John Overdurf & Julie Silverthorn – NLP Master Practitioner Training

$52.00 $275.00 Sale

John Overdurf & Julie Silverthorn – NLP Master Practitioner Training

Full-length Practitioner Training recorded live ‘Down Under”. Professionally edited and mastered. Includes the latest information in Neuro-Linguistic Programming with Alignment Therapy™.

This is a full length NLP Practitioner Training on MP3 format.
The NLP Practitioner Intensive is for the busy professional who wants the newest streamlined coaching practitioner training developed and taught by a recognized leader in the NLP and Coaching fields. If you are new to NLP or you are already an NLP Practitioner or Master Practitioner you’ll benefit from the strong emphasis on how to conversationally coach the unconscious mind.
The Practitioner course is designed for Developing People in coaching, training, teaching, counselling, consulting, therapy, instruction, management and leadership.

01 Introduction to NLP.mp3
02 NLP Defined.mp3
03 Linguistics Discussion.mp3
04 Intelligence and Potential.mp3
05 Conscious and Unconscious Defined.mp3
06 Conscious and Unconscious Defined (continued).mp3
07 NLP Communication Model.mp3
08 Loops and Trance Induction.mp3
09 Sensory Acuity.mp3
10 Sensory Acuity (continued).mp3
11 Visual Acuity Demonstration.mp3
12 Like – Like Less Demonstration.mp3
13 Like – Like Less Exercise.mp3
14 Visual Acuity Exercise.mp3
15 NLP Presuppositions.mp3
16 Creating Excellence.mp3
17 Eye Acessing.mp3
18 Eye Accessing (continued).mp3
19 Lead System.mp3
20 Trans-Derivational Search.mp3
21 Eye Accessing Demonstration.mp3
22 Synesthesia Defined.mp3
23 Eye Accessing Discussion.mp3
24 Auditory Acuity.mp3
25 Auditory Acuity Demonstration.mp3
26 Auditory Acuity Exercise.mp3
27 Introduction to Rapport.mp3
28 Introduction to Rapport (continued).mp3
29 Pacing and Leading.mp3
30 Inductive – Deductive Teaching.mp3
31 Open Loops with Lindy.mp3
32 Rapport in Depth.mp3
33 Rapport in Depth (continued).mp3
34 Breaking Rapport.mp3
35 Rapport Exercise.mp3
36 Pacing and Leading Exercise.mp3
37 Pacing and Leading Trance.mp3
38 Closing Loops with Lindy.mp3
39 Unconscious Rapport using Representational Systems.mp3
40 Predicates.mp3
41 Predicate Exercise.mp3
42 Predicate Discussion.mp3
43 Matching _ Mismatching Predicates Exercise.mp3
44 Congruency.mp3
45 Representational Systems Characteristics P. 11.mp3
46 Detecting Representational Systems Through Physiology And.mp3
47 Overlap Exercise.mp3
48 Translation Exercise.mp3
49 Hypnotic Language.mp3
50 Linguistic Presuppositions.mp3
51 Presuppositions And Mindreads.mp3
52 Presuppositins and Mind Reads Discussion.mp3
53 Milton Model.mp3
54 Milton Model (continued).mp3
55 Milton Model Trance Induction Part 1.mp3
56 Milton Model Exercise Part 1.mp3
57 Milton Model Trance Induction Part 2.mp3
58 Milton Model Exercise Part 2.mp3
59 Milton Model Induction and Exercise Part 3.mp3
60 Hypnotic Circle Exercise.mp3
61 The Learning State.mp3
62 Meta Model Big Picture.mp3
63 Meta Model Big Picture (continued).mp3
64 Meta Model p. 29.mp3
65 Key Words for Meta Model.mp3
66 Meta Model Discussion (continued).mp3
67 Outcomes.mp3
68 Outcome Questions p. 16.mp3
69 Outcome Exercise and Discussions.mp3
70 Outcome Exercise #2 and Discussion.mp3
71 Context Stimulus State and Behavior.mp3
72 Outcome Questions Revised.mp3
73 Cartesian Coordinates.mp3
74 Discussion of Outcomes and Resource States.mp3
75 Anchoring Defined.mp3
76 Four Keys to Anchoring.mp3
77 Steps for Collapsing Anchors.mp3
78 Establishing a Kinesthetic Anchor p. 47.mp3
79 Anchoring Question and Answer.mp3
80 Strategies.mp3
81 Strategies Defined.mp3
82 Synesthesias.mp3
83 Eye Accessing Exercise to set-up Strategy Elicitation.mp3
84 One-Step Strategy Elicitation p. 35.1.mp3
85 Strategy Elicitation.mp3
86 TOTE Model.mp3
87 Car Buying Demonstration.mp3
88 TOTE Model (continued).mp3
89 Strategy Elicitation Demonstration.mp3
90 Strategy Elicitation Exercise.mp3
91 Review of Motivation Strategies p. 37-38.mp3
92 Structural Wellformedness Conditions for Strategies.mp3
93 Strategy Utilization.mp3
94 Spelling Strategies.mp3
95 Submodalities Trance Induction.mp3
96 Introduction to Submodalities.mp3
97 Drivers and Submodalities.mp3
98 Submodalities List p.18.mp3
99 Submodalities (continued).mp3
100 Contrastive Analysis.mp3
101 Map Across.mp3
102 Map Across Demonstration.mp3
103 Map Across Exercise.mp3
104 Belief Change.mp3
105 Belief Change Demonstration.mp3
106 Belief Change Demonstration (continued).mp3
107 Belief Change Exercise and Discussion.mp3
108 Review of Techniques.mp3
109 Swish.mp3
110 Swish Demonstration.mp3
111 Swish Exercise and Discussion.mp3
112 Chaining Anchors Set-Up.mp3
113 Chain Design.mp3
114 Chain Design Exercise and Discussion.mp3
115 Chaining Anchors Discussion.mp3
116 Closing Loops.mp3
117 Reframing.mp3
118 Context and Meaning Reframes.mp3
119 Context and Meaning Reframes and Examples.mp3
120 Reframing Exercise and Discussion.mp3
121 V-K Dissociation p. 52.mp3
122 Steps to V-K Dissociation p. 52.mp3
123 V-K Dissociation Demonstration and Discussion.mp3
124 Phobia Model p. 21.mp3
125 V-K Dissociation Exercise and Discussion.mp3
126 Ecology.mp3
127 Parts Integration.mp3
128 Six-Step Reframe Revised.mp3
129 Six-Step Reframe Revised with Demonstration and Discussi.mp3
130 Recovery Strategy.mp3
131 Visual Squash.mp3
132 Visual Squash Exercise and Discussion.mp3
133 NLP Model of Therapy p. 88.mp3
134 Changework Techniques and Tips When to Use Them.mp3
135 Closing Loops 2.mp3
136 Learning Ladder.mp3
137 Alignment Therapy.mp3
138 Steps for Alignment Therapy.mp3
139 Big Picture Emotional Healing Outline.mp3
140 Alignment Therapy Demonstration and Discussion.mp3
141 Alignment Therapy Demonstration and Discussion (continue.mp3
142 Metaphor and Closing of the Training.mp3

NLP online course

So what is NLP?
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology;
Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions.
In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!

NLP is the study of excellent communication-both with yourself, and with others.
It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients.
NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that.
It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results


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– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!