Peter Sage – Upgrade Your Peer Group Upgrade Your Life – 5 Day Challenge! (2022)
Discover The #1 Priority The Personal Growth Industry Always OVERLOOKS So You Can Finally Set Yourself Up For Success And True Lasting Change!
Learn the EXACT FRAMEWORK to create an environment that is success focused, supportive and accountability driven!
(That way you’ll have no choice but to happily strive for success)
Over just FIVE short days, you’ll discover…
This MASSIVE 90% Off Offer WILL NOT LAST! This is just for the launch of this Upgrade Your Peer Group Upgrade Your Life Challenge! So DON’T WAIT!
Day 1
CLARIFY: The Criteria For Who Will Help You The Most On Your Journey And Identifying Who You Should Be Outgrowing.
Day 2
IDENTIFY: Discover Your Hardwired Financial Mindset And Learn How To Reprogram It To Attract Your Target Peers!
Day 3
INTENTION: How To Structure Your Peer Group With Direction And Intention So That Everyone Is Completely Aligned With You And Your Direction.
Day 4
ACCOUNTABILITY: Learn The ‘Perfect Peer Group’ Formula Which Will Explain How To Align The Members Values And Ensure Accountability Forever.
Day 5
ACTION: Exactly How To Approach Those You Want To Join Your Peer Group And The 6 Keys To Choosing An Established Group/Mastermind.
Day 6
BONUS: I’ll Peel Back The Curtain To Give You An Insight And Reference Point On How My Personal Peer Group Works.
GIFTS TO TAKE WITH YOU: 2 Of My Favorite Guided Meditations! One For Self Love And Acceptance, The Other For Abundance. Both Are Beyond Profound And Will Change Your Life!
Carefully Select Your Friends, As They Will Select Your Future…
From: Peter Sage
I’ve taken my 30 years of experience training thousands of individuals and entrepreneurs to break through the barriers and achieve success on even their loftiest goals. And I’ve put it ALL into a single roadmap anyone can follow for PREDICTABLE SUCCESS!
Mindset strategies, secrets for defeating self-sabotage, procrastination, self-doubt are all big pieces. But LONG LASTING SUCCESS comes from a powerful peer group.
- Your programming… Like it or not, most beliefs we have were planted into our subconscious from a very young age. Before our ability to distinguish whether or not they are valid. As we grow into adults, most everyone still operates with those deep rooted thoughts around people, money, and the world which locks them into their circumstances and environment…
- You are your environment… No matter how hard you try and how much money you spend on personal development courses, you will always revert back to the level of your environment. Case closed. You can’t stay warm in a freezer… You have to get out of it.
- What that means… Our bodies and minds are programmed by subconscious beliefs which decide the circumstances and environment we expose ourselves to as adults. From there, we are trapped replaying the same movie over and over in that environment until we escape or create a new one.
You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with…
The Truth Is…
The Law Of Conformity and Resonance Supersedes The Law Of Effort and Reward.
Here’s what I mean:
You can never elevate the environment around you, only conform to it.
Face it, superheroes are not hanging out with supervillains. Go-getters aren’t spending every Friday night in the local bar. If they did, they wouldn’t be ‘getting’ much. The same is true for less obvious scenarios… Think of it this way… The path of least resistance is not just for water, it applies to us as well. Environment trumps effort and reward every time over time. So, once you become the biggest fish in the pond, you need to get into a bigger pond…
Otherwise you’ll be stuck wondering why you can’t make more money or grow into the best version of yourself.
So not only do we need to identify our deep seeded thoughts, we need constant exposure to powerful influence to rewire our internal programming.
There is nothing you can do about your programming now. We all have ‘faulty’ programming that we have to overcome. Everybody. And the personal development industry has made over 10 billion dollars promising to rewire you into success. It succeeds in finding your beliefs and programming, but has failed the most important piece of the puzzle…
How to get THE RIGHT PEERS in your environment to grow and elevate through life with. This Upgrade Your Peer Group Upgrade Your Life challenge teaches you step-by-step how to set yourself up to win by creating YOUR Perfect Environment.
We can only do that by strategically creating or joining a powerful peer group that shares the same values and life direction. Case closed.
THIS is the REAL Solution.
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– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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