Mike Dannheim – Transform Your Life: Dissolve Stress and Anxiety

$57.00 $245.00 Sale

Mike Dannheim - Transform Your Life: Dissolve Stress and AnxietyMike Dannheim – Transform Your Life: Dissolve Stress and Anxiety

“This is amazing. The tools Mike gave to me, I truly feel he has something that the world doesn’t know about! Always criticizing yourself is not the solution, I’m now taking action on a positive mind…But the curious mind that Mike showed me is what teaches me that there are endless opportunities…”

Merle Liivand, World Class Swimmer & Olympic Candidate

With 15 years of helping others to heal from anxiety, depression and addiction, I know how difficult it is to find good solutions that help you achieve lasting results. I hear all the time that people “have” a mental illness, or “have” a condition and they’ve tried different treatments and they haven’t worked. Now looking for help, they don’t even know where to begin.

Most people who are diagnosed with chronic stress, anxiety, depression and addiction are directed towards mainstream methods which can focus on numbing the symptoms rather then treating the unresolved cause of the problem. Leaving you in a state of suffering and perpetuating the problem further, evolving into a painful loop.

In this course I breakdown a easy and straightforward method that will help get you to the root of the problem and help resolve it, putting you in power of your own emotional wellbeing.

If you follow this roadmap and do the work, you’ll have a new operating system with the tools you need to move through life with peace and ease. Unlike other programs you won’t be buried with a massive amount of content, conversely you will have a very easy and straight forward method and tools that will help you implement the learnings immediately and transform your life.

This course will provide you with simple methods to comprehend more about you. By obtaining the tools you need to deactivate stress, depression, and anxiety you’ll learn to melt away undesired feelings and achieve inner bliss on demand.

After taking this course you will receive:

  1. 5 minute methods to create immediate change whenever, wherever
  2. a powerful tool to immediately dissolve inner conflict and stress
  3. a new operating system to better understand your thoughts, feelings, and emotions

The course is comprised of short bite sized videos each with actionable methods to be applied for immediate change as well as self assessment tools to help you gauge your progress.


“I have been to many of mikes workshops all around the world. Every time I leave the room I have a profoundly new perspective on how to live a better life.”

Matt Sherman, Founder, JugoFresh & The Book of Flow

“In a very short time Mike walked me through some visualization techniques that transformed the way I thought about myself & my relationships with others. By continuing to practice these techniques I have found a new acceptance of myself as I am, as well as physical evidence of the power of mindfulness, meditation & positive thinking in my life.”

Jeffrey Noble, Artist & Founder, We Are Nice’n Easy

“Working with Mike to help transform the incarcerated and at risk communities in the Florida prison system has been a pleasure. I’ve experienced first hand how powerful the Body Mind exercises are and I’ve seen the immediate transformation it can have.”

Steve Zuckerman, Co-Founder, Vatica Health & RiseUp Ventures

“When I met Mike, I was doing nothing with my life. Little did I know that his spiritual, personal, and professional guidance would help pave the path for me to reach the most success I have ever had in my life to date. From someone who previously didn’t have a sense of life direction, to becoming 3rd year industrial engineering major at Georgia Tech with a totally revamped, balanced and calibrated lifestyle, I owe it hugely in part to to the time I spent with this man.”

Eugenio Andres Beaufrand, Industrial Engineer, Georgia Tech

Course Curriculum

3 Week Challenge!!

Your Instructor

Mike Dannheim

Mike Dannheim

Fifteen years ago meditation saved Mike’s life. After suffering a debilitating concussion with retrograde amnesia, Mike was hopeless and they thought he would struggle with memory recall for the rest of his life. Mike fell into a deep depression and was riddled with anxiety and thoughts of suicide. A hippie named Martin taught Mike how to meditate and six months later, his memory and concentration returned – better then it ever was. This experience became a portal for Mike, opening the doors of curiosity and leading him into a deep exploration of consciousness.

Mike is a tech entrepreneur and leads international meditation, yoga and mindfulness retreats with his wife, Amy. His current passion project is Sensie, training an smartphone to detect sources of chronic stress via machine learning and muscle testing techniques. He helps support the team at RiseUp Ventures by teaching mindfulness and entrepreneurship to youthful offenders inside the prison system.

Mike’s teachers and sources of influence include: Dan Spinner, Francis Lucille (Advaita Vedanta (non-duality)), Martin the hippie, Rupert Spira, Mikey Siegel, Rachel Levy, Dr. Anne Jensen (Oxford). A friend and primary yoga teacher Eoin Finn, who studied under Ravi Ravindra, Pattabhi Jois, and David Swenson. (for more on Mike: www.mikedannheim.com)

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