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Mental Mastery – Ramit Sethi
Mental Mastery – Ramit Sethi
Forget about the “hacks,” the morning routines, the random tactics
What if you could START and FINISH every day confident, focused, motivated, and optimistic?
What if you could stop worrying about everything that could go wrong…and start making things go right?
What if you could stop reacting to everyone else…and start building the life you really want?
Go from “good” to “great” by developing the deep inner skills of winners — and gain an instant edge in business, work, and relationships
Unshakeable Confidence
Unwavering Focus
Unstoppable Motivation
Unbeatable Optimism
The difference between winners — and everyone else
- How to develop unwavering focus — the #1 competitive advantage in our age of never-ending social media distraction
- Why you should ignore 99% of productivity advice you read online. It’s not just a waste of time — it’s hurting you! I’ll show you why being a winner has NOTHING to do with morning routines or productivity hacks
- A simple reframe that lets you stop worrying about being “productive” and actually start getting shit done
- “Cloud level” motivation vs. “street level” motivation. Why it’s CRITICAL you understand the difference if you care about your happiness and productivity
- Why your goals are holding you back. That’s right, I’ll show you how to jumpstart your motivation (in under 10 minutes) by throwing away your loftiest ambitions
- How to beat perfectionism with the “stepping stone” principle (because sometimes the details truly don’t matter)
- Why Top Performers don’t care about efficiency… and what they really focus on to dominate in any situation
- When to embrace hard work… and when to take it easy
- How to accomplish in 2 days what would normally take 2 weeks
- Why most people struggle with self-discipline… and how to develop total control without beating yourself up (or burning yourself out)
- The #1 thing you can do now — starting TODAY — to practically guarantee success in any area of your life (whether that’s your job, your business, dating, or in the gym)
- How to control exactly how confident you feel in any situation
- The forgotten power of trusting your gut
- A real look at how much distraction I deal with on a daily basis (you’d think a CEO would be more focused, but find out how I’m still able to get everything done)
- How to confidently keep growing and changing… even when the world (your friends, family, even mentors) pressure you to stay the same
A new approach to Mental Mastery
Mental Mastery IS for you if…
- You’re open to admitting that the way you’ve acted in the past may need to change if you want to achieve higher levels of success and happiness
- You want to stop blindly trying the latest “schemes” for boosting your productivity and success and start emulating proven Top Performers
- You’re focused on the long term — and you understand there will always be ups-and-downs, but that you can make HUGE gains by acting smarter
- You’ve tried the “conventional advice” about habits, weight loss, and learning new skills, and they haven’t worked
- You’ve gotten as far as you can on your own, but you know “what got you here won’t get you there” — and you’re open to getting an extra push to cross the bridge to success
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– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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