Patrick Dougherty – The Collective Trauma of War
Patrick Dougherty – The Collective Trauma of War
- Faculty:
- Patrick Dougherty
- Duration:
- 1 Hour 57 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Mar 22, 2019
Focusing on the symptoms of PTSD is not enough when working with veterans. We need to help them understand the larger society that wishes to forget the horrors of war and its shared responsibility for them, and how that reinforces their intense feelings of isolation and difficulty integrating back into the civilian world. This recording will offer an innovative way for vets to gain agency and bring a clearer awareness to understanding the emotional burden they carry.
Manual – The Collective Trauma of War (321.6 KB) | 14 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Identify six common symptoms of the unprocessed collective trauma of war to help the veteran identify these symptoms in others to differentiate it from their own symptoms
- Teach veterans common PTSD symptoms of collective trauma
- Practice with them quick symptom recognition
- Help veterans cultivate specific coping skills, such as using attachment to others and tracking their arousal, to help them stay regulated
- Teach veterans the Window of Tolerance model of regulation
- Help them identify where they are on the model during therapy sessions
Identify how you carry the collective trauma of war and how it affects your clients
- Use personal somatic reflection and triad sharing to identify symptoms
- Use personal and group examples to understand the impact on your veteran clients
Patrick Dougherty, MA, LP Related seminars and products: 2
Patrick Dougherty, MA, LP, is a psychologist in private practice with over 40 years of clinical experience. He has been studying Eastern philosophies and practices for over 25 years and integrating them into his clinical work. He served in the Marine Corps infantry in Vietnam and leads an international group working with the collective trauma of armed violence, genocide, and war and its impact of communities. He is the author of Qigong in Psychotherapy: You can Do So Much by Doing So Little and A Whole-Hearted Embrace: Finding Love at the Center of it all.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Patrick Dougherty maintains a private practice. Mr. Dougherty receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-Financial: Patrick Dougherty has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.
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