dreams has rituals for expelling the unwanted energy of a bad dream. In this fascinating teaching, Robert will explain how a nightmare isn’t just a bad dream — it’s a dream so bad you run away from it, leaving it unfinished. You’ll explore the sovereign remedy for a nightmare — to go back into the dream space and face the challenge on its own ground.
9 Keys to Your Dreams
Video Teaching From Robert Moss

Dreams, big and small, always tell us more than we already know. But we may be clueless about how to read them and apply their messages. Robert’s high-octane tutorial gives you nine keys you can use to explore any dream. You’ll learn to trust your feelings around a dream — and discern whether what’s going on needs to be read literally, symbolically, or as an experience in another reality.
Wilder Shores of Dreaming
Video Teaching From Robert Moss

Serial dreams, with scenarios that seem to continue night after night in episode format, sometimes suggest that we’re living continuous lives somewhere else. In this powerful teaching, Robert shares how collecting and studying these dream “episodes” helps you develop firsthand evidence of the reality of parallel lives and parallel worlds. He’ll explain how dreaming can be a horizontal meditation — to help you grow continuity of consciousness and improve your understanding of multidimensional reality.
Active Dreaming Toolkit
A Medley of Tools From Robert Moss

These three powerful tools, selected from Robert’s previous courses with The Shift Network, will deepen your experience as an Active Dreamer:
- Drumming Track for Shamanic Dreamers
Audio Recording
This 12-minute drumming track was created by Robert to complement your Active Dreaming practice. - The Lightning Process for Sharing Dreams & Life Stories
Audio Recording and Transcript
The Lightning Dreamwork Game, invented by Robert, is a fast, FUN way to share dreams and life stories, receive helpful feedback, and encourage each other to move toward creative and healing action. - Creative Journaling
Audio Recording and Transcript
In this powerful recording, Robert offers you many fun games to play with your journal, from formulating your daily one-liner… to reading signs and symbols from the world around you… to turning reports into poems, stories, and scripts.
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