Latasha Ellis – Managing Challenging Patient & Family Behaviors: 101 Strategies for Healthcare Professionals

Managing Challenging Patient & Family Behaviors: 101 Strategies for Healthcare Professionals

Latasha Ellis – Managing Challenging Patient & Family Behaviors: 101 Strategies for Healthcare Professionals

Latasha Ellis
Full Day
Audio and Video
Jan 18, 2017


  • High-Risk Patient Situations
  • ETOH & Substance Abuse
  • Managing the Family Dynamics
  • Anger & Aggression
  • Manipulative Behavior
  • Violent Patients
  • Dementia-Related Behaviors
  • Suicidal Ideation

In today’s healthcare environment, professionals are challenged to do more with less. Reduced staffing and increased (at times the seemingly unrealistic) demands from patients, family members and other visitors can all contribute to burnout. Adding to the complicating factors, you are continually expected to achieve optimal patient outcomes, ensure safety and quality goals, and strive for even higher levels on satisfaction scores.

In this interactive seminar, expert clinician, Latasha Ellis, MSW, LCSW, will provide you with practical tips and tools that you can use immediately when faced with challenging patient and family behaviors. This program includes practical strategies to help you cope with difficult situations like aggression, dementia and attention seeking behaviors while maintaining patient and staff safety. The day will be filled with opportunities to apply many of these strategies through real patient situations, case studies and interactive discussions. Don’t miss this chance to learn techniques you can implement successfully with your most difficult patients.


Webcast Manual (1.07 MB) 27 Pages Available after Purchase


Difficult Patient Encounters

  • Why are challenging behaviors presenting?
  • Five key strategies to use with all patients

Major Categories of Challenging Behaviors

  • Anger and aggression
  • Acute crisis (sexual assault, domestic violence)
  • Suicide ideations
  • Severe mental illness & psychiatric diagnosis
  • Personality disorders
  • Substance abuse
  • Dementia vs. delirium

Contributing Factors of Difficult Encounters

  • Patient and Family
    • Patient’s story and valuing diversity
    • Family dynamics
    • Mediation
  • Provider’s Role
    • Self-awareness
    • Managing our emotions and bodies
    • Emotional intelligence
  • Situational/ Environmental factors

Prevention Strategies

  • Early detection/warning signs
  • Identifying and supporting needs and strengths
  • Avoid the misuse of power
  • Effective communication as key
  • The Interactive Model
  • Motivational interviewing (empathy, empowering)

Intervention Strategies

  • The concept of “Blending”
  • Nonverbal Blending
  • Verbal Blending
  • Encountering Aggressive Behavior

“Post-vention” Strategies

  • Conflict resolution
  • Effective reinforcement
  • Limit setting and consequences
  • Debriefing

Beneficiaries of Effective Management

  • Patient
  • Family
  • Healthcare provider
  • Staff


Latasha Ellis, MSW, LCSW Related seminars and products: 2

Latasha Ellis, MSW, LCSW, is a psychotherapist and consultant, having served patients across diverse clinical settings, including: community mental health clinics, inpatient and outpatient medical facilities, the state of MD Department of Corrections, and the VA School for the Deaf, Blind and Multi-disabled. She is presently the owner and CEO of AHSAT Counseling and Consulting, PLLC.

Through her current private practice, Latasha works closely with area hospitals for the provision of psychological services to cardiac, pulmonary, and oncology patients. She is also a certified clinical supervisor with the National Association of Social Workers, North Carolina Chapter.

In addition to her clinical experience, Latasha provides trainings throughout the country drawing from her expertise on challenging behaviors and enjoys delivering corporate workshops/ seminars on a variety of topics pertinent to workplace challenges as well. She is a certified trainer of Managing Aggressive Behaviors (MAB), through The University of Oklahoma OUTREACH; a program that emphasizes prevention, non-physical intervention strategies, and non-pain producing physical intervention techniques.

Latasha’s passion for the field of mental health and behavior management is exemplified by her role as Field Instructor for various universities. She has trained students at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, University of North Dakota, Old Dominion University, and Norfolk State University.

Latasha holds a Bachelors of Social Work (BSW) degree from Morgan State University and a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree from the University of Maryland at Baltimore. Her MSW degree holds a concentration in Clinical Social Work with a primary specialization in Mental Health and a secondary specialization in Management and Community Organization. Latasha is currently writing her dissertation in pursuit of her PhD.

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Latasha Ellis maintains a private practice. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

Non-Financial: Latasha Ellis has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.


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