Julie M. Rosenzweig – Advanced Practical Clinical Skills for the Trauma-Informed Therapist

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Julie M. Rosenzweig – Advanced Practical Clinical Skills for the Trauma-Informed Therapist

Julie M. Rosenzweig
5 Hours 53 Minutes
Audio and Video
Mar 21, 2017


You can help meet the demand for mental health professionals with expertise in providing trauma therapy

You’ve attended numerous “Trauma101” trainings – you know the basics. Now it’s time for the next level. Attend this seminar to both learn (and hone) the advanced clinical skills you need to move your clients toward sustained emotional safety and regulation. Learn practical skills to increase distress tolerance, deactivate memory triggers, and reduce fight, flight or freeze reactions in your clients.

Isn’t it time for you to stop feeling stuck, wondering what to do differently, and worrying that your clients are discouraged and sensing change is hopeless?

Think about your most challenging case–write down why it is so difficult and bring it with you. If the issue is case conceptualization, an inadequate therapeutic alliance, traumatic transference, or an incoherent client narrative of the trauma, then this recording will give you new ways of thinking and acting therapeutically.

Highlights of the training include:

  • Key neuropsychological principles of trauma therapy
  • Become better able to identify and understand therapeutic impasses and Learn new techniques to get unstuck
  • Know when the client is ready for processing traumatic memories
  • Learn how to slow down and track moment-to-moment with your clients

The need for clinicians with expertise in treating trauma has never been greater. Trauma treatment is evolving constantly. By attending this seminar you’ll be taking a step toward current, deeper knowledge, proficiency, and effectiveness as the clinician you have always aspired to be.


Manual (3.58 MB) 28 Pages Available after Purchase


Creating a Trauma Therapy Framework

  • Neuropsychological principles
  • Attachment and regulatory concepts
  • Identify your vulnerability hot spots
  • Setting your clinical intention

The Therapeutic Alliance

  • Listening for adaptive attachment narratives
  • Use of self and the intersubjective experience
  • Interrupting client’s sense of aloneness through using ‘we’ language

Establishing and Sustaining Emotional Safety

  • Strengthen the client’s internal resources
  • Provide practical neurobiology info to clients
  • See, hear, and acknowledge therapeutic ruptures
  • Steps in healing ruptures, including the art of apology

Recognizing Therapeutic Impasses and Getting Unstuck

  • It’s not about client resistance
  • Opportunities in impasses
  • Being fully present
  • Pause, pacing and moment-to-moment tracking

Traumatic Transference

  • Vicarious traumatization prevention and intervention
  • Compassion fatigue buffers
  • Self-care: before, during and after

Neuroscience-Informed Trauma Treatment Strategies

  • Memory processing & reconsolidation
  • Choosing bottom-up versus top-down processing
  • Paying attention to the body
  • Moving through emotional activation

Building Narrative Coherence & Restoring Resilience

  • Identifying survival-based sources of courage, creativity & innovation
  • Re-vising meanings in trauma stories
  • Reflective functioning (mentalizing)
  • Techniques and tips from narrative therapy

Additional Considerations

  • Sex & gender
  • Couples and trauma-informed approaches
  • When to seek consultation


Julie M. Rosenzweig, Ph.D., LCSW Related seminars and products: 1

Julie M. Rosenzweig, Ph.D., L.C.S.W., is an unabashed neuro-geek who is frequently heard in workshops translating neuroscience into personal and professional applications. With humor and passion, Dr. Julie happily shares her knowledge about the brain, on topics such as toxic stress effects, attachment disruptions, trauma-informed care, vicarious traumatization, clinical supervision, and technology stress. Dr. Julie has been involved in the trauma field as a therapist, consultant, and author for over 30 years, including service as a mental health worker with the Red Cross in New York shortly after 9/11. Her clinical practice includes individuals, couples and consultation groups. An experienced educator and researcher, she is a Professor Emerita at Portland State University and author of numerous journal articles, including The Neurobiology of Toxic Stress: Implications for Social Work, a chapter in the Social Workers Desk Reference (2015).

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Julie Rosenzweig is in private practice. Dr. Rosenzweig is professor emerita at Portland State University. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

Nonfinancial: Julie Rosenzweig is a member of the National Association of Social Workers; and International Association of Trauma Professionals.

Salepage: https://catalog.pesi.com//item/advanced-practical-clinical-skills-traumainformed-therapist-19985
Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/cmtnc

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