Martha Eddy, RSMT – Dynamic Embodiment® Movement 2024
Martha Eddy, RSMT – Dynamic Embodiment® Movement 2024
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational course, Martha will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully empower yourself with transformative movement techniques for a healthier body, mind, and spirit.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with Martha and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Martha’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Course Sessions Tuesdays at 1:00pm Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Martha. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to integrate your body, mind, and spirit through movement, leading to enhanced overall wellbeing and personal empowerment.
Module 1: Unleash Radiant Wellness & Vibrant Joy With Intentional Movement (February 6)

You’ve probably heard that sitting is the new smoking.
Just as smoking is bad for your health, sitting too much also causes diseases! Yet when we move regularly and with intention, we are able to cultivate whole body health and experience more joy.
Movement is our way of communicating, getting things done, and having fun. Learn how movement can help transform your body, mind and spirit.
Explore different types of movements, begin to address ways to select movement to help you meet your personal goals, and adapt movements to address your body’s needs.
In this session, you’ll:
- Ignite your motivation to move and embrace an active lifestyle
- Discover safe movement techniques for effective home workouts
- Experience BodyMind Dancing and immerse yourself in nature-inspired movement
- Distinguish between pleasure and pain as you tune into your body’s cues
Module 2: Master the Art of Aging Gracefully & Create Your Mind-Body Renaissance With Somatic Movement (February 13)

Dive into various movement methods, including the Alexander Technique, Body-Mind Centering, Continuum, Dynamic Embodiment, and Feldenkrais.
These innovative movement approaches do more than just transform your body.
They reshape your mind.
By integrating self-awareness and forging new neural pathways, these ways of moving can help you unlock secrets to aging gracefully.
In this session, you’ll:
- Learn about the soma — the living body — and its connection to nature
- Deepen your understanding of graceful aging
- Experience diverse somatic movement methods and discover the influence of Indigenous practices
- Discover ways to connect your body and mind through discussion and BodyMind Dancing techniques, such as “Relax to Focus,” “Lymphatic Warrior,” “Sun Salutation,” and “Active Witnessing”
Module 3: Elevate Your Wellbeing & Alleviate Discomfort by Harnessing the Power of Your Feet (February 20)

Discover the vital role your feet play in your overall health.
Your feet are not just the base of support for your body.
They’re the ground floor of your bodily architecture, intricately linked to almost every other part of your body through nerve endings.
Discover how taking care of your feet can have far-reaching benefits for whole-body wellbeing.
In this session, you’ll:
- Learn efficient walking techniques to perfectly align your center over your feet
- Explore the 4 arches of your feet and learn exercises to strengthen them
- Practice soothing techniques to alleviate discomfort and tiredness in your feet, including the joy of rosemary foot baths
- Discover the benefits of moving to music, whether you’re standing or seated
- Realize the potential of seated movement, offering an alternative way to experience the joy of dancing
Module 4: Enhance Your Physical Coordination and Ignite Your Creativity & Healing Through Moving Your Pelvis (February 27)

The pelvis, often misunderstood as a singular bone, is actually a complex structure of multiple bones and joints, pivotal in maintaining bodily balance.
Moving the pelvis has a profound impact on creativity, sensuality, power, and healing.
Gain an understanding of how you can address common issues like imbalance, sciatica, and lower back discomfort using pelvic movement.
In this session, you’ll:
- Uncover the hidden power of the pelvis and its role in your overall wellbeing
- Explore the anatomy and dynamics of the lower back and hips, understanding their crucial roles
- Learn how moving your body’s center aids in accomplishing tasks and enhances physical coordination
- Discover specific dance movements that align with and activate the pelvic area
Module 5: Awaken Inspiration & Embodied Wisdom for Purposeful Living With Heart-Led Movement (March 5)

Explore your heart, not just as a physical entity but as a guide for your life’s actions.
“Know your body, follow your heart” is a core principle in Dynamic Embodiment, emphasizing the connection between your physical awareness and your heartfelt desires.
Through a blend of Dynamic Embodiment activities and BodyMind Dancing, explore how your heart influences your posture, communication, and emotions.
In this session, you’ll:
- Gain insights into the workings of the heart and its guiding role in your life
- Explore how the lungs massage the heart, enhancing its function
- Deepen your breath and pulse awareness through varied postures and movements
- Discover the link between different movements, postures, and the emotions they reflect or release from the heart
- Experience the joy of dancing to music, with movements that emanate from the heart
Module 6: Harmonize Your Brain, Body & Heart for Compassionate Wholeness (March 12)

Without your heart’s guidance, your brain might function without empathy, limiting your ability to fully engage with the world.
Explore the profound connection between your heart and brain, and how this synergy influences your capacity for compassion.
Discover movements to bridge the gap between your brain and body, fostering a holistic sense of being.
In this session, you’ll:
- Gain information about the connection between your low and high brain, heart, and gut, and their collective impact on your wellbeing
- Discover gentle touch and movement techniques for the chest, neck, and head, fostering physical and emotional harmony
- Experience the interconnectedness of your gut, heart, and brain, and understand their role in achieving synchronicity and ease in your life
- Explore how our perceptions, particularly through our eyes and ears, influence posture, spinal energy, and overall health, providing a deeper understanding of the body-mind connection
Module 7: Craft a Future of Visionary Living With Integrated Movement (March 19)

Reflect on your future movement endeavors.
Envision how the upcoming months and year will feel different and new, based on the movements and concepts you’ve explored during the course.
Journey from your feet to your head, intertwining your body, mind, spirit, and chakras in a dance of discovery and celebration.
In this session, you’ll:
- Explore the “Sun Salutation” in conjunction with the chakras for a holistic physical and spiritual exercise
- Comprehensively review the movements covered previously, consolidating your learning experience
- Learn a guided process to prioritize your goals, and craft a personal movement program tailored to your needs and aspirations in 2024 and beyond
- Dance in joy and celebration, marking the culmination of your journey and your commitment to a personalized movement practice for the new year
The Dynamic Embodiment Movement Bonus Offering
In addition to Martha’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Somatic Dance and Environmental Activism: Is This Spirituality?
PDF Excerpt From Dr. Martha Eddy’s Book, Mindful Movement

This chapter from Dr. Martha Eddy’s book, Mindful Movement: The Evolution of the Somatic Arts and Conscious Action, is a transformative statement of how awareness of the body can lead to environmental caring. Explore how caring for your body leads to caring for the earth — whether moving or meditating, you can become more in touch with your spiritual nature when you bring your awareness outside. This chapter describes the profound life experiences of people in somatic professions.
Conscious Movement Explorations
Video Dialogue With Dr. Martha Eddy and Simon Borg-Olivier

Listen in on a conversation between two leading-edge figures in conscious movement, Simon Borg-Olivier and Martha Eddy. Both Simon and Martha are innovators of new systems of movement that draw on knowledge of movement forms that are thousands of years old — yoga, Qigong, and healing dance. Each describes their favorite movement explorations and how each contributes to consciousness. They also discuss the challenges of remaining present and balanced in today’s hectic world, and new discoveries around health and creativity.
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– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!