Kathleen Zamperini – Food and Mood: A Therapist’s Guide to The Role of Nutrition in Mental Health
Kathleen Zamperini – Food and Mood: A Therapist’s Guide to The Role of Nutrition in Mental Health
- Faculty:
- Kathleen Zamperini
- Duration:
- 5 Hours 57 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Aug 28, 2020
Diet is an often-ignored aspect of the prevention of poor mental health and the promotion of good emotional health. The causes of behavioral health problems are complex, and nutrition is a valuable yet often missing piece of the puzzle to help clients improve their emotional state.
Imagine if you could feel more confident talking with clients about nutrition from a therapist’s point of view, and do so while adhering to our ethical code.
Kathleen Zamperini, LPC, NCC, NCGC-1, CMHIMP, brings a unique perspective as a licensed professional counselor with a degree in nutrition and certification with the Mental Health Integrative Medical Institute. She uses the language of a therapist to explain key concepts of integrating a cognitive behavioral approach with nutritional strategies to improve treatment outcomes.
Discover the clinical applications to transform the way your clients view food and revolutionize your clinical toolbox to ethically educate clients about nutrition and how they can make lasting changes.
Manual – Food and Mood (2.1 MB) | 60 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) Certificate Instructions |
How Food Affects Mood
- Assess nutritional factors contributing to mental health conditions
- 5 substances that affect mood
- 7 practical interventions to improve mood
- Research on nutrition’s impact on mental health
- Case study – 24-year-old female – depression and anxiety
Practice Healthy Eating – Vitamins, Minerals, and Antioxidants
- B Vitamins for emotional health
- Benefits of magnesium and common symptoms of magnesium deficiency
- Antioxidants for emotional support
- Recommendations within your scope of practice
- Nutrients
- Symptoms of deficiency
- Best food sources
The Connection Between Stimulants, Anxiety, and Sleep
- The truth about sugar, stimulants, and processed food
- History of processed food and what’s gone wrong
- Link between sugar and depression
- The S.A.D. diet and diseases of affluence
- Case study: the wife who loved coffee
The Skinny on Fat
- Emotions and biochemical activity within the brain
- Mediterranean food pyramid
- Inflammation and mood disorders
- Omega 3 fatty acids and good fat
- Key nutrients to transform emotional health
Nutritional Imbalances that Contribute to Depression
- Lack of essential fats and vitamins
- Blood sugar imbalances associated with excessive sugar and stimulant intake
- Neurotransmitters and their effects when they are lacking in our system
- Tune up your brain and neurotransmitters
Your DNA is not Your Destiny
- The role of epigenetics
- Are diseases of the brain preventable?
- CBT techniques to help clients change their thoughts and behavior toward food and eating
- Clinical benefits of deep breathing
- Incorporate wellness activities into treatment plans
Explore the Gut-Brain Link and Its Impact on Mental Health
- Understand gut microbiome and dysbiosis from a therapist’s perspective
- Learn how proper digestion supports optimum mental health
- The relationship between digestion and stress
- Steps for proper digestion
Ethical Considerations and Understanding Your Role as a Therapist
- Education and awareness for clients – the basic food assessment you can use
- Practical strategies to help clients eat healthy on a budget
- How to apply techniques ethically and responsibly
- When to refer to a medical practitioner
- The risks and limitations of research studies
- Resources for clients
Kathleen Zamperini, LPC, NCGC-1, CMHIMP Related seminars and products: 2
Kathleen D. Zamperini, LPC, NCC, NCGC-1, CMHIMP has a master’s degree in counseling psychology and a master’s degree in education with secondary guidance certification. She is a licensed professional counselor and is a Nationally Certified Gambling Counselor. Kathleen received a degree in holistic nutrition from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and is a Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider. She has a passion for helping clients understand the role of nutrition in mental health. She has 30 years of counseling experience working with persons dealing with depression and anxiety, and is the director of counseling for a large social service agency, Catholic Charities, in Pittsburgh, PA. she has published articles in the National Gambling Association Newsletter on the role of nutrition in treating gambling addictions, and presented numerous presentations on this topic, including a statewide conference.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Kathleen Zamperini is the director of counseling for Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Pittsburgh. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Kathleen Zamperini is a member of the National Board for Certified Counselors.
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