Neal Scryer – Band of Readers


Neal Scryer – Band of Readers

STATS: Forwards from the couple of Doc’s, Doc Shiels and Doc Hilford. Jon Stetson, afterword Neal This is an extraordinary ground breaking project and it is an honour to have these three icons contributing.

BIG SURPRISE Keith Barry was kind enough and to share one of His pieces in Band of ReadersThis book, Riding the Hierophant, will also feature the image. Doc Shiels and Keith Barry will collaborate on Riding The Hierophant.

You can check out the latest posts about readings and this project!

“We all love magic, mentalism. I have worked in numerous venues that had multiple entertainers and the people gravitate towards the readers, especially the women.
D. Mac – East Coast Reader East Ground Psychic Reader.

“The ability to give a reading is essential for any mentalist.This book covers the gamut.”
– Ted Karmilovich

Download immediately Neal Scryer – Band of Readers

“I make a substantial part of my income doing readings. The best part of being a reader is helping people in a very real sense. Doing readings is a very rewarding activity for both the sitter AND the reader. Plus, you get to meet some really nice people.”
– Tony Razzano

“A no-brainer for anyone who wishes to make a comfortable, full-time living doing readings…brought to you by the best in the business and tipping Neal Scryer’s expert take on the subject, there’s never been a book written like this one nor will there ever be again!”
Jerome Finley

What Scryer Friends was for the art of Mentalism – Scryer’s Band of Readers Art will be of Reading (in many ways). Many people in the industry are hoping that the book will never be released.

It would be a good idea to get a copy if you have ever thought of or considered making the transition from reading to a high-paying specialty. This book will only contain reading materials. There is no mentalism or trickery.

Note: This book is professional reading, from marketing to the actual works. This book will include contemplative, deliberate, and heavy material.
This book is not recommended for anyone who is:

1. Serious Reader
2. Are you interested in making the transition, or learning about the art.

If you’re sick of selling prop after prop at your gigs, and are looking for an alternate way to make money on the spot, this is the place for you.

Pages: 474 – 6″ x 9″ – Hardcover – Black & White Photos

Here’s What You Will Get In Neal Scryer – Band of Readers

Neal Scryer - Band of Readers

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