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Michael Hall – Psychology Of APG
Michael Hall – Psychology Of APG
APG (Accessing Personal Genius) is the flagship of Neuro-Semantics. It is the workshop that introduces the meta-States model, that sets the foundational skills for Neuro-Semantics, and that takes NLP to a whole new level of systemic thinking and operating. As the flagship it is the principal training that opens up all of the other areas in Neuro-Semantics. It is the second module in meta-Coaching (Coaching Genius), it is part one of Neuro-Semantic Certification; and it is the foundation for the “frame Game” series of trainings as well as the “Stroke of Genius” series.
What is the psychology of APG?
If you were describe the psychology inherent within APG and that we use in APG, what would you say?
How many psychologies are used within the 3-day training program of APG?
What psychological understanding does a person need to effectively train APG?
Accessing Personal Genius (APG) is the foundational workshop for learning the meta-States model. This model entered into the field of NLP in 1995 with its acceptance by the International Trainers Association (INLPTA) as “the most significant contribution to NLP” in that year (Dr. Wyatt Woodsmall). Since then, 20 to 30 thousand people have been introduced to meta-States directly through the day-day APG training.
Where do the Neuro-Semantic models come from?
As an inter-disciplinary field, the models of Neuro-Semantics come from the field of the Cognitive Behavioral sciences, from Developmental Psychology, the neuro-sciences, General Semantics, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), cognitive linguistics, cybernetics, and system dynamics. The first and core model of Neuro-Semantics is the meta-States Model developed in 1994 by L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. The meta-States Model contributed to the NLP Model the modeling of self-reflexive consciousness and has taken NLP to a higher level of professional ethics.
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