Ranbir Puar – Spring 2017 – Awakening Your Inner Champion

$42.00 $197.00 Sale

Ranbir Puar - Spring 2017 - Awakening Your Inner ChampionRanbir Puar – Spring 2017 – Awakening Your Inner Champion

Spring 2017 – Awakening Your Inner Champion

An Introduction To Creating A Foundation of Inner Peace


Does it feel like the voice in your head is crippling you?

Are you tired of that voice calling the shots?

Then you’re ready for…“Awakening Your Inner Champion”

“We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake.” Henry David Thoreau

Would you like to learn how to ‘turn down’ the volume on your inner critic? Perhaps even give it an eviction notice?

It may be a deeper connection to your loved ones, it could be fulfilling your life’s purpose, or even expanding your faith.

So many of us feel discontented, depressed and frozen by fear.

In fact, we may spend much of our time judging ourselves, others and situations based on what we expect them to be. We often work hard to avoid reality. This upsets the natural balance of our lives, disrupts the flow of life which requires harvesting its highs and lows.


Awakening Your Inner Champion contains the first steps you need to take in order to create a gap between your thoughts so you can HEAR your inner guidance system AND awaken your inner champion. This allows you to ground yourself, and it will impact all of your relationships!

By Joining The Awakening Your Inner Champion Course You’ll Learn:

  • How to objectively assess your current state
  • Methods to help you sleep through the night (and understand why you don’t sleep)
  • How to allow love into your life – authentic love that is sustainable long-term
  • How to get to know your subconscious mind – how your habits help you/hurt you
  • How to understand what you can change, what you can release and what you can grow
  • How to nourish your body, mind and spirit – shortcuts on how to get max value on your nutrition and our time
  • To see yourself from the inside out, hear your inner champion roar
  • A way to create a lifestyle that is realistic (easy to follow ideas), but one that allows for maximum light, love and growth!

What You’ll Get….

  • 6-week program
  • 60 Minute live webinar class which allows for chat with Ranbir and connection with others in the program
  • Classes are recorded, so you can always go back to review
  • Connect with other like-minded individuals each week during the webinar.
  • Weekly assignments to keep you on target for success.
  • Access to the full program on our Teachable site.
  • 4 different guided meditations (download).
  • Private Facebook Group to connect with like-minded, growth-oriented individuals. Our community is nurturing, so it is a safe environment to share your struggles and your successes.
  • Email access to Ranbir, to ask questions offline if you need an extra boost

Breaking It Down…Week By Week

WEEK ONE – Let’s Get Real
  • Why is Awakening Your Inner Champion essential and a bit about my journey to uncovering mine!
  • Objectively assess several areas of your life today, taking into account current circumstances. Where are you now (really).
  • Introduction to meditation.
  • How to get the most out of the course.
  • Homework – what it is in this program and why it is important for your success.
WEEK TWO – Hit the Sack!
  • Your sleeping patterns unearthed and what they say about you.
  • Why understanding your sleep habits is key.
  • How to declutter your mind before sleep.
  • Tips on how to sleep better.
  • Relaxing meditation.
WEEK THREE – Creating More Love, Respect & Kindness
  • Relationships – why they break down and how to create fulfilling ones.
  • Understanding how your relationship with yourself impacts the ones you have with others.
  • Learning how to see these heart-centred connections with clarity and non-judgement.
  • Nurturing meditation.
WEEK FOUR – Letting Go Of Negative Habits
  • The science of the human mind, habits and how to create lasting change.
  • Understanding why affirmations are not enough to create change in your life.
  • Analyzing how you set goals and why it may not be working for you.
  • Creation and expansion meditation.

WEEK FIVE – Fuel For Your Body, Mind & Spirit

  • Nourishing your mind, body and spirit.
  • Understanding why certain things can inhibit your emotional, physical and spiritual health.
  • We will discuss leading-edge research on food.
  • We will review tips on how to feed your mind (how to get the most out of each experience).
  • Lastly, you will have tools on how to feed your spirit.
  • Easy recipes

WEEK SIX – Success System Checklist and Resources

  • Course review, where did you expereince resistence?
  • Assessment on your current state
  • Where do you go from here?
  • Tips on how to stay connected to your inner champion
  • Tips on how to get your loved ones on board with your transformation and journey
  • Questions


“Going into this course, I struggled to find focus, and my inner critic was running the show most days. I felt stuck and overly critical. With gentle, profound guidance Ranbir gave me the tools to help change the conversation I was having with myself. She showed me – with a few laughs and plenty of “A-Ha!” moments along the way – how to regain control and find a healthy perspective. The techniques and advice Ranbir shared continue to help me every day, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to learn from her.”

Gayle McLeod, The Soup Solution

“Ranbir has helped me tap into my own inner strength, and given me many strategies for working with what makes me unique and wonderful. I came to the course feeling in need of direction to avoid burn-out, and with a far too active and loud inner critic. (It was holding me back). I was your typical stressed-out business owner, afraid to make giant leaps that were scary, but available to me precisely because of my skill and ability. It is so wonderful to have someone as innately curious and intelligent as Ranbir lead me through the techniques she knows works, because she has tested them, refined and perfected them. I am grateful for the chance to be lead by her to a better reality for myself. It is wonderful to be in the network of such a generous soul.”

Karen Bannister, CEO Entrepreneur Mom Now

“Last fall I took the “Awakening Your Inner Champion” course with Ranbir. The course was easy to follow/understand, fit in with my busy schedule, and the advice was realistic and simple to implement. It helped me take a step out of my busy schedule and understand patterns in my life – some that I want to work on changing and some more positive aspects that I want to celebrate and expand! In particular, I really got a lot of value out of Ranbir’s Time, Language, and Love Audit – something I think about even today! Ranbir’s very “easy to approach” and non-judgemental attitude made me open up both to myself and the group to help work towards bettering myself. I would highly recommend anyone looking to gain guidance with moving towards a more positive life to connect with Ranbir and sign up for one of her courses.”

Karen Gibbard, President Gibbard Group Financial

“Ranbir is a kind and gentle soul with a great sense of humour and tonnes of knowledge. She gets the information across very well without sounding ‘woo-woo’. In fact, she’s like a scientist of the spirit!”

Taslim Jaffer, Let Me Out Creative

“I truly felt connected and had so many “ah ha” moments. Taking that time to learn more about myself was important as it allowed me how to feel less stressed and less reluctant to blame others for my stress. The mindshift is so powerful… Amazing. I loved the meditations as well.”

Christina Chandra, Turning Mommy

“Inner Champion is a must for anyone who wants to access their blindspots and learn the internal skills necessary to go after what they want in their personal or work life. Ranbir is a caring, brilliant and gifted teacher with a fantastic ability to create clarity and help a person set a new, more fulfilling path. She’s helped me get out of my own way in many areas and onto bigger experiences in life! Thanks Ranbir!”

Loa Fridfinnson, Chief Creative Strategist Activ8 Corporate Relations

“My expectations were met and exceeded! I wasn´t expecting to dig so deep. I did a lot of reflecting about how my past has influenced my present thoughts about myself. The program was rich and meaningful. I appreciated the openness of the facilitator and the participants. Awakening Your Inner Champion helped me gain perspective about myself, my purpose, and my intentions/goals for the future.”

Terra McKenzie

“I looked forward to every Wednesday when the webinar ran. Ranbir and the others in the group made for a welcoming and safe place to be open and honest. I have seen counsellors and psychologists in the past but this was different. Ranbir helped me realize that I have the ability to control how I deal with my past and present life stresses. Taking her webinar has opened up a whole new way of thinking for me.”

Carrie Valentin-Lochhead, Wellness Mentor

“I would recommend this course for women who feel held back in life by their own perceptions, self-limitations and baggage.”

Elizabeth Clark, Strategist, Business Planning, Marketing & Social Media

“It was awesome to take the Inner Champion webinar course with Ranbir Puar and learn more about meditation. I had always heard about Meditation and all the benefits about it but Ranbir was the person who could really help me understand the importance of it and how to do it properly. Thank you so much Ranbir!”

Sarah Lipi,

“I ed watching the replay last night and it made me feel really deep emotions that I had to pause and go back to it at a later time… I’ve been going through some heavy times with my loved ones and I feel so fortunate to have this session as a guide. Sometimes I feel really alone in trying to keep my relationships going that I spend more time hating and blaming myself and getting into a deep hole and feeling more disconnected… I am realizing when I hide so much of myself it can get to the point where I make an effort to not feel at all… and the emotions just keeps piling up and up… I am so glad that we are being encouraged to feel and let it out… crying is something that comes easily to me.. the anger one I should probably try to let out like punching or kicking a bag..

I’m so thankful for this course! thank you for offering your services to us… I feel less alone.”


“This course loosened a lot of limiting beliefs and it brought up a lot. I’m glad it all surfaced as I was able to deal with it by going to the core of the issue through self exploration and choosing to put myself first. I went back to the root cause (home) and spent time until I was able to resolve issues. I left feeling grounded confident and am back now ready to tackle things that I once didn’t feel I had it in me, to take one more step.

When I first ed the course I was in the midst of life transition in all aspects of my life and and it cost me dearly: anxiety, restlessness and sleep deprivation. The course offered simple yet effective techniques and it was a safe space to share and receive tremendous support. Over time, I noticed with the goal setting, meditation and uncovering old limiting beliefs I discovered coping mechanisms to regulate my sleeping, and lead a healthier lifestyle. Which has lead to me living with more clarity, confidence and self assurance.”


Your Instructor

Ranbir Puar

Ranbir Puar

Hi, I’m Ranbir

I am a wife, a mom to two incredible sons, a sister, a friend…I go to the beat of my own drummer. I have quirky sense of humour…I LOVE to laugh.

I am spiritual, in the big sense of the word, but I love reality. I love my experiences as a human being and I am no rush to reject any part of being human. I embrace my ego and I embrace my soul. I know they can co-exist to create a life that is fulfilling and enlightened. How do I know? Because that’s how I live.

My life wasn’t always a cake walk. I grew up under challenging circumstances that had a massive negative impact on my self-image. That is ALL I focused on for so long… I had suffered. My life was hard. I was justified. All these things happened and they hurt. I hid this pain from the outside world by overachieving. I channeled my fear, my sadness, and my anger into winning. I lost faith.

I had done all the therapy and on the surface everything looked good…so if it looks good from the outside, then it must be true and it must be real, right!?

But what was real is that my inner life was the opposite. I suffered. I didn’t sleep. I barely ate. I was always nervous. I hid all of this angst. I never, ever felt like I was enough. I was always afraid.

Luckily I got the help I needed to let go of the hurt for good. I got the help I needed to understand how all of my life experiences helped shape the person that I had become. I finally got it.

I ended up marrying the person that helped me transform my life (don’t worry, he wasn’t my therapist or a coach at the time).
I like to think that I helped him transform in many ways too…we’ve been growing together since 1996!

Our journey has helped us create programs, systems, and writings that have been inspiring others since 2009. We are a combination of science (him) and spirit (me). He is camera-shy, so you won’t see him often but you can feel his presence in our work.

The purpose of our work is to guide you beyond your pain, your baggage…your limiting beliefs. The methods used to guide you are based in reality, with systems you can easily put into practice daily…and there is also a whole lot of soul. I love to witness the transformations of my clients. I love it! That is what has kept me going year, after year.

I would be honoured to be the person that helps you unleash your inner strength, your inner champion.
Your light is so damn bright and it NEEDS to be shared with the world. Let’s do this!

Book your complimentary session with me now.

Course Curriculum

Grounding & Assessment
  • Week 1 Replay (75:16)

  • Self-Assessment
  • Introduction to Meditation – sleeping version.
  • Introduction to Meditation – waking version
  • Homework – Week One
  • Week 2 Replay (71:34)

  • Resting Meditation – bedtime version.
  • Resting Meditation – daytime version.
  • Homework Week 2
  • Week 3 Replay (65:04)

  • Loving meditation – sleeping version.
  • Loving meditation – waking version.
  • What Your Loved Ones Need From You Everyday – Printable
  • Homework – Week 3
Goal Setting
  • Week 4 Replay (62:37)

  • Creation and Expansion Meditation- sleeping version.
  • Creation and Expansion Meditation- waking version.
  • The A2B Method
  • Homework Week 4
Nourishing Your Body, Mind & Spirit
  • Week 5 Replay (60:12)

  • Recipes
  • Homework Week 5
  • Bonus Meditation – Eating Slowly & Consciously
Success System Checklist and Resources
  • Week 6 Replay (63:53)

  • Self-Care Menu
  • 3 States – Reminder

Get Download Ranbir Puar – Spring 2017 – Awakening Your Inner Champion


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– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!