Julien Klepatch – Web2 101

$31.00 $97.00 Sale

Web2 101 | EatTheBlocks Pro

Julien Klepatch – Web2 101

Course Curriculum

StartWelcome (0:48)
StartSupport & Resources
Learn the basics of web fundamentals
StartFull stack development learning path (6:58)
StartHow does the internet actually work? (7:14)
StartIntro to DNS – Domain Name System (2:30)
StartFundamentals of HTTP protocol (7:15)
StartHow does a website load? (5:20)
Learn Basics of HTML, CSS and Javascript
StartHTML Basics (1/2) (7:35)
StartHTML Basics (2/2) (9:13)
StartCSS Basics (1/2) (10:15)
StartCSS Basics (2/2) (9:38)
StartSetting up local environment for Javascript (6:26)
StartJavascript Basics (1/2) (9:43)
StartJavascript Basics (2/2) (10:54)
Advanced Javascript Concepts
StartFunctions (6:20)
StartArrays (3:39)
StartBreak v Continue v Return (3:54)
StartEquality Check (5:35)
StartObjects (7:24)
StartScoping (3:17)
StartArrow Functions (6:41)
StartEvent Listeners (3:20)
StartCallbacks (5:22)
StartPromises and Fetch (3:12)
StartAwait (3:29)
Learn NPM – Node Package Manager
StartNode.js Architecture (4:16)
StartWhat is Npm? (3:37)
StartHow to use Npm? (4:02)
StartNpm v Yarn (3:31)
StartHow does package.json work? (1:57)
StartLocal v global modules (6:54)
StartDependencies v devDependencies v peerDependencies (3:17)
Using Git and Github
StartIntro to Git (3:57)
StartGit actions: init, add, rm, status, commit (10:31)
StartGit ignore (3:39)
StartUndo last commit: Git revert and Git reset (5:15)
StartWorking with various branches and merging changes (6:28)
StartTake git online with Github (9:44)
Learn React – Beginner
StartIntro to React (1:29)
Startnpx create-react-app command (8:16)
StartHierarchy of components (8:27)
Build React projects – Beginner
StartCreate a simple React project (7:54)
StartStructure of a React app (8:27)
StartCreate a Todo List App – Add and Remove Todo functions (1/6) (9:23)
StartCreate a Todo List App – Add and Remove Todo renders (2/6) (11:13)
StartCreate a Todo List App – Edit Todo (3/6) (4:13)
StartCreate a Todo List App – useEffect and localStorage (4/6) (6:38)
StartCreate a Todo List App – Persist data upon page refresh (5/6) (2:45)
StartCreate a Todo List App – Prettify the user interface (6/6) (6:59)
StartDeploy React app to Github – Configure the app code (1/2) (10:08)
StartDeploy React app to Github – Configure Github Pages (2/2) (8:26)
Learn React – Intermediate
StartIntro to Routing (1/2) (6:12)
StartCreate multiple routes (2/2) (9:33)
StartContext (11:42)
StartFragments (4:12)
Build React projects – Intermediate
StartCreate a Space Flight API App – Starting with static data (1/3) (6:24)
StartCreate a Space Flight API App – Retrieve dynamic data from a remote API endpoint (2/3) (10:35)
StartCreate a Space Flight API App – Prettify the UI using CSS (3/3) (10:18)
StartIntro to IPFS – Interplanetary File System (4:37)
StartDeploy React app to IPFS – Configure the app code and Fleek.co settings (1/2) (6:47)
StartDeploy React app to IPFS – View your app hosted on IPFS (2/2) (6:55)
Build TikTok Clone using React
StartIntro to Tiktok Clone App (0:45)
StartCreate videos metadata file (8:28)
StartImplement play and pause (9:20)
StartPrettify the video on the page (11:01)
StartDisplay channel name, song and description on the footer (10:00)
StartPrettify the footer (9:12)
StartDisplay the number of likes, messages and shares on the sidebar (9:37)
StartIncrement and decrement the number of likes dynamically (1:13)
StartModifying the sidebar UI and some improvements you can make (2:37)

Sale Page : https://pro.eattheblocks.com/p/web-development-blockchain

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!