Kristen Allott – Nutrition, Mental Health, and Coronavirus: Eating Strategies to Help You Deal with Pandemic Anxiety and Stress

Kristen Allott – Nutrition, Mental Health, and Coronavirus: Eating Strategies to Help You Deal with Pandemic Anxiety and Stress

Kristen Allott
2 Hours 40 Minutes
Audio and Video
Mar 26, 2020


Dr. Allott will provide the achievable tools to thrive while being at home!

Hope arises from the ability to have waypower (a path and support to problem solve obstacles) and willpower (identifying your goal and staying in your responsive brain versus your reactive brain).

This is a time to hold on to hope. Create goals to know that you thrived in a time of adversity, and manage our daily energy and mental clarity so when this Great Pause is turned off we have new skills and new self-knowledge to thrive.


Manual – Nutrition, Mental Health, and Coronavirus (11.1 MB) 72 Pages Available after Purchase


  1. 5 tenets to support the immune system
  • It is difficult to enhance the immune system but it easy to suppress it
  • Have a schedule, pertinent
  • Maintain circadian rhythms
  • Food: protein every 4 hours
  • Movement: Moving your body is important for the immune system
  • Be out doors: sunlight and fresh air and ‘forest bathing’ are
  • Maintain relational connections while social distancing
  • Learn – what do you want or what does your client want to have when the pause is over
  • Put screens away before bed
  • Watch alcohol and marijuana intake
    • Handouts will be provided
  1. Managing anxiety and increasing energy and mental clarity with protein rich foods
  • Reactive brain verses responsive brain
  • How lizard brain treats help with anxiety, irritation, agitation, 3 am waking, PTSD symptoms in adults and children, and transitions to new activities
  • Protein every 3 hours experiment
  • How to read food labels to know what your energy will be in 3-4 hours
    • Handouts will be provided
  1. Help clients start cooking
  • This is an opportunity to be at a clients home and help them start learning how to self-care skills such as cooking, movement, and creating a routine.
  • Help client strategize about what to cook and eat or order out and eat
    • Handouts will be provided for each topic


Kristen Allott, ND, LAc's Profile

Kristen Allott, ND, LAc Related seminars and products: 2

Dynamic Paths

Kristen Allott, ND, LAc, is a high energy and enthusiastic speaker who is passionate about integrative medicine. As a licensed naturopathic physician and acupuncturist, she has a private practice where she specializes in working with the clients of mental health professionals and is passionate about achievable results. Dr. Allott has developed a reputation for assisting clients in making simple changes in their food choices and for addressing nutritional deficiencies that contribute to the symptoms of anxiety, depression, addictions and other mental health disorders. Dr. Allott regularly presents at psychiatric nurse practitioner conventions on non-pharmaceutical interventions for mental health. Additionally, she consults with Court Improvement Training Academy (CITA) at the University of Washington to develop the Protein for all Project to optimize the brains in the high stakes environment of Juvenile and Family Court System in the State of Washington.

Dr. Allott has worked as a residential counselor for adolescents in mental health crises and advocated for the educational rights for individuals with learning disabilities. She is on the academic faculty at Bastyr University and serves as a guest lecturer for a variety of groups. As a physician and acupuncturist, she enjoys studying how daily life affects the biochemistry, physiology, and qi (energy) of the body. As a black belt in Aikido, she has studied the intimate connections between the mind, emotions, and body.

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Kristen Allott is in private practice. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

Non-financial: Kristen Allott references the off-label use of Nordic Naturals and Carlson’s during her presentation.



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