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Marnie Greenberg – Intensive Course Leve 2
Marnie Greenberg – Intensive Course Leve 2
Reverse the Aging Process, Delete Your Pain and Stress, Achieve Your Ideal Body, and Rejuvenate Your Appearance!
Now You Can Learn the Essential Advanced Principles, and Immediately Resolve any Life Problem …
Do you wish you could get more done, but don’t have enough drive, or energy?
Would you like to get rid of those few extra pounds that crept onto those ‘problem areas’?
Do you find yourself losing confidence in your appearance, and wish you could regain a bit of your youthful look?
Imagine Your Life Without Pain, Stress or Limitations
Are you struggling to keep the weight off? Are you experiencing age-related conditions?
Do you hate your job? Are you dissatisfied with your relationship? Are you making the money you deserve?
Are you living your life the way that your really want to?
If you are honest with yourself, you know that you are not really where you want to be right now, and would like to improve in some area of your life.
Unfortunately, on a daily basis, negative thoughts, emotions, and experiences get stuck in your body, and over time manifest as physical symptoms, and emotional and spiritual blockages. The only way to move forward and achieve what you really want is to be able to delete whatever it is that is holding you back, and unlock your unlimited potential.
And now, you can learn to do just that!
Marnie Will Teach You How to Automate Success with Advanced Accelerated Application Protocols, and Deeper Daily Deletions in All Areas of Your Life:
- Elevating your relationship with yourself
- Maintaining successful, meaningful and fulfilling relationships
- Deep level financial abundance protocols
- Financial abundance with EASE
- Getting paid MORE
- Advanced rejuvenation and regeneration techniques
- Slow down, reverse, and stop aging
- Maintain/Improve physical functions
- Specific body size reduction
- Speed up digestion, elimination & metabolism
- Skin longevity, and maintaining beautiful skin
- Physical facial regeneration
- Ensure effortless ease and simplicity in your life
Change Your Life By Writing Your Own Script As You Pre-Program Your Future 100% INFINITE POTENTIAL –
Activate Abundance With Everything In Your Life
Maximize the Strength Behind Your Wants, Needs & Desires So That They Actually Manifest!
This is a Self-Guided Course Designed to Teach You How to Apply Your Insight to Resolve Any Life Problem, and Achieve Results on the Spot!!
You will be READY to put your INSIGHT into ACTION so that you can resolve any life problem, on the spot!
Applying your INSIGHT will become as NATURAL as breathing, and something you just do without thinking about it
The Intensive Level 2 Course is a “Deep Dive” into the regular monthly membership content, and includes additional Activations and Protocol Charts, as well as the full 2-hour webinar recordings.
The Intensive Level 2 course is also where Marnie actually teaches you the techniques, so that you can learn to use the method for yourself, family, and friends. New activations, geometric figure charts, and Marnie’s webinar slide presentation allows you to integrate the Essential Advanced Principles into your daily life routine.
INSTANT ACCESS to all 6 Months Content
Month 1 Instant Access!
Delete Your Relationship Stress On The Spot!
Charts – Frequently Used Geometric Figures to Resolve Relationship Problems, Specific Karma Resolution, and Delete Family Problems On The Spot!
Marnie will teach you how to resolve all relationship problems .
Month 2 Instant Access!
Delete Financial Stress and Pain
On The Spot!
Chart – Delete On The Spot Financial/Career Problems
Marnie will teach you how to strengthen and delete the true reasons, causes and sources of
your financial stress and pain.
Month 3 Instant Access!
Ultimate Rejuvenation –
Delete Physical Problems and Reverse Aging!
Charts – Yuen Method Life Maps
Delete On The Spot – Health Problems
Delete On The Spot – Aging, Pain, & Stress
Marnie will teach you how to delete physical
pain, and various “age-related” conditions.
Month 4 Instant Access!
Ultimate Rejuvenation –
Ideal Body!
Chart – Yuen Method Life Map
Delete On The Spot –
Body Weight, Fitness & Weight Reduction
Marnie will teach you how to strengthen for your ideal body size, and delete body image problems.
Month 5 Instant Access!
Skin/Facial Rejuvenation
and Regeneration!
Chart – (6 pages)
Yuen Method Delete On The Spot –
Skin Problems, Skin Rejuvenation and
Facial Restructuring
Marnie will teach you how to delete skin problems, and rejuvenate a youthful appearance.
Month 6 Instant Access!
How to Make the Best Decisions …
Especially Unexpected/Immediate Ones!
All Charts – Marnie will teach you how to use and apply all the advanced charts to Make the Best Decisions.
You will learn how to create certainty in your life and strengthen so that you’re taking the most favorable actions in your life, without hesitation.
Shipping method
– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: and we will be happy to help!