Mind-Hijacking – Dan Kennedy
Mind-Hijacking – Dan Kennedy
Here’s Your Invite To The Most Dangerous Product
Dear Friend,
However, if this doesn’t disturb or frighten you,
- Great Magicians, from Houdini to Vanilla Copperfield to Edgy Chris Angel – rely on it. And past and present, the best technical magicians are not the most famous or highest paid, or richest. Many ‘Journeymen Magicians’ are better at their technical craft than they are at Mind Hijacking. The rich ones are barely adequate or just good enough at their technical craft, but are masters of Mind Hijacking. Doesn’t that tell you something?
- Great Swindlers, like Madoff. Others who’ve perpetrated monstrous scams against people who should know better – all use the same Hijacking Techniques. They are potent in separating rich people from their money. There is one Mind Hijacking technique used by all the swindlers, that has nothing to do with greed or profits, that creates an emotional desire that rich people are always defenseless against. You need to know this one in order to be successful.
- The vilest and effective politicians have a favorite, super-reliable Mind Hijack that they use and that they specifically use for fundraising. They also use it to get millionaire and billionaire supporters to contribute huge sums and encourage others to do the same. To run a serious presidential campaign just through the primaries, you need no less than $50 million. To raise this, they all use the same techniques.
You may even think differently about mE
- How Steve Jobs built a simple Mind Hijack into the Apple computer. And stole the PC Market from IBM. This trick factors into almost every piece of sales copy I’ve ever written
- The 4-part formula used by sales agents of the FBI’s security division behavioral program to recruit spies ‘turn’ terrorists and get people to violate confidences, reveal information and do as they are told.
- How to hijack any closed society without ever needing to start at the bottom of the ladder and without having your authority questioned
- Unseat an accomplished, successful, person and make them feel unsure of themselves and in need of your support.
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