Prune Harris, MA, EEM-AP – Your Energy Anatomy 2024
Prune Harris, MA, EEM-AP – Your Energy Anatomy 2024
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this enriching 7-week course, Prune will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully transform your energy and evolve your life.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with Prune and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Prune’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Weekly Sessions Mondays at 11:00am Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Prune. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to activate the various aspects of your energetic makeup… and support your physical health, emotional wellbeing, radiant vitality, and emotional resilience.
Module 1: Ignite Your Healing Heartfield for Vitality, Groundedness & Connection (February 26)

In this opening module, you’ll start exploring the very center of your being and its impact on how you experience your life. Your heartfield determines whether you’re grounded, if you have access to your highest level of vitality, and everything about how you connect with yourself, others, and the world around you.
Within your energy fields, your heart is the center of awareness and consciousness. It’s the great receiver, with all other energy systems flowing into it. It’s also the great giver — every other part of your energy anatomy is nourished and governed by the energy of your heartfield.
During this first session, you’ll explore:
- The components of the vast and interconnective energy anatomy of your heartfield
- How your heart acts as the grand conductor of your entire energetic orchestra, what knocks it out of balance, and what helps support it
- How your heartfield bridges your soul energy and the world around you so that you can experience joy and vitality as you dance along your soul path
- Simple and powerful practices, including “Sourcing the Heart,” to activate, heal and support your heartfield
Module 2: Balance Your Chakras for Vibrance, Resilience & the Capacity to Make Empowered Choices (March 4)

This week, you’ll build on your understanding of your own unique and amazing energy anatomy with an exploration of the “Chakras of Change.” Your chakras whirl, flow, and dance with energetic coding, helping you make sense of every part of your life.
Complex, dynamic, and powerful, your chakras continually connect you to yourself and the world around you at the level of the physical, the emotional, and the sacred. In other words, everything you feel, think, say, and do flows from the energetic coding that you hold in your chakras.
This means that the flow and balance of your chakra system is essential for you to feel vibrant, healthy, resilient, and connected. More than any other part of your energy anatomy, your chakra system can lock in your old habits and out-dated patterns of doing and being. To experience empowered choice in your life, the balance and interconnectivity of your chakra system is essential.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- The energy anatomy of your chakras — where they are, what they look like, and what they do
- The vibrational themes of each of your chakras, what they govern and create in your body, and why it is so important to support them
- How your chakras communicate with the rest of your energy fields
- Simple and powerful practices, including “Clear the Clutter,” to release old patterns and bring connective flow and balance to your chakras
Module 3: Activate Your Infinite Aura for Physical Health, Protection, Emotional Balance & Heightened Intuition (March 11)

Your Aura is a moving, pulsing, living matrix of information. It emanates from deep inside every cell of your body. When it’s enlivened and active, you’re not only protected from the energy around you that doesn’t support or serve your life, you’re able to access all of the magnificent wild wisdom that’s ever-present within you. When your aura is vibrant, you feel vibrant, protected, connected, and aware.
Your aura holds the key to profound grounding and the ability to access your higher inspiration and intuition. This is the part of your energy anatomy that empowers you to experience physical health, emotional balance, and the deep knowledge that you’re always enough — just as you are.
In this session, Prune will share:
- The energy anatomy of your aura — your luscious lemniscates, your layers of emerging consciousness, your auric membrane
- How your aura interacts with the world around you to hold you strong and protected
- How factors such as stress can affect your aura, leaving you vulnerable
- Simple and powerful practices, including “Mitochondrial Pump,” to empower your aura so you can feel safe and inspired
Module 4: Get to Know Your Elemental Rhythms for Joy, Thriving & Purpose (March 18)

At the very center of your energy system are five elemental rhythms that pulse the rhythm of your Life. The distinct vibrations of water, fire, earth, wood, and air/metal emanate from your core, and through every part of your whole-body system.
You likely know someone you’d describe as “fiery,” and someone that you think of as “earthy.” We all house and pulse with the energy of these essential elemental rhythms, and, together, they determine how our unique and amazing energy system vibrates, and how we perceive and interact with the world.
They shape foundational aspects of your life, such as how you talk, walk, laugh, love, and react under stress. In short, understanding the pulsing rhythms of your life empowers you to make sense of who you are in your challenges and your joys, and how to bring more balance, joy, and purpose to your life.
In this session, you’ll be guided through:
- The energy anatomy of your elemental rhythms, what they determine, and why understanding them can transform your life
- Features to help you identify which powerful combination of the elemental rhythms are your unique mix
- How knowing your unique elemental combination empowers you to activate your own elemental gifts
- Simple and powerful practices, including “Sourcing your Strengths,” to support the balance of your elemental rhythms of life so you’re able to thrive
Module 5: Keep Your Energy Channels Flowing for the Health & Vitality of Your Body, Mind, and Soul (March 25)

Your beautiful body has three distinct energy channel systems — the meridians, nadis, and extraordinary channels. Each of these channel systems plays a different role in helping your energy move throughout every part of your whole-body system.
The organ meridians support your physical body, the extraordinary channels support your soul expression, and the nadis act as a light bridge between the two. Just as your physiological channels of veins, capillaries, and arteries are integral to your physical body, your energy channels are integral to every part of your energy anatomy. Together they ensure that you always have access to the energy you need for health and vitality at the level of your body, mind, and soul.
In this session, you’ll uncover:
- The energy anatomy of your 3 energy channel systems and their interconnective role in your body
- Why the nadis act as “songlines,” energetically singing your body alive and vibrant
- How the extraordinary channels carry your radiant soul energy through your whole body system, supporting your soul path and life purpose
- Simple and powerful practices, including “Strengthen & Settle” — to interconnect, activate, and support your 3 energy channel systems
Module 6: Strengthen Your Energetic Core for Inner Peace, Joy & the Understanding of Your Essential Place in the Cosmos (April 1)

At the deepest part of your energy anatomy is your energetic core, a superhighway of light energy. Radiant and buzzing with the intelligence and coding of the cosmos, this energetic core enables your soul energy to flow through all that you are and all that you do.
This powerful energy center is connected to the Earth and the cosmos, grounding you deeply in the safety and wisdom of the world in which you live. When the energy of your energetic core is able to emanate with balance through the rest of your energy systems, you experience inner peace, joy, and a passion for the sweet beauty of your own unique life.
In this session, you’ll explore:
- The energy anatomy of your energetic core, helping you understand that you’re an essential and co-creative part of our emerging world
- Your unique and vibrant soul color that informs every step of your soul path
- How your core soul energy enlivens your radiant soul energy to move through your body, your thoughts, and your world
- Simple and powerful practices, including “Activating the Energetic Core,” to deeply connect your core soul and radiant soul energy — and experience the life you’re here to inhabit
Module 7: Harness Your Energy Anatomy for an Authentic, Joyful Journey Along Your Soul Path (April 8)

In this final module, you’ll weave together all the systems of the energy anatomy. With growing knowledge of the immense wisdom and inherent healing of these interconnected systems, you’ll build confidence in using the techniques and practices to support you in your daily life.
You’ll understand your potential as a human being and become empowered to live your authentic, joyful life — journeying along your soul path with more confidence. From this place of empowerment, you’ll experience the deep knowledge that you not only belong, but that you — in all of your perfection and all of your messiness — are unique and utterly essential as we navigate this time of change together.
In this closing session, you’ll:
- Learn how your energy anatomy continually supports you in the journey of your life
- Discover how to upgrade your nervous system to feel more connected, joyful, and empowered
- Learn how you can either operate within the expansiveness of your creative, life-affirming energetic field… or within the limitation of your habitual, reactive field
- How working with your energetic body allows you to walk your soul path in deeper alignment
- Simple and powerful practices, including “The Central Seal,” to activate, heal, and support your energy anatomy
The Your Energy Anatomy Bonus Offering
In addition to Prune’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
When you register TONIGHT, Sunday, February 18, by Midnight Pacific, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:
The Heart as the Meeting Point Between Science & Energy
Video Dialogue With Prune Harris and Rollin McCraty

In this rich and beautiful discussion, Prune Harris and Rollin McCraty, the Director of Research at HeartMath Institute, share their unique and complementary understandings of the energies of the heart. They create a dynamic bridge between scientific and energetic models of health and you’ll hear how science is validating and giving a language to what you may have known all along — that your heart is the source of your wisdom, courage, and higher intelligence… and the vehicle for your radiant soul energy.
Register by February 18 to claim this bonus before it expires.
Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!
Which Element Is Your Superpower?: How the Five Elements Create the Rhythm of Your Life
Ebook by Prune Harris

Your elemental rhythms are the architects of your emotions, how you interact with others, and even your career choices. They’re the driving force behind the way you walk, the sound of your laughter, and even the shape of your body. Are you ready to embark on a journey that will reveal the hidden forces shaping your very existence? In this book, Prune shares how, when you unlock the understandings of your elemental rhythms, a world of insight unfurls. It’s like holding a key to the intricate map of your being and you’ll begin to understand what elemental rhythms you likely possess, along with your elemental superpowers and super struggles.
Everything Is Energy
PDF Excerpt From Prune Harris’ Best-Selling Book Your Radiant Soul: Understand Your Energy to Transform Your World

Prune has been able to see energy since she was born. In her best-selling book, Your Radiant Soul: Understand Your Energy to Transform Your World, she explains what your energy looks like, the roles your different energy systems perform, and how your energy connects with, influences, and plays its part in co-creating the world in which you live. She guides you through your energy anatomy, the blueprint to your physical, emotional, and mental health. She explains how an energy pattern of imbalance can express itself as chronic illness, anxiety, depression, anger, or resentment. She also shares how understanding how to make small shifts that can align your energy systems, allows you to access better health and vitality and experience your radiant soul. In the Introduction, you’ll read about Prune’s story of discovery from seeing energy to overcoming chronic illness. Chapter One includes three beautiful energy practices to help you discover your own energy.
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