John S.Bartlett – Scalping the Forex


John S.Bartlett - Scalping the Forex

John S.Bartlett – Scalping the Forex

For John S.Bartlett – Scalping the Forex

Discover how to make consistent gains from trading World Currency Markets, even when markets are going down.

By John S Bartlett, Trader & Instructor.

Brand New for 2008/2009 – Scalping the Forex – On this 3 CD set, which was recorded during the worst financial crisis in most peoples living memory, I show how despite any situation you could expect to aim at a return of 15% per week. Not only is this a realistic target for you (dependent on your bank), it is totally under your control and fully achievable.

There are no gimmicks, magic formulas, secret equations, Fibonacci, Gann, Elliott waves, specialised indicators; Scalping is a skill which I teach you step by step in 12 different sections lasting nearly six hours. You will see me teaching a “live” class in one section, in another I lay down strict trading rules, I teach you the mindset and how you get into the “Zone”

I show you a live presentation section in which I demonstrate trading on a few days per week make some winning and some losing trades and make a return in excess of 15% per week from a from a demonstration bank of £10,000 , and the actual time in the trades was less than one hour. The max risk on any one trade is limited to 5% of capital. You are shown the importance of financial record keeping and analysing your trading. You are taught the importance of targets and running you’re trading like a business

Discipline is the key – If you do not possess an ability to learn strict rules and disciplines – then you will find it hard to progress in trading – however this course is hard hitting, truthful, and takes you step by step into the world of making quick tax free profits. Together with 100% support from one of the UK’s leading Trainers.

The Course contains instruction on how YOU can become in charge, and be in complete control of very trade you place – many beginner traders never achieve this (nor many who have been trading for some time)

There is a lot about training your brain getting you to think and act “outside” normal thought processes, the success of trading relies on traders being in the ‘zone’ and in tune with the market – we cover this extensively – although charts are a large part in supplying information in making trading decisions – it is the strict mental approach and disciplines which will inevitably determine your success.

This is no ‘holy grail’ – however if you are determined to succeed in trading without spending hours and hours in front of a computer screen then ‘Scalping’ may well fit into your lifestyle

One of the attractions of this course is that you can practice this technique without risking a single pound – until you determine this style of trading is for you – and if you find it is – then you are on to a consistent winner – Record keeping & analysing are KEY ELEMENTS. We include the Trading Analyser FREE with this course.

“Scalping the Forex” – A business in a box……Life Changing.

John S.Bartlett, Scalping the Forex, Download Scalping the Forex, Free Scalping the Forex, Scalping the Forex Torrent, Scalping the Forex Review, Scalping the Forex Groupbuy.


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