Katrina Ruth Programs – The Alignment & Asskickery Toolkit

$52.00 $227.00 Sale

Katrina Ruth Programs – The Alignment & Asskickery Toolkit

Quick question gorgeous –

Are you, right now, making the money you want to be making?

If no, another question for ya, and this one is IMPORTANT:

Can you honestly say, right now, that you are doing the WORK you need to be doing to, y’know, make the money you want to be making?

And do you even know what that work is, for you?

Let’s cut to the chase:

I specialise in helping incredible women just like you get into MEGA fast action in an aligned and confident way. Essentially what I do?

I kick your butt AND your head back into the game, so you:

  • Know what REALLY matters to you
  • And what you truly want
  • Are once again clear on your BIG picture vision for your business
  • And your life
  • Stop playing small and admit what you REALLY want (it all!) and when you really want it (now!)

Look, reality: you CAN have it all, you can have it on your terms, and you can have it now, but honey if you want it then YOU have to go out there and take it.

Ain’t nobody else gonna do it for you, you know?

And here’s what it comes down to:

Just because you were born to make millions, change the world, be a leader and start a damn REVOLUTION, does not mean you will.

Just because you HAVE a destiny doesn’t mean you’re living it now, and unless something changes – now – then when the hell are you GOING to?

I can help.

I know what it’s like –

To dream so damn bigger than big that your dreams scare you –

To feel like nobody GETS it –

To be at times appalled at your own arrogance about all that you want and all you believe you can have, but to mostly be CERTAIN that despite how ‘impossible’ it may seem you can, and you will, make it happen.

I know what it’s like, also –

To fight and fight and push and push but to still not get anywhere –

To have money fears and money REALITIES that you just don’t know if you can face anymore.

And then to pick yourself up once more, go back into the fray, and do the fucking work anyway because you always have and you always WILL and you BELIEVE –

You believe your dreams WILL come true.

On your terms.

And that when it happens?

Here’s What You Need:

I can help you reach INTO your soul and pull out complete clarity around who you are, who you were born to be, who you long to be, and then how to GET there.

Get you doing the REAL work – fast.

And show you how to CHOOSE faith, CHOOSE self-belief, CHOOSE confident certainty that you CAN, and you WILL, and then you DO.

When you get your butt into alignment –

And you get your ass kicked into ACTION –

And then you follow through because you’re finally out of your own WAY –

Well the sky’s the BEGINNING sister!

I’ve literally seen my clients go from broke and broken to ROCKING a business of freedom and choice ON THEIR TERMS in a matter of weeks.

I’ve seen people make money where previously they made none.

Make a difference where previously they couldn’t seem to get ANYTHING out there.

Launch their true work onto the world and create AUTOMATED cash flow.

And most of all unleash the power of WHO THEY TRULY are onto the world, where they KNOW they are pressing play and being the women they were MEANT to be and that it’s all … just … working.

THIS is what alignment feels like.

And this is what happens, when you let me kick your ass INTO alignment, into flow, into purpose, into action and into DOING THE FREAKING WORK.

Get Katrina Ruth Programs – The Alignment & Asskickery Toolkit download right now!

So here is how this works:

I want to offer you something very special, something very personal, something that has truly transformed MY business and life from the inside out.

Here is what it’s about –

The Alignment & Asskickery Toolkit

We’re going to:

  • Get Your Head Back in the Game
  • Get Clear on Who You’re Born to Be
  • Start Making Money NOW (the way you WANT to)
  • And Begin Your Revolution, Today

This is for the INCREDIBLE and incredibly DRIVEN woman entrepreneur who knows she was born for SO much more, more even than the normal path to success or wealth.

  • You truly believe you have a calling and BIG work to do, and now you want to stop fucking around and get to work DOING it. We’re going to make that happen for you. We’re going to tap INTO your calling and create a clear picture of what it is, how it looks, and how you can action it NOW.
  • You know you’re going to make a TON of money, that’s a given! But you’d kinda like to see that start, um, now! Which we’ll do! We’re going to carve out a plan of EPIC awesomeness, one that is simple, fluid, flows out of you and that you’re excited to action and know that you CAN and WILL.
  • But more than the money, you know you were born to make an incredible DIFFERENCE, and so that’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to unleash you, the brand. You, the leader. You, the REVOLUTIONARY. This happens when you get aligned. And it sure as hell happens when I kick your butt to show you how you can ALREADY make it happen!
  • We’re going to release your TRUTH into the world, in an unstoppable way that you thought was still so far into the future, but baby the future is NOW and you can NOW build your TRUE tribe of awesome. So let’s DO that!
  • And we’re going to get you feeling so damn certain, so damn empowered, so damn energised and ready to ROAR as you step into the business and life you were born for, every DAY.

So how will we do that?

I think you’re going to luuuurve this …!

You’ll receive:

  • TWO Alignment & Asskickery training smackdowns from me. That’s 2 audio trainings in layman’s terms

1) I’ll take you through a simple process to know what alignment is for YOU. How it feels, how it looks, and how to RECOGNISE your true soul’s purpose and step into it. This is powerful beyond what you can possibly imagine. We all have a calling beautiful. Now? It’s time to live into it.

2) I’ll give you the asskicking I give myself every day. Namely, I’ll show you exactly what specific actions you need to be aware of and taking in the day to day of your business AND your life, if you’re going to actually DO what you say you’re going to do. I’ll show you how to make it easy, and even fun.

  • THREE Alignment & Asskickery video messages, covering the following areas:

1) Mapping out YOUR dream business: how to find the biz model that works for YOU, a step-by-step guide

2) Living into your Perfect Day now: how a simple twist in the way you approach reaching your dreams can have you bringing them to life NOW

3) The Mindset of AWESOME: I’ll teach you the process I use DAILY in order to get my head in the game and my butt into UBER-drive action!

How it Works

The content will be drip-fed to you over a 2-week period. We want to do this work FAST beautiful!

Plus you’ll receive TWO incredible bonuses from me with the Alignment & Asskickery Toolkit!

1) The Mindset Shift Meditation: listen to this anytime you just flat out can NOT get your head in the game, don’t know how and don’t even wanna but know you really DO want to! This simple short audio will kick your butt into go FAST, and it’s essential to keep on your phone or playlist. We all have those days!

2) Beautifully designed PDF ebook “How to Journal and Make Sh*t Happen”, in which I teach you how to use journalling to design and create the business and life of your dreams, as well as share with you over 30 incredible journaling exercises you can start using today!

Here is everything you get with this purchase! I think it’s pretty exciting! I’ll give you the asskicking I give myself every day. Namely, I’ll show you exactly what specific actions you need to be aware of and taking in the day to day of your business AND your life, if you’re going to actually DO what you say you’re going to do. I’ll show you how to make it easy, and even fun.

  • THREE Alignment & Asskickery video messages, covering the following areas:

1) Mapping out YOUR dream business: how to find the biz model that works for YOU, a step-by-step guide

2) Living into your Perfect Day now: how a simple twist in the way you approach reaching your dreams can have you bringing them to life NOW

3) The Mindset of AWESOME: I’ll teach you the process I use DAILY in order to get my head in the game and my butt into UBER-drive action!

How it Works

The content will be drip-fed to you over a 2-week period. We want to do this work FAST beautiful!

Plus you’ll receive TWO incredible bonuses from me with the Alignment & Asskickery Toolkit!

1) The Mindset Shift Meditation: listen to this anytime you just flat out can NOT get your head in the game, don’t know how and don’t even wanna but know you really DO want to! This simple short audio will kick your butt into go FAST, and it’s essential to keep on your phone or playlist. We all have those days!

2) Beautifully designed PDF ebook “How to Journal and Make Sh*t Happen”, in which I teach you how to use journalling to design and create the business and life of your dreams, as well as share with you over 30 incredible journaling exercises you can start using today!

Ready to join? SWEET! I can’t wait to do this with you!

Here’s what you’ll get in Katrina Ruth Programs – The Alignment & Asskickery Toolkit

Katrina Ruth Programs - The Alignment & Asskickery

Get Katrina Ruth Programs – The Alignment & Asskickery Toolkit

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– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!