Kathleen Kovarik – Practical Ethics: Addressing the Real-Life Challenges Confronting Healthcare Professionals
Kathleen Kovarik – Practical Ethics: Addressing the Real-Life Challenges Confronting Healthcare Professionals
- Faculty:
- Kathleen Kovarik
- Duration:
- Full Day
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Jan 27, 2016
- Ethics committees can help with the thorny dilemmas
- Help patients & families as you develop new skills to take on ethical challenges
- Apply a variety of ethical decision-making tools – take home’s to build your toolkit!
- Explore legal outcomes in current cases & classic ethical cases
- How would you respond to the MOST challenging workplace-related ethical issues?
- Updates on ethical dilemmas arising from technological advances
Would you like to feel more comfortable when faced with ethical dilemmas in clinical situations, in your workplace, and in your everyday life? Would you like to help patients and families navigate the difficult seas of ethical decision-making with greater ease, or to make better decisions on workplace-related ethical issues that you personally encounter? This workshop will equip you with an Ethical Toolkit to use, whether guiding a patient/family in decisions about Advance Directives or making that heart-wrenching decision to discontinue mechanical ventilation for a loved one, or ensuring that your work environment upholds the highest ethical standards.
Past attendees have found learning from Kathleen Kovarik, PhD, RN, on these often challenging topics to be interesting, fun and engaging. Ride the wave of Kathleen’s passion for ethics, and enjoy the multi-faceted, interactive environment she creates that results in high-level learning. She will guide you deeper into understanding ethical decision-making and its practical application to the complex health-care situations that you face on a regular basis.
Webcast Manual (17.80 MB) | 55 Pages | Available after Purchase |
What are Your Values?
- Exploration of Foundational Beliefs/Values
- Values Exercise
- Sharpening Critical Thinking Skills
Health-Care Ethics
- Human Medical Experimentation and Evolution of Ethics
- Key Cases and Codes
- Presidents Garfield and McKinley
- Tuskegee Syphilis Study
- Nuremburg Trials and Nuremburg Code
- Declaration of Helsinki
- The “God Committee” and Dialysis
- Recent Application of Ethical Decisions in the U.S.
Ethics Committees
- When is it Appropriate to Involve the Ethics Committee?
- Seeking Consultation: How To’s
- Understanding the Composition of Committees/Models
Ethical Foundations
- Ethical Viewpoints and Stances
- Deontology versus Teleology
- Objectivism versus Relativism
- Key Theories
- Kantian Ethics
- Natural Law
- Utilitarianism
- Rawlsian Ethics
- Ethic of Care
- Rights-Based Ethics
- Communitarian Ethics
Ethical Principles
- Autonomy
- Beneficence
- Non-maleficence
- Veracity
- Fidelity
- Justice
- Respect for Persons
Ethical Decision-Making: A Toolkit for Practice
- Framing Ethical Questions and Problems
- Decision-Making Formats and Tools
- The Four-Quadrant Approach
- Bennett-Woods Eight Step Model
The Most Controversial Cases
- Classic, Precedent-Setting Cases
- Current Ethical Dilemmas and Recent Cases
- Living Wills, Advance Directives, DNRs and ANDs
- Cases Involving Personhood Definitions
- Issues of Informed Consent
- What are some of the Most Complex Cases You’ve Encountered?
Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas: Decision-Making Team Practice
- A Dilemma of Limited Resources: Hurricane Katrina and Mercy Hospital
Exercising Ethical Leadership
- Ethical Leadership in the Workplace
- Keeping Current on Ethical Issues
- Ethical Dilemmas on the Horizon: Advancing Technology
- Recent Research: A Sampler
- Educational Opportunities in
- Health-Care Ethics
Kathleen Kovarik, PhD, RN Related seminars and products: 3
Kathleen Kovarik, PhD, RN, is an experienced clinician and educator with 17 years of teaching and lecturing in a variety of settings (schools of nursing, regional and national conferences, workshops and retreats). Her clinical experiences have taken her from a Level I Trauma Center Regional Burn Unit at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, to summers working home care for Visiting Nurses in Spokane, WA, to launching a Parish Nursing program in Missoula, MT. Currently, Kathleen calls the Black Hills of South Dakota her home, where she serves as an Ethics Committee member for Regional Health in Rapid City, is the director of Faces of Leadership (leadership training and consultation), teaches Applied Health-Care Ethics for Regis University in Denver, and team-teaches an Interdisciplinary Palliative Care Course as clinical faculty for the University of South Dakota’s medical school.
Dr. Kovarik has pursued her love of ethics and has taught ethics content for many years in her faculty positions with Washington State University and South Dakota State University. Her work in a Level I Trauma Center/Burn Unit and in home care/parish nursing gives her a broad- spectrum viewpoint and rich experiences to share. She developed expertise in pain management and end-of-life care, and was selected to serve on the Board of the Washington-Alaska State Cancer Pain Initiative and to do a fellowship with the University of Colorado in pediatric pain management.
Speaker Disclosure:
Financial: Kathleen Kovarik is the Executive Director for Faces of Leadership. She has an employment relationship with Regis University. Dr. Kovarik receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Nonfinancial: Kathleen Kovarik has no nonfinancial relationship to disclose.
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