Pavel Tsatsoukne – Beyond Stretching The Seminar


Pavel Tsatsoukne – Beyond Stretching The SeminarPavel Tsatsoukne – Beyond Stretching The Seminar

Beyond Stretching: The Seminar 5 DVD Set with Pavel Tsatsouline
You get the complete breakdown of each key principle and how to properly implement that principle for huge gains in stretch, flexibility and range of motion.
Pavel gives you three master principles that will forever alter not only your stretching ability—but every aspect of your movement:
Pavel’s first master principle of stretching is to USE YOUR STRENGTH. Discover how a scientific application of targeted strength techniques can help you immediately blow through your current flexibility limitations!

Pavel’s second master principle of stretching is to FIND SPACE. You’ll be astounded at how Pavel’s brilliant innovation will rewrite the story of your body and make history of your cramps and blocks.

Pavel’s third master principle of stretching is to SPREAD THE LOAD. Discover another magical method for shifting out of hampering stress and strain to release your body’s full potential for stretch and range of movement.

And then Pavel gives you two other key principles that are for stretching only:

Pavel’s fourth master principle of stretching is to RELAX. Some of you may think you know how to relax and some of you may think you know how to relax into a better stretch. Well let me tell you that the information you’ll get here about the relax principle is as different from traditional relax techniques as a Yugo and a Ferrari!

Pavel’s fifth master principle of stretching is to PRY. Again, the other experts will be shaking their head and asking “Why didn’t I think of that?”—as you and they both discover this technique’s power to blow through even the most stubborn stretch-block.

It doesn’t matter what body part you are looking to make more flexible—hips, legs, neck, spine, glutes, chest, shoulders, you-name-it—just run Pavel’s 5-step neuro software through the offending part and watch it release, open and stretch out!

Many participants at Pavel’s Unlock! seminar spent over $1,500.00 in registration, hotel and flight expenses in order to learn his stretching and flexibility secrets. And such was the value they got, many of those same participants returned a second time and were delighted to have done so!

Now for a fraction of that investment, you pick up Pavel’s entire stretching and flexibility program for around one-tenth that amount!

The original participants had to rely on their memory and their notes to retain all the key points and subtleties in Pavel’s system.

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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