Magali Peysha – Energy Coach Level Two Certification Training

$499.00 $2,495.00 Sale

Magali Peysha – Energy Coach Level Two Certification Training

Magali Peysha’s “Energy Coach Level Two Certification Training” focuses on advancing participants’ skills in energy coaching. It covers advanced techniques and strategies for effectively guiding clients through energy blocks, enhancing personal energy management, and deepening the understanding of energetic principles in coaching practices.

You Can Be An Energy Coach
Empower, Heal, and Revitalize

When we work with clients at a spiritual level the transformations are life changing

This in-depth training supports you in coaching clients who are needing to make healthy changes in their life. Energy coaching is a creative, healing, and life changing spiritual process. Through deep connection with their inner resources a client nurtures themselves at the soul level.
More than ever, people want to create more meaningful lives, they want their journey to be a soul evolution. Energy Coaches support their clients to learn and heal.
Every person wants to know their life has mattered. When real spiritual evolution happens, it feels like the word YES is reverberating throughout our bodies.
 This style of coaching teaches and guides a client through their own inner healing. Becoming an Energy Coach means stepping into your own spiritual path of purpose. As you connect your gifts you become an empowered healer and coach.
“I would like to express deep gratitude for this wonderful opportunity and your sharing of your gifts. You are so inspiring and full of love and compassion. I can sense it so much when listening to your voice. Over the past few days, I experience a real calm and peace within as well as gratitude for all there is. I also feel that there is more acceptance of things out in the world I cannot change at this moment. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful opportunity to sit together in communion and meditation. What a beautiful treat. Much love from Switzerland!” –Claudia 

Alignment at the Soul Level

Through activating your intuitive wisdom you coach from a place of connection with the divine.
The world is ready now for healing gifts and awakened experience. At Coaching Institute we hold the space for you to grow into a powerful healing presence. You will be ready to work with groups and individual clients.

As you balance your own energy system you create the space within for manifesting intuitive gifts and healthy power.

At Coaching Institute we hold the space for you to grow and unwind what is stuck and limiting your soul’s purpose in the world. In this program you will receive the inner healing needed to become a powerful healer yourself.

Energy Blocks Can Limit Emotions and Actions

Your Energy System is an invisible matrix from which your emotions, your healthy power, and your actions emerge.
In modern culture, we’re often taught to ignore the energetic level of being. We are told that energy doesn’t matter, or doesn’t exist. We’re supposed to “think” our way into a new experience.
However, when you become aware of and connected to your spiritual energy, this energy can become your greatest resource.

Magali Peysha
Founder of Coaching Institute and
Activation™ Method Energy Coaching

Magali is an internationally renown coaching teacher, meditation guide, speaker, and healer, offering energy healings and meditation to thousands of people each year. She has trained over 20,000 life coaches at the 100 hour certification level in the last twelve years. Her courses are credentialed for the Board Certified Coach certification.
Her 21 Journeys™ Classes, Retreats, and Group Coaching Classes have supported thousands of people in their spiritual life path. She believes in everyone’s own healing powers. Through joyful movements, deep emotional journeys, and creative mind meditation Magali supports her students in embracing their intuitive gifts.
Magali is also known as an innovator of energy coaching strategies and session plans. She’s developed 120 coaching strategies which are currently being used by thousands of coaches worldwide to help their clients, groups, and during retreats
As an author, Magali’s books, the Strategic Intervention Handbook and Love Happier, are #1 bestsellers in their fields. A new book, the Activation Method Workbook, is coming out in 2022.
Since 2017 Magali’s main focus has been developing coaching strategies for spiritual growth. She has led over 40,000 people through her weekly online Groups, which integrate meditation, self-healing, and somatic awareness. Her community trainings have reached over 2 million people.
Magali lives in California with her coaching and life partner, Mark. Their five children and dog Lily have been their greatest teachers. You might see Lily during Meditation.

Energy Coaching Prepares you to Guide Healing Meditations, Lead Group Classes and to Hold Your Own Retreats

Learn Four Levels of Energy Coaching

►Energy Level 1◄

  • Energy Tools Foundations
  • Understanding the Client’s World and Goals
  • Energy Exercises and Practices
  • Healing & Releasing Energy Blocks
  • Connecting with Guides and Non-Ordinary Reality Support
  • Higher Self and the Natural World as a Loving Resource
  • Transforming Obstacles with Inner Creative Power
  • Energy Centers Inner Healing for Love, Relationship, & Divine Support
  • Seven Sense Channels

►Energy Level 2◄

  • Guiding Meditation and Journey Experiences
  • Life Contracts Discovered and Remade
  • Emotional Journey of Healing
  • Healthy Boundaries
  • Empowering Our Creative Mind
  • Five Elements in Personality and Energy Flow
  • Emotional Energy Strategies

►Energy Level 3◄

  • Somatic Processes with Metaphors
  • Communication with the Body
  • Archetype Energy
  • Releasing Pain, Procrastination, and Fear
  • Emotional Processing and Maturity
  • Energetic Interference & Entities

►Energy Level 4◄

  • Compassion, Empathic Joy, &Equanimity
  • Inner Conflict Resolution
  • Soul & Power Retrieval
  • Spiritual Experiences Integration
  • Kundalini, Concentration, & Oneness
  • Dream Yoga & Sleep Spiritual Practices


Release Your Resistance, Experience Your Healthy Power

Energy Coaching Modalities

  • Energy Coaches often teach through guided meditation, energy exercises and strategies.
  • Coaches learn through healing sessions, workshops, and coaching practice.
  • Clients learn healing strategies they can do again and again.
  • Healthy boundaries become easier to empower and reinforce.
  • Clients awaken their ability to sense their own energetic frequency and invite that frequency to become more clear, loving and full of light.
  • The strategies help clients to experience greater creativity and spiritual expansion.
  • Healing metaphors and Archetypes assist the client in their energy evolution.
  • Through finding practices and new habits clients empower the wisdom of their higher self and find energetic balance.
  • Intuition and creativity is increased. Then decisions, projects and relationships flow more easily.
  • The emotions of compassion, joy, love, clarity, generosity, kindness, peace and equanimity become easy to feel and express.


Connecting Clients With Their Own Powerful Energy

When someone is feeling blocked, stuck, used, conflicted, burned out, or exhausted, they experience this energetically as well as mentally and physically.
On a practical level, not having enough energetic strength and flow can stop us from doing what we need to do to take care of ourselves. When we push ourselves for results, day in and day out, our system gives us signs that it needs allignment.
Energy Coaching helps people to heal the obstacles and resistance that are preventing their concentration, joy, and zest for life. When we’re working with our Energy Coaching clients, we’re helping them become their own healer. They use the session strategies to reconnect with their true self and energy.
Our spiritual energy is right here for all of us, all of the time. It’s a resource in your physical body. It’s experienced in your emotions. When we become aware of the energy within ourselves, we’re going to our deepest level of being. We are awakening our own inner guidance.
This means we have more intuition and clarity. We’re more aware of what we’re feeling, what we’re saying, what we’re doing. So we’re able to create a lasting transformation.

Energy Coaching Is Helpful When…

* You have an ambitious, meaningful goal, but when you approach it, something happens that feels like you are not on your own side. You self-sabotage your own healthy ambition.
* You overwork and get irritated at others. You may feel burned out. You’d like to find some balance and stability within yourself.
* The things that used to give you joy and inspiration don’t seem to work anymore. You want to discover your spark again.
* You feel oversensitive. When you are with others, it can feel as though you feel what they feel. You want to stay sensitive but also have good boundaries.
* You’d like to connect at a deep level in a relationship, but you feel a hesitancy which stops you. You want to understand emotions and share feelings in relationships.
* There are healthy habits you want to have in your life, but you lack the consistency to take action.
* What others see in you is not what you feel about yourself. This sense of not being aligned can sometimes feel like low self-esteem or a values conflict.
* You’ve been in relationships where you suspect the other person had narcissistic tendencies. And you do not want to repeat these patterns again.

These are just some of the situations where an Energy Coach can help.

An Energy Coach shows their clients how to recharge and recalibrate themselves by connecting to their own Higher Self. The client’s real teacher is their own energy. The coach shares the method through strategies and exercises that bring out the client’s own healthy spiritual energy and wisdom. This can feel like intuition showing up fully, or like a good friend always at your side letting you know, “you got this.” This kind of coaching is empowering and easy to do. The client is setting the pace and finding their own healthy energy.

Energy Coaching is Different but Complementary to Energy Healing Traditions

In our method of Energy Coaching, we train coaches to lead clients through an Energy Coaching process that gives the client a skill set for healing and empowering themselves.
Because of its focus on self-healing, Energy Coaching is considered to be a part of the Complementary and Alternative Healing Industry, which includes practices such as Ayurvedic Counseling, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Emotional Yoga, Shamanic Counseling, Craniosacral Work, Massage Therapy, and Reiki.
As people are increasingly interested in their own ability to improve their health, this is one of the world’s fastest-growing areas of health and wellness. In 2020 the global Complementary and Alternative Healing Market was valued at $82 Billion. It’s now expected to quadruple by 2028.
Many of the same people who are interested in Complementary and Alternative Healing will sign up for Energy Coaching. Within this arena, Energy Coaching plays a unique role, distinct from other forms of healing. In most healing modalities, the practitioner works with the client in a hands-on way.
In contrast, the Energy Coach teaches and guides the client verbally, empowering them to develop their own relationship with healing energy. In other words, it’s the client, not the coach, who provides the energy connection for healing.
An Energy Coach typically offers a client a series of coaching sessions over the course of several months, during which the client becomes more familiar and more skilled with their Energy System.
Energy Coaching can be offered virtually, so you can work with clients all over the world from where you live. This has numerous lifestyle advantages.
Energy Coaching has a distinct advantage in that it can be offered remotely. You can have an Energy Coaching practice where you work with clients all over the world, from wherever you live. Energy Coaching can also be offered alongside other forms of healing. Many of our clients are simultaneously receiving other therapies from other practitioners.
This works well, because Energy Coaching enhances the client’s ability to empower and heal. This also works well for practitioners who want to move their practice towards being client-led, with less focus on hands-on healing work. Also, Energy Healers use Energy Coaching to create better results for their clients.

Your Next Step

I believe so strongly in the power of Energy Coaching to create positive change in the world.
The journey to becoming an Energy Coach is one of the most inspiring experiences you can have. Connecting with your own healing energy, and then developing your skills to empower your clients – it’s very fulfilling.
So I’ve set out to create the world’s most comprehensive Energy Coaching Certification Training. Everything you need is included.
You’ll get my complete Energy Coaching System, which I’ve developed over the past 10 years with thousands of students and clients.
You’ll get a live and online training experience that will awaken and enliven your mind, body, and spirit. This includes four immersive days we’ll spend together live online learning coaching skills.
You’ll get an incredible community who will become your close friends and colleagues, all of us aligned in our dedication to the benefits of energy and the ability to grow together and help our clients.
You’ll get the support of Coaching Institute training staff, including over 100 hours of live training and practice time. The live training is designed to fit into as many time zones as possible, with all teachings recorded for you.
You’ll get a complete Coach Marketing system that includes everything you need to build your Energy Coaching professional practice. We even give you an Energy Coach Website that you can use for your own business.
And, if you’d like to be able to offer Energy Coaching to groups, I’ll even give you my complete system for offering 21 Journeys® Classes, Group Courses, and my complete system for offering your own Energy Retreats. Again, the complete system is included. You will also be certified to lead meditation classes using my seven part meditation process. This is an incredible way to expand your reach as an Energy Coach.

This training is designed to take you from where you are right now, all the way to your future as a skilled Energy Coach, even if you’re just getting started in a healing and coaching path.

Tools that Energy Coaches use Daily

Healing Awareness and Insight

  • Luminous Self Healing
  • Energy Inner Guidance
  • Energy Centers Exploration & Knowing

Our True Self

  • Meditation for Inner Resources
  • Soul Recovery & Healing of Interference
  • Healing for Loss & Shock

Five Elements

  • Personal Psychology
  • Transforming Obstacles
  • Peace, Healthy Power, & Self Care

Archetypes & Guides

  • Activating Our Senses
  • Nature as Healer
  • Higher Self

Healing & Strengthening with Emotions

  • Joy, Compassion, Kindness, and Equanimity
  • Acceptance and Transformation
  • Metaphors in Energy Coaching

Our Bodies Wisdom

  • Somatic Listening & Speaking
  • Receiving Frequencies and Transformations
  • Movement, Voice & Creativity


Activation™ Method Energy Coach Certification
Tuition is $2495
12 Monthly Payments of $239

We will be meeting live twice a month for 6 months as I walk you through the tools, strategies, and exercises of Activation™ Method Energy Coaching. Together we will learn, practice and grow our coaching skills while also healing and empowering ourselves. During these classes you will learn by experiencing your own energy system as a healer and guide. You will have live demonstrations of Energy Coaching with the specific strategy topic we are working on that week. Then you will have time to process and learn through coaching your colleagues. This helps everyone integrate and understand the wide range of helpful energy coaching experiences. Your classroom will have all your learning videos ready to learn at your own pace. In weekly q&a sessions you will deepen your knowledge of all Activation™ Method Coaching techniques.
You will immediately have access to your Energy Coach Activation™ Method Certification Classroom. There you will find over 100 hours of learning modules like Higher Self, Archetypes, Energy Repair, Guided Meditation Strategies, Healing with Metaphors, Life Contracts, Giving and Receiving of Energy, Transformational Tools, Healthy Boundaries, Energy Exercises, Five Elements, and Energy Center Strategies and more. There are coaching demonstrations and processes that focus on healing procrastination, anxiety, goals, obstacles, relationships, low self esteem, and empowering positive states and energy helpers. And we won’t just talk about the strategies. You’ll get to study videos of these strategies being used with real clients, so that you’re learning by example. You keep your online training for life. You can learn at your own pace and graduate when you are ready.
You will receive our Activation Method coaching strategies in the same classroom. So, you can start helping any client wherever they are at. Our course is certified by Board Certified Coaches so that if you are interested in getting your certification you may. As an Activation™ Method Coach you will be ready to help clients with Decision Making, Modes of Being, Relationship Goals, Work Stress, Building healthier habits and so much more. We provide you with a road map and tools to create the perfect 12 week coaching program for your clients. This works for a wide range of niches in coaching. You will also have our 12 week system for any client to improve their life.
This training comes with a certification and preparation certificate for the BCC exam

21 Journeys® Teacher Training
can be added to your program $795

Would you like to lead groups through energy-enhancing experiences, while gaining exposure for your private coaching practice? As an Activation™ Method Energy Coach, you’ll receive a license to teach 21 Journeys.™
This is a unique one-hour class that incorporates guided awareness practices with gentle movement, creating an integrated energy experience. Participants get emotional integration, increased creativity, personal insights, energetic balancing, and a sense of shared community. People love to attend 21 Journeys® week after week, the way they would attend a Yoga, Zumba, dance, or other movement class. You may offer it anywhere in your community where classes are taught (such as Yoga or wellness studios, educational organizations, or community centers). You may also offer an Online version of 21 Journeys® through Zoom.
Your teacher training includes the 21 Journeys Teacher Guide, over twenty examples of unique 21 Journeys classes, informative sharing sessions, and teachings specifically on leadership skills for the 21 Journeys Teacher.
When you complete the training, you get a Certificate as a 21 Journeys® Teacher.

Activation™ Creative Mind Meditation Teacher
can be added for $795

You will receive our complete system for guiding meditation classes. Plus you will have new skills in guiding private clients in healing meditations. We believe in meditation as a healing and supportive part of every spiritual path. In the Meditation teacher training you will learn to lead creative mind meditations, somatic healing, energy exercises, compassion and mindfulness practices, breathing exercises, and guided journeys. This complete training prepares you for helping people embrace their embodied spiritual truth.
There is an abundance of meditations, meditation scripts, and examples of techniques and experiences within your program. You will be prepared to help ground and integrate awakening experiences your clients have. Part of your offering to both groups and clients will be the gift of presence and connection with the Universe. As a Meditation Teacher in our system you are supported in a frequency of love and kindness as you expand your intuition and connection with healing source. All traditions are honored in our program.

Activation™ Method Retreat Leader Certification
Can be added for $1495

There is growing need for taking the time to go on a retreat. These can be Online or in person Retreats. All over the world, people are signing up to spend dedicated time on their growth, awareness, and rejuvenation.
As an Energy Coach, you’ll be licensed in a complete system for planning, guiding and giving retreats, both online and in person. You will learn how to guide retreats using Energy, Awareness, and Creativity Processes designed specifically for the retreat environment.
This training comes with over 20 unique Retreat Modules that offer a wide range of topics for retreats. You’ll be able to design your custom half day to seven day retreat by mixing and matching the Retreat Modules you wish to include. This is much easier than creating a retreat from scratch! These retreats can be offered online and in person.
Through offering a Retreat we help our participants to develop a personal practice. We create a time for massive spiritual growth and community connection. As part of your overall Energy Coaching practice, offering small retreats is a great opportunity for assisting your clients on their spiritual and life path.
This training comes with a certificate as an Activation™ Method Retreat Leader.

Spiritual Coach Group Leader
Can be added for $1495

Leading groups is a fantastic way to help more people. Now for the first time we are including Group Coach with your Energy Coach Certification.
You will learn to lead groups online or in person with 17 of our Activation™ Method Group Sessions. These classes have been designed for coaches leading self evolution, spiritual, and creative groups.
You will master the Nine Stage Model of group leadership. This means that you have 17 Activation™ Method Group Sessions to lead and you can create your own group sessions.
If you want to experience the success of adding a class to your coach business suite this training will round out your offer. There is a huge benefit to offering clients both one on one coaching and group coaching. You can use the group sessions to create packages that fit your coaching niche.
We have done the work for you. You receive a session plan, worksheets for group participants, and session guides for leading each class.

Live Online Learning

We want you to have the opportunity to train live often. For this reason we offer many different live coaching class options every week. You don’t have to attend all of these classes to graduate. Every class is recorded and made available to our students within a week.
Energy Coach Training Workshops 
Magali will personally assist you on your coaching path. In these classes you are learning the exact Energy Healing Sessions you will be offering to clients. Your questions are part of the process. Three times a month Magali will be live with you to support your personal and professional growth!
Live Healing Sessions: We want our students to have their own special healing meditation sessions. Part of your learning is to receive the direct experience of immersive healing sessions.
Practice Lab: Learn to coach and be coached in a supportive and nurturing environment. You will be learning 21 key skills for coaching over the year.
There are always Master Coaches on the live Practice Session. They are expert at offering supervision and will support as you practice coaching skills
This is a very welcoming and accepting environment where we can be ourselves, discuss how we’re feeling, and re-enter our coaching and client roles. This is the best way that I know to learn coaching!
Marketing Mentorship Classes: Learn the tools and methods that create a healthy business. Mark Peysha will personally guide you in creating your niche, best methods for client enrollment, plus everything you need to become the most empowered and successful coach you can be.
Learn, ask questions, and practice. In our live sessions we will cover our favorite Energy Coach skills and topics. You will get a boost to your wisdom and personal activation through this interactive and small class dynamic for learning.
Live Online Intensive October 22nd and December 3rd, 4th and 5th
Learn seven Activation Method Coaching Strategies over three days. You will double your coaching skills, make great friends, and fill your toolbox.
This is our favorite way to celebrate learning together. Each day we coach each other. First, we learn as Magali or Mark demonstrates a coaching session and then we do it! With supportive Master Coaches there to help guide you you will be coaching on day 1 of the training. The whole program is recorded and added to your library.

Energy Coach Training Comes with the Complete Integrity Marketing System Taught by Mark Peysha

At the Coaching Institute we will prepare you for all kinds of coaching clients. You will get what you need for your personal and energetic development. You will know how to sign up clients. Through hands on marketing help you will create a professional business that serves others and takes care of you.
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Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!