Korke & Judith – Bachata Sensual Intermediate/Advanced

$62.00 $372.00 Sale

Korke & Judith – Bachata Sensual Intermediate/Advanced

Korke & Judith’s “Bachata Sensual Intermediate/Advanced” is a dance course aimed at dancers who have a foundational understanding of Bachata and want to enhance their skills. The program delves into more complex techniques, including advanced footwork, body isolations, partner work, and sensual movements that characterize Bachata Sensual. It provides detailed instructions and choreography to help participants improve their fluidity, connection, and musicality, enabling them to perform intricate and expressive Bachata routines.


What can possibly be said that hasn’t been said before? They are masters of masters. They are the ones who created it all. They are the ones who had the vision. They are the creators of Bachata Sensual.

Korke Judith They are an international couple of dancers from Cadiz in Spain. This is where it all started. How did it all begin? It’s quite funny actually.

Korke JudithFamily is created by you.

Korke (Jorge Escalona) has always been a hopeless romantic, it’s true. It’s evident in his music taste. He’s always loved bachata music, as well as boleros. Now, there’s two things that pushed Korke (and later). Judith() to create a brand new style of dancing: Passion and ignorance.

Why is ignorance so common? Well, because he didn’t know how to dance bachata at all.

Why passion? Because whereverver Korke listened to bachata, to that music, with those instruments, and the lyrics they sang… Let’s just say his body wanted to interpret something very different to what he knew existed. So 16 came along.-Year-old Judith (who was salsa dancing) joined the adventure.

While Korke His interpretation was Judith she came in and added the perfect touch. With her body control, technique as well as subtle sensuality, they joined his larger, fluider movements.

The new dance featured a combination of body waves and isolations that created a sense of connection. This was going to be a major shift in the scene.

They were aware of the importance of honoring traditional bachata’s origins and made sure they researched the culture and origins of the beautiful Dominican dance. To this day, anyone who is interested in the subject can find it. Korke Judith Well, they can all confirm they were always students.

Soon after laying the foundations for, Bachata SensualBoth of them were able to see the truth. Korke JudithThey are so good, why not just quote them?

It had to be more than a dance, it had to be something that could be shared. A methodology that could be learned. And like that, be able to share our passion with the world.”

It was born. Korke Judith’s Bachata Sensual methodology.

Wow. It is likely they didn’t know what they were doing. Just think about it. You can start a creative process because you want to express your feelings through music.

It’s there. Creators of Bachata Sensual.

If you ask around, however, you’ll find that the creators are far greater than the creations.

Korke JudithFamily is created by you.

What is VdanceClub?

VdanceClub allows you to watch world champions and style pioners on a streaming platform.

You can have all their methods at your fingertips, so you can learn at your own pace.


The Annual Subscription includes
ALL Korke Judith 4 courses in english: beginner, intermediate, advanced, and intermediate-Advanced and Advanced Plus
All the courses offered by all artists in VdanceClub (Sara Panero Ladies Styling), Judith Lady Styling. Yaiza Melero Lady Styling.&Raquel Advanced Salsa Footwork, Complete Project Salsa Footwork for Beginners to Professionals, Brazilian Zouk starting at the most basic level and going up to the advanced step by Arthur Santos
and many more courses…

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– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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